I'm tired of listening

"Well... All right." Wang Yi nodded. He just wanted to say something more, but ye Chen waved his hand and said, "come on, you go out to be busy. I have something else to deal with."

Unable to help but bombard Wang Yi, ye Chen turns on the computer on his desk. After pondering for a moment, he turns on the search engine of Baidu map, enters four words of Jinlong winery on it, and then presses the Enter key.

At 7:30 that evening, ye Chen finished watching CCTV news before he was ready to go out.

He stood up from the sofa, stretched a stretch, and looked at Lin Wan'er, who was also sitting on the sofa. He squinted and said with a smile, "Wan'er, I'm out."

Because she had discussed the matter with Lin Wan'er in advance, Lin Wan'er showed her understanding. After all, in Lin Wan'er's opinion, it's better for ye Chen to say something to herself before going out than to disappear without saying a word.

"Come back early. I'll wait for you to come back for supper. You'd better eat less outside. After all, it's not as reassuring as home cooking." Lin Wan'er sighs. She patiently folds Ye Chen's collar, pats Ye Chen's pleats and talks about trivial things.

Ye Chen listened patiently, he nodded slightly and said, "well, I know."

"I'll let Zhang Zhen accompany you later." Although Lin Wan'er's voice is soft, the tone of her words is irresistible.

Ye Chen opens his mouth. He wants to refuse, but he is not willing to let Lin Wan'er worry. After thinking about it, he agrees. He says, "then you have to let him listen to me, otherwise, I won't let him follow."

"Hee hee, of course!"

Ten minutes later, a sapphire colored Porsche Mackay opened from the gate of Mingyue villa. Although the logo on the front face of the car is very eye-catching, the license plate of Mackay is very low-key. Unlike other luxury cars mixed in the villa, this license plate is just an ordinary civilian license plate.

In the driver's seat of Mackay, a young man with slightly dark skin holds the steering wheel. His eyes are alert and he doesn't smile. He is very capable.

"Brother, your name is Zhang Zhen, right." Ye Chen sat on the co pilot, he adjusted the angle of the armchair, so that he could lie there more comfortably. With a hook in the corner of his mouth, he asked the young driver with a smile, "what did you do before?"

Zhang Zhen replied in a straight line, "report to President Wang, I'm Zhang Zhen. I used to be a member of the group army of Beijing Military Region."

"Why do you call me Mr. Wang?" Ye Chen scratched his head and said casually, "I'll call him brother Qiang in the future. What soldiers were you in the army before?"

Zhang Zhen light said, "driving."

"Oh." Ye Chen nods slightly a way, "drive for the leader?"

Zhang Zhen looked ahead, holding the steering wheel in his hand, said humbly, "I drive for the country, drive 09."

"What is 09 style?" Ye Chen doubts of ask a way.

Zhang Zhen said casually, "even if I'm a infantry vehicle, eight wheels, armored vehicle, I'm a driver, I can also be a main gunner."

Ye Chen respectful, nodded, "not bad, young man has a hand."

Zhang Zhen simple and honest smile, embarrassed to say, "what ah, is the country needs."

They talk and laugh, and soon arrive at the gate of Jinlong winery. Under the guidance of the security guard, Zhang Zhen stops Mackay in the parking lot. Ye Chen turns to Zhang Zhen and says, "I'll go myself. You stay in the car. I'll call you if you have anything." Zhang Zhen wants to talk and stop. Before he remembers, Lin Wan'er said to himself that he should obey Ye Chen's words, so he didn't say much. He nodded and said, "yes."

Open the door, ye Chen walked down from Mackay. He straightened his clothes and walked into Jinlong winery.

Jinlong winery has a total of 17 floors. From the second floor to the seventh floor, it is full of all kinds of catering and special snacks, while on the seventh floor, there are many restaurants

It is a place for entertainment and rest such as accommodation and bathing.

Ye Chen just walked to the front desk and saw Wu Yanming standing in front of the counter.

Two people in the beach, is very familiar with, however, Wu Yanming saw Ye Chen, not only did not have the slightest resentment, but smile to welcome up, "brother Wang, how are you doing these two days? It's said that you are in the limelight. The whole Internet has been swept by your dish. How about that? When I have time, can I show my brother a hand? "

As the saying goes, it's good to reach out and not smile. Since Wu Yanming has put his posture so low, ye Chen doesn't say much. He just says with a faint smile, "it's good to say. Is boss Feng here?"

Wu Yanming's face became stiff, and then he explained with a smile, "brother Tao, he's already on the road, but he hasn't arrived in the traffic jam. Why don't we have a seat first? If you can't, there are... Hehe... You know, don't worry. It's absolutely clean. "

Ye Chen brow tip a pick, he cold hum a way, "if I was not deaf at that time, boss Feng about should be 8:30 to meet, but now I'm on time, boss Feng with this attitude to me?"

"This..." Wu Yanming opened his mouth. He was embarrassed and wanted to explain it again, but an disharmonious voice came over.

"Hey, you're a drag boy." A tall and thin man in a blue short sleeve shirt came over. He glared at a pair of triangular eyes, and said with disdain, "brother Tao is willing to ask you out. That's your face. You TM will come over

Well, where's all that nonsense coming from? Do you really take yourself as a big garlic

Ye Chen's eyes were cold. He gave a thin, expressionless glance, and then said to Wu Yanming, "I may have a bad temper, but my ears are OK. I don't know why. My ears are so good, but I still can't hear people. I can only hear a dog whining. I'm so annoyed to hear it."

"Shut up Wu Yanming gave a sharp drink. He pointed to the tall and thin man and said, "this is the distinguished guest invited by brother Tao himself. What are you shouting about here? You want to revolt? "

Tall and thin, he said angrily, "it's because I respect brother Tao that I can't get used to this man's style. What is it? It's clear that it's nothing, and it's like a bear who regards himself as the second eldest brother."

Ye Chen has never been a very mild tempered person. When he is tall and thin and scolds himself, he is already very upset. Even if this person admits to apologizing now, he can't easily forgive him.

Now, this thin guy is still talking in front of him, which makes his heart more angry. With a cold hum, he slowly turns his eyes to the thin guy, and the cold sight gradually locks the thin guy.

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