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You know, the opponent is Jia Jiansheng, the swordsman of Baifeng. He is a strong man from the new world. If he doesn't want to die, who dares to provoke him?

Thinking of this, Bai Ji quickly opens the e-mail editing window, and his fingers jump rapidly. He must report the situation. Otherwise, it is absolutely a very stupid decision to fight Jia Jiansheng rashly.

Time goes by in a hurry. In the twinkling of an eye, ye Chen is lying on the bed. He frowns and his eyes are closed tightly. Last night's battle in the abandoned building of No.3 wharf overdrawn a lot of his physical strength. At this moment, he is physically and mentally exhausted. Both physical and mental strength have reached the limit.

The mobile phone beside the pillow is buzzing and vibrating, the ring is ringing desperately, and the name of the caller, Lin Wan'er, is displayed on the lighted screen.

However, the overworked Ye Chen can't hear the sound of his mobile phone. He is lying in bed. In his dream, he is wandering all over the world and has long forgotten where he is.


The door made a slight noise. Outside the room, Li Jiaying, who was wearing a police uniform, stood outside the door in a daze. Her big eyes flickered. She looked at Ye Chen, her fingers entangled gently.

She hesitated for a long time, and finally crept in. She sat carefully by Ye Chen's bed, as if afraid of disturbing Ye Chen. She didn't dare to do anything else. She just looked at it like that. It seemed that she was satisfied.

It's Lin Wan'er's phone call. You're really a guy who doesn't lack people's care. Li Jiaying frowns. She suddenly raises her lips and smiles.

Gently raised her little hand, Li Jiaying couldn't help putting her finger on Ye Chen's forehead. She moved gently and gently, and didn't dare to use too much strength to slowly open Ye Chen's frown.

"Hee hee, I really want to know what dream you had. Did you dream that Altman beat the little monster? If that's the case, I'll play for you. " Li Jiaying murmured in a subtle tone.

In the past, she can always stare at the most fierce criminals with fierce eyes, but now, in front of sleeping Ye Chen, she is gentle like a child.

Recalling this scene after scene with Ye Chen, Li Jiaying's lips moved slightly, her eyes bent and she laughed sweetly.

"You don't have to fight a little monster. I'd better fight you, little idiot!" Ye Chen suddenly opened his eyes, his deep eyes

There was a trace of banter hidden in it. He raised his hand and caught Li Jiaying's little hand. The other hand scraped Li Jiaying's nose by the way.

Li Jiaying exclaimed. She blushed and threw away Ye Chen's palm. She stood up angrily and looked at Ye Chen angrily and said, "you villain!"

Ye Chen sat up from the bed. He spread out his hand and said innocently, "bad guy? What's wrong with me? It's you who attack me while I'm sleeping, OK

In the face of Ye Chen's rhetorical question, Li Jiaying shakes her head regardless. She says insolently, "I don't care about you. In a word, you are a villain."

"Ha ha." Ye Chen laughs heartily. He stares at Li Jiaying's blushing face and admits defeat and says, "OK, OK, I'm a villain, I'm a villain. Then officer Li will arrest me, shut me up in a small dark room, give me a house to live in, give me clothes to wear, and give me food to eat."

"You think so." Li Jiaying gives Ye Chen a white look, pretends to be fierce and says, "if I catch you, I'll lock you on the pole and find a hundred dogs to line up on you." As soon as the words came out, Li Jiaying blushed first. However, ye Chen didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it. Such rough words came out of Li Jiaying's mouth, but it had a unique and lovely beauty.

A long yawn, ye Chen happily stretched a stretch, his upper body is still wrapped in bandage, last night's battle, he is very happy

The injury was not minor.

However, I don't know if it's because of the abandoned pill that ye Chen's wound is recovering very quickly. After a night's rest, he can't feel the pain of the wound now. Although he hasn't taken off the bandage, ye Chen is sure that his wound has healed.

"How are you? Does the wound still hurt? " Li Jiaying's eyes fell on Ye Chen's bandage. She wrinkled her eyebrows. There was a trace of sadness and fear in her big black eyes. But she soon hid her eyes and asked as if nothing had happened.

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders, moved his arm and said, "it should be OK. I can't feel the pain now. Oh, yes, how's Song Yang? He hurt more than I did

Li Jiaying said, "he doesn't have any big problems. After all, it's Shifu who treats him. By the way, you don't know, Shifu. He's a top student in Tongji University. He used to be an excellent surgeon."

Ye Chen widens his eyes. Although Song Yang once said this to him, he never takes it seriously. After knowing Jia Jiansheng's real identity, he doesn't know that the words "top students of Tongji University" are associated with the strong people in the new world.

However, he did not expect that Li Jiaying should be so sure, and judging from Li Jiaying's performance, Jia Jiansheng's identity as a surgeon should not be false.

"That would be great." Ye Chen heaves a sigh of relief. Jia Jiansheng or other people, as long as they can guarantee that Song Yang is OK.

Li Jiaying thought about it. She opened her mouth and said to Ye Chen, "well, she asked me to tell you that the food in the hospital was not good. She wanted to go home and asked if you agreed."

When Li Jiaying said that, in fact, there is a little devil in her heart who desperately tells herself not to Tell ye Chen.

However, since Li Jiaying promised Yan Xiren that they would compete fairly, her self-esteem would never allow her to be opportunistic.

"If you want to go home, it's not impossible, but now in the hospital, the police are convenient to protect her. After all, Li Muchen hasn't been brought to justice for a day, so attacking people is not out of danger." Ye Chen frowned tightly, he thought, or nodded, "but since she wants to go back, let her go back, after all, I live with her, also can protect her."

In fact, ye Chen didn't notice that the meaning of Yan Xiren's words was to ask for ye Chen's consent. You should know that before this incident, she always had a horizontal nose and vertical eyes for ye Chen. How could she respect Ye Chen bit by bit?

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