Secret skill and sword

But ye Chen saw that in Xia Hou tie's eyes, the thick layer of fear and confusion was quickly and forcefully stripped away. In his dark eyes, sharp eyes were like a polished sword, emitting a palpitating fierce light.

"Then... Come on!"

Xia houtie looks directly at Jia Jiansheng. He yells in a low voice. His bloody hand ax trembles slightly. It seems that it's because of excitement, and it seems that it's because of excessive excitement.

"The legendary swordsman of Baifeng, hehe, why not die?" Xiahou iron said in a trembling voice, "people will eventually die. If they die on the road of pursuing their dreams, I, Xiahou iron, will die without regret!"

As soon as Xia Hou tie's voice fell, he gave a loud drink and pushed his right foot on the ground. His whole body leaped up like a roc spreading its wings. The bloody hand axe in his hand was like a burning weapon. In the roar, Xia Hou tie slashed Jia Jiansheng's head from the air more than three meters high.

Feeling the attack of Xiahou iron, ye Chen's face turns pale. If he is faced with such a crazy Xiahou iron, I'm afraid he can't bear the attack.

Xia houtie's action seems to be unhappy, but in Ye Chen's eyes, it is like a hurricane. His body shakes, and he has rushed to Jia Jiansheng.

Jia Jiansheng gave a faint smile. He didn't look at Xia houtie's axe. The sword in his hand waved gently. His arm just shook a little. The sharp sword hit Xia houtie's abdomen again.

"What?" Xiahou Tie looked incredible as like as two peas in the hand of Jia Jiansheng. He saw that the long sword of snow carving, which was carved with ancient words, was once again inserted into his belly. And it was the same as the last one that had stabbed himself in the lower position.

Before he could react, there was a sharp pain in the wound. Jia Jiansheng didn't know when to take the sword from Xia houtie's belly.

"So fast!" Subconsciously, he covered the wound with his hand. Xia houtie frowned slightly. The wound was extremely painful. He twitched the corner of his mouth and took a cool breath.

However, at the moment when everyone didn't respond, Jia Jiansheng's sword appeared in Xia houtie's wound again. The sword was like a strange snake, which skillfully and accurately finished the attack on Xia houtie. In Xia houtie's abdomen, the snow colored sword was lying in the wound that had been stabbed twice.


Xia houtie screamed in disbelief. He went to cover the palm of the wound. At this time, the distance from the lower abdomen is about ten centimeters, but Jia Jiansheng's long sword has penetrated the wound again.

"How could it be so fast?" Xia houtie's eyes widened. He stared at Jia Jiansheng and opened his mouth. He wanted to speak, but he couldn't

Jia Jiansheng didn't give him such a chance. Ye Chen and Xia houtie felt a sudden blossom in front of their eyes. They saw that Jia Jiansheng had drawn out his long sword and rammed it on Xia houtie's chest with its handle.

It seems to be an understatement of the ordinary strike, but Xia houtie's face changed greatly. It seems that Jia Jiansheng's strength has reached an irresistible level. He exclaimed, and his feet retreated repeatedly. After a few faltering, he barely stood firm.

"Sure enough... It's really extraordinary..." Xia Hou iron covered the wound, he gasped and coughed two times, said with a heavy tone, "however, since I choose to defeat you, then I will do my best."

Suddenly, the muscles of xiahoutie's whole body swelled up, his upper body clothes were easily torn, and between the muscles and bones, he hoarse his throat and roared, "secret technique - bear arm!" I saw his upper body expanded a circle, especially his two arms, just like the arms of a brown bear, majestic and thick.

With a low roar, Xia Hou rushed to Jia Jiansheng fiercely. He clenched his right hand and hit Jia Jiansheng fiercely in the face.

Jia Jiansheng looked at Xia houtie with great interest. He smacked his lips and said with a smile, "you are really a dragon soldier. If you are a dragon soldier, it's a great way to fight."


Xia houtie's fist hit the ground, and the heavy and fierce force mixed the steel and cement together,

A huge crack with a diameter of half a meter was blown out.

However, Jia Jiansheng, who was regarded as the target of attack by Xia houtie, did not know when he disappeared in the same place. He was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted quickly.

"Ha ha, sure enough, Jia Jiansheng, the legendary swordsman of the East Palace in the new world, is a man with the same speed as the wind. This kind of attack can't touch your clothes, right?" Xia Hou iron said with a wild smile.

Jia Jiansheng didn't know when he appeared in front of Xia houtie again. His arm swung and his long sword was inserted into Xia houtie again. This time, the angle and direction were still Xia houtie's belly.


However, this time Jia Jiansheng's attack did not achieve the expected effect. With a sound of metal knocking, Jia Jiansheng's sword was blocked in front of Xia houtie's abdomen.

It's not Xia houtie's hand axe that blocks Jia Jian's growth. It's not other messy things. It's Xia houtie's own skin.

Xia houtie is now covered with bronze, and an indescribable momentum is spinning back and forth on him. With a low roar, he fiercely flicks Jia Jiansheng's long sword open. With the momentum, he is a hand axe slash, and fiercely cleaves to Jia Jiansheng's forehead.

"Secret skill - King Kong!"

When the hand axe was less than five centimeters away from Jia Jiansheng's head, Jia Jiansheng hooked his lips and said with a smile, "interesting."

In the next moment, Jia Jiansheng disappeared in the same place again. Xia houtie's Hand Axe cut a blank. He frowned tightly and quickly made a defensive gesture. In front of Jia Jiansheng, in front of Jia Jiansheng's long sword, Xia houtie did not dare to relax. In other words, no one dared to relax.

"Is this the defensive move in the secret art of dragon soldier? One of my opponents used the same moves, but he died under my sword. Although he was named King Kong, his hardness was just like steel. " Jia Jiansheng's faint voice came from behind Xia houtie.

Xia houtie was surprised. He quickly turned around and faced Jia Jiansheng. In front of such a dangerous opponent, he didn't dare to give his back to him like this.

"The secret art of dragon soldiers?" Ye Chen is not far away. He witnessed the battle between Jia Jiansheng and Xia houtie. While Jia Jiansheng arrived at an incredible speed, he was also very interested in Xia houtie's Secret skills of dragon soldiers.

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