
According to the regulations, after taking the task, we must complete it, and our goal is not the white wind swordsman, but ye Chen. "

After a pause, he continued, "we are killers. We don't want to fight with people openly in the ring. Since we are killers, it's reasonable to start from places invisible to our opponents."

The old man clapped his hands and said with a laugh, "that's of course. It's our basic etiquette for killers to kill their opponents by any means."

"Oh, one more thing." As soon as the old man patted his forehead, he suddenly said, "it's said that in Dongcheng City, a dragon soldier defector named jackal has recently emerged. What should we do with him?"

The young man said without hesitation, "the enemy of the Dragon soldiers is our friend. He can defecte from the Dragon soldiers' organization and never die until now, which shows his ability. If he can, he can be invited to join our organization."

After thinking about it, the old man said, "it's not very good. We used to only accept deportors, so the Dragon soldiers just turned a blind eye to us and didn't intend to care about anything with us. Now if we accept defectors, it will be different in the eyes of the Dragon soldiers."

"Oh." The young man grinned and said with a sneer, "the dragon soldier is just an old and almost decadent organization. No one knows the dirt and ugliness better than me. If we don't move the meat on its plate, in other words

In other words, if we don't touch the interests of the senior management of longbing, then we don't need to worry about retaliation or attack at all. "

"And..." the boy continued with a sneer, "the top management of longbing is not stupid. In terms of our current strength, if they want to fight with us, they will not suffer less than us. Instead of causing such a situation of losing both sides, it's better to manage their own affairs in a safe and stable way. Everyone's well does not break the river, and no one will suffer."

The old man still hesitated. However, he seemed to have great trust in the young man. Finally, he nodded and said, "well, I'll send someone to contact him now."

The boy said, "well, send three S-level teams to Dongcheng city. We can try to expand our popularity."

"Er... OK."

At the time when the demon soldier organization dispatched troops thousands of miles away, ye Chen has returned to the chef's office of Ye's fast food.

Wang Yi, dressed as a cook, stands beside him with a smile. On the sofa opposite Ye Chen, Lin Wan'er, wearing a white dress, looks at the magazine with a blank face.

Ye Chen dry smile twice, he said to Lin Wan'er awkwardly, "that... Wan'er, I really had something to deal with yesterday, that... I..."

After hesitating for a long time, ye Chen still didn't say why. Lin Wan'er snorted coldly and said angrily, "Ye Chen, your shelf is getting bigger and bigger now. Why? Do you remember your original intention? Busy, I don't understand. Aren't you the owner of this shop? I'm not busy working all day. What are you busy with? Are you busy out there? Are you too busy to answer a phone? "Ah?"

In the face of Lin Wan'er's interrogation, ye Chen can't help but step back. He opens his mouth and wants to defend himself, but he doesn't know how to open his mouth. Does he say that he went to fight with others last night and almost killed three people?

"Er..." Ye Chen opened his mouth, he said in vain, "I didn't go to flirt."

"Then what did you do?" Although Lin Wan'er also believes that ye Chen is not that kind of person, she is still very angry at Ye Chen's behavior of not answering her phone and disappearing in three days. She hums coldly and asks. Wang Yi is scared by the tension between Ye Chen and Lin Wan'er, but at this critical moment, how can he not rush out to support his old friend.

He shook his voice and said with a smile, "that... Miss Lin, Qiang Zi, he may go to the Internet bar to play games and fall asleep all night. There are activities in the game these two days, and there are big gift bags for landing. He may be dizzy."

Lin Wan'er frowned at Ye Chen and asked in a loud voice, "Ye Chen, do you think Wang Yi is right?"

Ye Chen takes out his ears. He nods with a bitter face. Wang Yi has paved the steps for himself. If he doesn't go down now, he can't stand the kindness of a good brother.

"Hum!" Lin Wan'er obviously didn't believe it. She glanced at Wang Yi, then fixed her eyes on Ye Chen. With a long sigh, she said sadly, "Oh, I know that you are now promising. Just a Ye's fast food is not enough to satisfy you. Your future success is limitless. You can make a lot of achievements whether you go to the imperial capital or the magic capital, But if you want to leave, just tell me. There's no need to hide every day. It's boring. "

Looking at Lin Wan'er's beautiful eyes flashed a trace of loss and loneliness, ye Chen has no reason is a needle like heartache, he quickly stepped forward, eager to say, "no, I have promised you, as long as I am in one day, Ye's fast food will not fall, then I promise you one thing, only I am in one day, I am the boss of Ye's fast food."

Ye Chen's assurance is not so flashy, but when she hears Lin Wan'er's simple words in her ears, they are powerful and reliable. With a slight hook on her lips, her irritability and annoyance disappear. She is startled. She hides her emotions and pretends to be fierce. She stares at Ye Chen.

"Since you have thought about it, I will continue to help you, but in the future, your mobile phone must be turned on 24 hours. When I want to find you, you must show up at any time. You are not allowed to spend the night outside, let alone make trouble outside." Lin Wan'er takes the opportunity to put forward her request. She looks at Ye Chen with a sneer and looks very angry.

However, even Wang Yi has captured her happiness ripples. Wang Yi can't help but turn his envious eyes on Ye Chen. When a beautiful woman with charming temperament says such a thing to you, even if it's the next second

If you die, you have to promise her.

"Damn, how so many beauties surround Ye Chen like flies, one by one, they rush to paste on Ye Chen's body. Ye Chen, ye Chen, you are not such a thing to collapse niangde. Anyway, you should keep one for your friends."

Wang Yi can see that he can't eat. His teeth are sore and his eyes itch. He resents in his heart, but he is not jealous. After all, his present position is given by Ye Chen. For him, if ye Chen can be happy, he will be happy for ye Chen.

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