Buy a painting Halberd

"Brother, if you say that, you'll be surprised. What else do you call? I'll wait for you there. Let's order together." Feng Tao laughed.

"That feeling is good. Wait for me, I will be there." Ye Chen is echoing to laugh, but the ice in the Mou son cools now and then.

After ye Chen hung up, Wang Yi casually asked, "who is that?"

Ye Chen pinched his nose. He said faintly, "Feng Tao."

"Who?" Wang Yi's eyes widened. He screamed, "is it Feng Tao, the boss of Dongcheng District?"

Ye Chen nodded and said, "it's him. I heard that he has some skills. I didn't expect that he really has some city officials."

Wang Yi was almost stupid. He was stunned for a long time and asked in a trembling voice, "he invited you to dinner?"

"Well." Ye Chen didn't take it seriously and said casually, "he offered me to meet not once or twice. Normally, I should have met him last night, but because of some circumstances, I left it aside. But unexpectedly, he called me personally today, and he didn't mention yesterday's agreement. This guy is really not so simple."

Wang Yi white leaf Chen one eye, he didn't have good spirit of say, "you this isn't nonsense?"? What if it's a simple character

It's possible to climb on the heads of so many people? How can it be that I haven't been in for so long to pick up soap? "

He shrugged his shoulders in disapproval. To be honest, if it was half a month ago, or even a week ago, ye Chen would have thought that Feng Tao was a very difficult opponent. However, after contacting Jia Jiansheng and the strong men in the demon soldier organization, he really didn't pay attention to a so-called black boss now.

After all, in Ye Chen's eyes, Feng Tao is no longer a person in the same world as himself. What he is pursuing now is just like the mysterious power of the sea of stars. In the final analysis, Feng Tao is just a little gangster. No matter how good he is, he is still a little gangster.

If you can be as powerful as Jia Jiansheng, or even as powerful as Xia houtie who has used his secret skills, you can completely ignore the feelings of these people. At that time, the sea of people tactics composed of ordinary people will definitely not pose a threat to you. It is estimated that one or two hundred people will be hard to control him with the body of King Kong and the power of bear like Xia houtie.

However, this is what makes Ye Chen very curious. Song Yang doesn't care. How can Xia houtie or feimuster, such a powerful killer, work for money for these dregs? Is the ability honed by hard work just for two cents?

Or do these people have a purpose?

The more you think about it, the more likely Ye Chen feels. After all, in Ye Chen's opinion, people who are above 400 combat power are completely out of the category that money can buy. Whether it's their teacher Jia Jiansheng or Xia houtie who wants to kill themselves, they have all said their dream more than once, that is, to pursue stronger power and eternity

The opportunity of life.

How can a man with such a great ideal fight for a few cents?

Just when ye Chen was in deep meditation, Wang Yi raised his hand and patted Ye Chen on the shoulder. He looked at Ye Chen with a changed look and said in a trembling voice, "are you brothers with me, Qiangzi?"

Ye Chen scratched his head. He came back from his meditation and looked at Wang Yi with disgust on his face. He rolled his eyes and said, "what are you talking about? Why do you ask this question all of a sudden? "

Wang Yi swallowed the channel, "if we are brothers, you must tell me the truth."“ What's the truth? If you fart, let it go. Don't stammer Ye Chen has no good spirit of scold a way.

"To tell you the truth, did you buy Fang Tian Hua Ji to participate in the black and astringent meeting Wang Yi summoned up his courage. He grabbed Ye Chen's shoulder and asked in a loud voice, "you can't do this. Have you forgotten Xue Fulong? You can't learn from him! You... "

Ye Chen sneers. He opens the back of Wang Yi's hand, stares at him, and hums, "how can I be that kind of social person? I'm just a cook. "

Although Wang Yi was denied by Ye Chen, he still couldn't put down his mind and swallowed his saliva. He quickly asked, "what do you buy Fang Tian Hua Ji for?"

"Er..." Ye Chen actually bothers Wang Yi to ask questions. However, he knows that Wang Yi only asks for his own sake, so he scratched his head and said, "do you remember what I told you some time ago? It's about Dragon subduing Luohan boxing. "

Wang Yi nodded repeatedly. Last time in the special-shaped billiards hall, they were ambushed. If ye Chen hadn't been fierce enough to shock the scene, the consequences would not have ended casually. It can't be said that they had to be folded there. Just because of this, ye Chen's fist gave Wang Yi a great visual impact. The words of dragon subduing Luohan fist also impressed Wang Yi deeply.

"Haha, in fact, I've been learning martial arts since I was a child. My master is a monk who travels all over the world. His name is... Kill the demon. That guy, my master's name is Niu B. He has an iron head and an iron arm. His eyes are like a bell. He's two meters three in height and one meter two in width. He's not only proficient in 72 unique skills of Shaolin Temple, but also proficient in 18 kinds of weapons, especially one move of Fang Tian's painting halberd, It's called a heifer's handstand. It's Niu B's rush to the sky. I not only learned dragon subduing arhat boxing from Master Zhu Yao, but also mastered the use of Fang Tian's halberd, so... "

"..." Wang Yi's mouth was wide open. He blinked, but he didn't respond for a long time. After swallowing, he finally opened his mouth and said, "that master pig waist pig must be very strong, right?"

Ye Chen a Leng, way, "what?"

Wang Yi quickly waved his hand and said in a panic, "nothing, nothing. Do you buy Fangtian painting halberd just for exercise?"

"Ah, you can understand that." Ye Chen nods heavily. Although he doesn't want to cheat Wang Yi, he doesn't want to cheat Wang Yi now

Under such circumstances, he has no way to tell the actual situation. After all, unless he sees this kind of thing with his own eyes, ordinary people will not believe it. What's more, letting him know about the superhuman things will destroy his world outlook.

After taking a deep breath, ye Chen said earnestly, "like this kind of thing, my master told me to keep a low profile when I was young. Look at me, before we were in danger, did I publicize my martial arts skills everywhere? So, don't talk about these things everywhere. Do you understand? "

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