I'm looking for death

Jia Jiansheng's steps stopped. He didn't look back. He said with a faint smile, "are we different?"

Jia Jiansheng's every sentence seems to contain profound meaning. A few words, when heard, seem to have a deeper meaning far beyond the literal meaning.

Xia houtie is stunned. His pupils shrink slightly. Then he opens his mouth and wants to say something, but he doesn't know how to say it. He looks for an eye and finally falls on the ground because of the weakness caused by excessive blood loss.

Ye Chen witnessed the beginning and the end of the battle with his own eyes. The duel between the two strong men gave him a lot of emotion. He sighed softly, "the same? dissimilarity? Ha ha. "

"What are you laughing at?" Jia Jiansheng turned and asked, "can you give me the answer to this question?"

Hearing Jia Jiansheng throw this problem to himself, ye Chen thinks about it and says, "the difference is strength, the same is heart."

Jia Jiansheng's eyes were shining. He turned around and looked directly at Ye Chen's eyes. He asked, "what's the heart?"

Ye Chen and Jia Jiansheng look at each other, and he answers without thinking, "the heart of winning, the heart of unyielding, the heart of longing to become stronger, the heart of never shrinking, the heart of never giving up, in the final analysis, is just the heart of a strong man."

"Ha ha ha ha." Jia Jiansheng was slightly stunned at first. Then he raised his hand and pushed his glasses with a wild smile. He nodded and said, "it's not bad, the heart of a strong man. Whether you are a strong man or not, first of all, you should have a strong man's heart. Otherwise, even if you fight all over the world, you are still a weak soft egg."

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully. He took his eyes away from Jia Jiansheng and swept the battlefield. The abandoned building had worked hard enough. Under the repeated destruction, it could still stand. It was very reluctant.

If it goes on like that just now, I'm afraid the building should be scrapped. However, even if it's finished now, it won't take long for the building to collapse.

Ye Chen quickly walks to Song Yang. He gently flattens his body and checks his breathing. His eyebrows wrinkle. Although Song Yang is still breathing, his breathing is very irregular and weak.

Looking at Jia Jiansheng for help, ye Chen said, "master, aren't you a doctor? Can you show him? "

Although Ye Chen said that, he didn't really have a big idea of how high Jia Jiansheng's medical skills were. It was thanks to Song Yang that he knew Jia Jiansheng. When Song Yang was injured last time, Jia Jiansheng also treated him. Although Ye Chen was not present at that time, he could still hear his admiration for Jia Jiansheng's medical skills from Song Yang's mouth.

In a flash, Jia Jiansheng came to Ye Chen's side from ten meters away. He squatted down slightly, and Jia Jiansheng came back

Jiansheng randomly checked Song Yang's injury, then nodded as if nothing had happened and said, "don't worry, you can't die."

Hearing what Jia Jiansheng said, ye Chen can't help but feel relieved. If Song Yang dies, his conscience will be in trouble all his life.

Looking up at Jia Jiansheng, ye Chen said enviously, "master, I don't know when you can teach me this swordsmanship? And the speed of your blink, it's too fast to exaggerate. "

Jia Jiansheng has no good spirit of white Ye Chen one eye, he says casually, "wait until you enter the new world to say again."

"New world..." Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. There was a trace of yearning in his absent-minded eyes.

"Where to go?" Suddenly, ye Chen's ear rang Jia Jiansheng's light drink, he quickly turned to see, saw Jia Jiansheng picked up a stone, toward the distance in the dark air“ Bang

In the crackling sound, an iron gray UAV fell down. With a bang, it fell to the ground. The motor rang for a long time, but it couldn't fly.

Ye Chen gets angry when he looks at the drone. If it's not that the drone gets in the way, I'm afraid the weasel is killed by himself before he has time to use the secret skill. The drone, who is hiding in mid air and looking for a chance to sneak attack and hit the steel ball, has just given Ye Chen a hard time. Now the steel ball is still on Ye Chen's back.

With a cold hum, ye Chen walked along with the UAV. He laughed at the camera of the UAV and said coldly, "I don't know who you are, but as long as I can't die, those who want to kill me will die!"

Finish saying, ye Chen big foot Ya son ruthlessly stepped on, heavy a foot to the UAV stepped on smoke, and then ruthlessly several, stepped on a thin broken.

Hundreds of kilometers away in the safe room, sitting in front of the computer screen, Bai Ji's head is full of cold sweat. His fingers tremble slightly, and his head is blank.

The last picture on the computer screen is fixed on Ye Chen's big foot. He opens his mouth and says two words for half a day, "Tuan Mie?"

For the demon soldier organization, it is a very shameful behavior not to complete the task. As professional killers, most of them have been trained their professional ethics since childhood, and they have to take money to eliminate disasters for others. Although they were expelled from the dragon soldier organization, there is no big difference between their life in the demon soldier organization and before, except for more freedom.

Picking up a cigarette, Baiji lights it for himself and frowns. He slowly calms down. After swearing a few words in Thai, he opens a mailbox and writes an email on it.

He wrote in English: urgent news, the task of assassinating Ye Chen failed, S-level demon soldier Xia houtie's life and death is unknown, A-level demon soldier Miyamoto's life and death is unknown, and A-level demon soldier flying weasel died.

Then, he delivered the email to a foreign mailbox.

I don't know how long later, when Baiji was drawing out all the ashes, his email finally gave out a prompt tone.

He was so excited that he threw away half a cigarette he hadn't smoked. He picked up the mouse and opened the email.

The e-mail was also written in English: "three days later, you will join the new demon soldier, who will be your leader and take full charge of the handling of this incident."

"In addition, you will immediately submit the action video and text report, and confirm the life and death of xiahoutie and Miyamoto kawashi. If necessary, you can withdraw from the safe house and destroy all the valid documents."

Bai Ji's brow was wrinkled when he saw such a reply. He felt bitter in his heart. He only blamed that he didn't make it clear just now. Now the headquarters still wanted to send someone to take over the task. He was looking for death.

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