Are they exactly alike?

"Isn't that the iron cloth shirt and the golden bell cover?" Ye Chen murmurs. He looks at Xia Hou tie, and his eyes twinkle. If he has learned this secret skill of dragon soldier, isn't it a rare way to protect his life?

Ye Chen thinks like this. He can't help thinking about it. If Jia Jiansheng and Xia houtie finish their fight, he has to find a way to pry out the use of dragon soldier's secret skill from Xia houtie's mouth.

Looking at Xiahou iron's inflated arms and feeling the power that Xiahou iron just burst out from his arms, ye Chen can't help but get a twinge of eyes. He has not seen this skill of instantly improving his fighting ability.

For example, Xiong Han, who has fought with himself, has an amazing destructive power. If he didn't use his brain and win Xiong Han by fluke, it would be an unknown battle. After all, with such explosive power, it's hard for him to fight with him.

If I had Xia houtie's secret skill, the battle would be very easy. Let's say it's the secret skill of diamond like a golden bell covering iron cloth shirt. Even Jia Jiansheng's long sword stab can be blocked, not to mention Xiong Han's fist. If I master this secret skill, I'm afraid my fighting power will be more than doubled.

When ye Chen moves his mind to Xia Hou tie's secret skill, Xia Hou tie himself is also in shock.

"What? You said you killed the killer who mastered King Kong? " Xia Hou tie asked in disbelief.

"Why?" Jia Jiansheng light said, "in your eyes, as long as you master the King Kong, the world is invincible?"

Xia Hou Tiehuan calmed down, and finally sighed, "I don't mean that. Only S-level dragon soldiers in the organization can get access to the secret skills of dragon soldiers. As S-level members of the organization, they are elite killers crawling out of the dead. It may be easy to defeat them, but it's not so easy to kill them."

Jia Jiansheng chuckled, "maybe in your eyes, those S-class killers have strong escape ability, but their escape speed can't compare with my wind."

"The wind?" Xia Hou tie's eyes darkened for a moment, he shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "sure enough, I have to admit that the Donggong sword servant of the new world is really worth being feared. However, since I regard you as the one who must be defeated today, I will be sorry for the glory of being a man if I don't do my best!"

With a roar, Xia Hou's iron hand was holding a bloody hand axe. He came straight to Jia Jiansheng. On his arms, green tendons burst up, and his muscles were twisted like a bull. With a wave of the hand axe, he crossed the virtual shadow of Daodao and went straight to Jia Jiansheng's head.

Jia Jiansheng doesn't seem to take it seriously at all. He looks at Xiahou Tieyi contemptuously and waves his long sword indifferently. Xiahou Tieshi is sure to get an axe, which is easily taken by Jia Jiansheng.

The thin sword is like opaque snow colored glass, while Xiahou iron's hand axe is thick and sharp. The weapons of white and red are interwoven. The muscles on Xiahou iron's arms are bulging. He opens his mouth, gasps in his nostrils, and goes all out to press the hand axe.

Unfortunately, the thin sword was like a mountain, blocking the way of Xia Hou's iron hand axe. No matter how he roared, no matter whether he had exhausted all his strength or not.

"Damn, what's going on? Aren't you the only one who is fast enough? Why is it so powerful? " Xiahou iron side under the pressure of the hand axe, while hoarse roar.

Jia Jiansheng smiles slightly. The curve of his lips is like a willow leaf in the wind. He says in a low voice, "the so-called wind is not only the power that destroys everything like a hurricane, but also the essence of wind."

Jia Jiansheng's eyes flashed, and he said, "face the wind, boy." With Jia Jiansheng's stop drinking, countless sword lights are like white silk threads all over the sky. In an instant, they wrap Xiahou iron from all angles and directions.

Xia houtie only felt a kind of bone chilling, which immediately eroded his heart. From his birth to now, he has never been so close to death. He even has a feeling that he feels that he is dead now, which is just a memory after death.


In the crisis of life and death, Xia houtie can no longer care so much, he roared, his hands around his head, as far as possible to tighten the body, protect his own key, and yelled, "secret - King Kong!"

This time, he used Vajra's secret skill harder than the last time. His muscles were tight, and the bronze halo covered his whole body. Like Huang zhongdalu, he seemed to be wrapped in a layer of brass, which seemed indestructible. No attack could hurt him.

However, it's a pity that this seemingly unbreakable defense skill is as thin as white paper under Jia Jiansheng's serious sword.

"Chi Chi Chi"

The sound of the sharp weapon breaking the flesh and blood rings out one after another. Jia Jiansheng's sword blows blood. In a moment, he seems to have ten swords, one hundred swords, one thousand swords.

No one can estimate how many times Jia Jian had a sword. Xia houtie was covered with blood and scarred.

"Dead?" Ye Chen's eyes widened. After Xia houtie used the secret arts, his whole strength increased by a terrible number. But under Jia Jiansheng's sword, all this seemed to be in vain. No matter you use the secret arts or not, you can't escape the fate of defeat.

Jia Jiansheng turned his back to Xiahou iron and gently took the long sword back to the scabbard in his left hand. He turned his head lightly, glanced at Xiahou iron and said, "I'll save your life this time, not because I don't want to kill you, but because... We are all the same."

"What?" With hoarse throat, Xia houtie kneels down on the ground. He is covered with blood. Although he is scarred and full of wounds, Jia Jiansheng's sword is very decent. The skin is only one centimeter. It's as if he left Xia houtie alive. He opens his eyes difficultly. Xia houtie looks at Jia Jiansheng's back, as if he is looking at a towering Mount Tai.

This kind of power, which he pursued all his life, still didn't touch the corner of Jia Jiansheng's clothes. Even if he went all out, even if he fought crazily, in the end, he could only look up at Jia Jiansheng's back.

A strong sense of humiliation and unwillingness permeated his heart. He looked at Jia Jiansheng with his blurred eyes. He roared hysterically, "what do you mean? Are we the same? "

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