
"What are you... What are you looking at?" Thin and tall, the scalp that ye Chen's eyes see is numb, the whole body is like to have a burr to stab in the same, afflicted of speechless, he bit to bite teeth, can't help but back half step, harshly scold a way.

Ye Chen light mouth, a word of a meal of say, "see dead."

As soon as ye Chen's voice fell, he slipped out. The distance of two or three meters was only a blink of an eye. Ye Chen came to the tall and thin man in front of him. He made a fist with his right hand and swung it out directly.

Ye Chen's speed is extremely fast, especially after fighting with feimuster, Xia houtie and others. Ye Chen often goes all out now, leaving no spare force at all. Last night's fierce battle clearly and simply told him the most sincere truth with blood and pain.

That is the result of kindness, that is, the more kind you are to the enemy, the more cruel you are to yourself.

The tall and thin man had no time to react, so he was directly hit on his chin with a fist, and then he fell out and flew one meter in mid air. Then he hit the ground heavily. Finally, he slipped five or six meters away on the smooth marble tiles, and his body shook, and then he didn't move.

"Hiss!" Wu Yanming is closest to Ye Chen, and his visual impact is also the biggest. He looks at Ye Chen and takes a cold breath in horror.

And the waiters and the guests around were scared, screaming and in a mess.

Standing at the door and in the hall, several security guards in suits and shirts came quickly. A young man with the appearance of a supervisor grabbed the earphone of the walkie talkie and issued orders in a hurry.

The whole lobby is in a mess. The lobby manager yells, "don't panic, everyone. The situation is under our control. We have eight security guards on the scene, and more than 30 professional security guards are coming to support us. Let's stay away from the scene and leave orderly under the leadership of our staff."

Under the command of the lobby manager, although they were still panic, after all, they had the backbone. They slowly moved away from this area and gradually vacated the whole hall.

"Alas." Seeing that everyone had moved from the elevator, the lobby manager came over with a sigh. He looked at Wu Yanming and said, "brother Ming, what's the matter? You scared the guests. This guy is very aggressive. Is he your friend?"

Wu Yanming took out a bag of Zhonghua from his pocket and threw it to the lobby manager. He said with a bitter smile, "it's not my friend. This little brother is a guest of Taoge. If he wants to provoke others, he deserves to be beaten. It's his fault."

"What? Brother Tao's guest? " The lobby manager widened his eyes. He rushed up and said to Ye Chen with a smile, "brother, I'm Kang Shengyu, the lobby manager of this hotel. I didn't expect that you are a friend of brother Tao. I'm disrespectful."

Ye Chen waved his hand and said with a smile, "it's easy to say."

When they were chatting with each other, Wu Yanming suddenly looked out of the door. He saw a group of strong men surrounded by a young man not far from the transparent glass turnstile.

This man is about 35 years old. He has a beard on his chin. His nose is high and his eyes are burning. Under the shaking of his eyes, he has indescribable domineering swaying. When he raises his hands and feet, he naturally shows the breath of the superior. He is Feng Tao, the underground Prince of Dongcheng city and the leader of the black dragon club.

Behind Feng Tao, a tall and extremely strong man followed him. His eyes narrowed slightly, and no one could see the hidden fluctuation in his eyes. He was one of the strongest men in the black dragon club, the absolute confidant of Feng Tao, Shen Botao of the four King Kong. Ye Chen looks out along Wu Yanming's eyes. His eyes first stop on Shen Botao, and then stop on a young boy in red. The boy's face is ordinary, and he carries a cello box on his back. He seems to have no expression and no threat, But the leaf Chen but from this youth's body faintly felt a silk of resolute and fierce breath.

Finally, ye Chencai focuses on Feng Tao. If it wasn't for the God of food system, he didn't know that he would have died in this man's hands several times. Even his best friend, Xue Fulong, followed Feng Tao on that road. If it wasn't for the God of food system, he and Wang Yi would have been abandoned.

After that, he sent Song Yang and laid an ambush on the beach. Ye Chen was very clear about this. But now, ye Chen doesn't want to really split his face with Feng Tao. In the face of such an organization as the Black Dragon Society, ye Chen has no ability now

The law is completely eradicated. If you are alone, that's all. But it happens that there are people in this city who can't give up.

For example, Lin Waner, Yan Xiren, Wang Yi, Li Jiaying

If they fight with heilonghui thoroughly, these crazy guys are good for themselves. If they harm their friends, it's absolutely hard for ye Chen to accept.

Just as ye Chen was thinking about these problems, Feng Tao and others came through the glass door. Feng Tao walked towards Ye Chen with a smile. He opened his arm from a distance, made a hug gesture, and said with a smile, "Ye Chen brothers come so early."

Ye Chen weighed the pros and cons in his heart. He soon hooked his lips and welcomed them with a smile. They hugged each other with a smile. Ye Chen said half jokingly, "I'm late. I'll have to drink three cups later."

"Ha ha, yes, yes." Feng Tao pats Ye Chen on the back. They just separate and shake hands with each other, just like friends they haven't seen for many years. They laugh and go to the elevator.

"Shengyu, has my private room been arranged?" Feng Tao asked.

Kang Shengyu, who was waiting on the other side, replied humbly and eagerly, "that's of course. Brother Tao, please come here. Let's go up to the 7th floor of the elevator. It's absolutely satisfying for you."

Feng Tao nodded casually, as if he was new to Kang Shengyu's ability, just passing the tall and thin one

Feng Tao's eyes shrank slightly when he was lying on the ground, but soon chatted with Ye Chen as if nothing had happened, as if he didn't see a person lying there at all.

Ye Chen is pulled to stop by Feng Tao. He sees Feng Tao's action all the way, and can't help nodding secretly. This guy's scheming and city is really beyond his expectation.

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