
However, what everyone didn't expect is that ye Chen thought about it. He hesitated for a long time, and even replied in embarrassment, "sorry, this... I can't do it."

Lin Wan'er immediately widened her eyes. Her beautiful eyes slightly shook and she asked in a hurry, "why?"

Ye Chen was hurt by Lin Wan'er's eyes. He opened his mouth and finally failed to tell the truth. He sighed and said, "I can't tell you the reason now, but you have to believe me. I will tell you one day."

"Oh." Lin Wan'er's eyes darkened and she shook her head with a tired smile

Feeling Lin Wan'er's deep disappointment, ye Chen wants to say something, but he doesn't know how to open his mouth. He opens his mouth, and a thousand words just turn into a sigh.

"Well, get busy first." Lin Wan'er turns around and walks to the door. Just as her fingers touch the door lock, ye Chen can't help it. He yells, "wait a minute."

Lin Wan'er was shocked and stood still.

"I... i... I live in your house." Ye Chen made a great determination, and finally put this sentence out.

Lin Wan'er's eyes were shaking, but she didn't stay much. She just snorted and said angrily, "who is rare

You can come

Then Lin Wan'er opened the door and left. Just as she stepped out of the room, she said casually, "I remember to go home for dinner at night. I cook by myself."

"Ah?" Ye Chen is a Leng at first, then repeatedly nod a way, "Oh, well, I know."

Seeing off Lin Wan'er, ye Chen feels relieved. He suddenly regrets that he is now facing a major turning point in his life. How can he be distracted by this kind of thing before completing the nomination task.

However, since he has promised Lin Wan'er, ye Chen has no intention of going back on his words. After all, in Ye Chen's heart, what a man says will count.

Shaking his head, ye Chen sighed. Then he turned his eyes to Wang Yi and asked casually, "Qian Fanyu's grandson still owes me a million. Has he sent it?"

It's OK not to mention this, but Wang Yi was very excited when he mentioned it. He grinned and said, "Qiangzi, you don't know. People from Qian's restaurant sent money that day. Guess how? A million dollars in cash, all in one dollar coins. "

"Well?" Ye Chen brow tip a pick, he cold hum a say, "really childish behavior, I didn't expect Qian Fanyu would do such a stupid thing, meaningless."

"Maybe he just wanted to disgust us." Wang Yi said so.

Ye Chen nodded slightly. He thought about it and said to Wang Yi, "the money is still in the shop now. You can help me deposit it in the bank. I can use it."

Wang Yi laughingly took out a bank card from his pocket, threw it on the table in front of Ye Chen, and said triumphantly, "I knew you would say that for a long time. Nah, it's done. The password is your birthday."

"Hey, hey." Ye Chen grinned. He patted Wang Yi on the shoulder and said, "not bad. You are really a reliable assistant."

"Ha ha, although I don't have any other skills, I can still help you with what I can do." Wang Yi patted his chest and said.

Ye Chen nodded, he rubbed his chin, thought about it and said, "I really have a thing to trouble you to do." Wang Yi was stunned and said, "what's the matter?"

"I need a weapon." Ye Chen said seriously, "you need to help me find a weapon foundry expert. I heard that there is a place called Longquan in Lishui, Zhejiang Province. People there forge weapons for generations and master the best cold weapon manufacturing technology in China."

"Ah?" Wang Yi scratched his head, and his thoughts could not keep up with Ye Chen. With a pick on his brow, he asked, "what do you want weapons for?"

Ye Chen certainly won't say anything more to him in this respect, just waved and said with a straight face, "where do you come from so much nonsense? Just do it according to what I say. Remember, I want a painting halberd."

"What?" Wang Yi's eyes are almost staring out. He can't understand what kind of routine Ye Chen came from. As a cook, what do you do with a painting halberd?

However, since Ye Chen didn't want to talk about it and Wang Yi didn't ask much, he murmured: "this guy has played many games, and now he is a two-dimensional Internet addict. He fancies that he is Lu Bu in the Three Kingdoms?"??

Although Wang Yi kept on complaining, he didn't say it directly. He just agreed to it.

Ye Chen stretched his waist, there is a mutation of a product of Tuotai Dan in the body, ye Chen's recovery speed is very fast, he is now almost reached the peak state.

Although we don't know when the medicine will disappear, for the time being, ye Chen has become an immortal Xiaoqiang, who belongs to the kind of people who are very difficult to die.

After he handed over the weapon to Wang Yi, ye Chengang wanted to say something more, and his mobile phone rang.

Wrinkled frown, ye Chen see the call number is a string of strange numbers, should be before and his no intersection.

After thinking about it, ye Chen still answers the phone. He swipes the answer button and puts his mobile phone to his ear.

"Hello, who is it?"

At the same time when ye Chen answers the phone, Feng Tao, sitting on the sofa, says with a slow smile to the Bluetooth headset on his ear in the hall of Dongcheng longzu private club, "Mr. Ye, I've long wanted to see you."

"Feng Tao?" Ye's fast food office, ye Chen frown light Yi way.

"What? Are you surprised? " Feng Tao's voice was quiet and leisurely. He asked softly.

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "no, I don't think it's surprising. After all, this is Dongcheng city. What boss Feng wants to do is rarely impossible?"

Feng Tao said quietly, "maybe."

"Boss Feng called me at this point. He didn't want to invite me to dinner, did he?" Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a light in his eyes.

Feng Tao was slightly stunned at the other end of the phone, and then he laughed and said, "Mr. Ye is really a hero among people. I've made a friend of you. I'll see you at Jinlong winery at 8:30 tonight."

Ye Chen said with a faint smile, "since boss Feng is cordially invited, I Lao Wang said that I have to go to the show. I don't like seafood very much. When ordering, you call me and I want to order two dishes."

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