It's a man

Feng Tao first pondered for a moment, then sighed, "brother, this matter is very complicated, but in the final analysis, the reason for this still lies in Qian Fanyu."

After hearing Feng Tao's reply, ye Chen nodded thoughtfully and looked up at Feng Tao. Ye Chen said in a low voice, "it's similar to what I think, but I still can't understand. No matter how good Qian Fanyu is, he's just a restaurant keeper. How can he command you, Feng Tao and Feng boss?"

"Command?" Feng Tao glared and said, "don't be kidding. How can he command me? Although I have to admit that Qian Fanyu belongs to a man with great means, he doesn't want me to help him anyway. "

"But in fact, almost all the people who have been chasing me are from the Black Dragon Society." Ye Chen shrugged a shoulder, don't approve of say.

Feng Tao sighed. He finally said, "I once owed someone a favor, and he was entrusted by Qian Fanyu to scrap you, so he found me, and I'm just paying back the favor."

Hear Feng Tao finish saying these words, ye Chen can't help a corner of the mouth a lie, he lightly says, "you say of this person is jackal?"

"You know jackals?" Feng Tao was shocked. He looked at Ye Chen in disbelief and said, "I didn't expect you to know much more than I imagined."

A large part of the information Ye Chen learned came out of Yang Xin's mouth. By chance, he learned the existence of jackals, and also learned that Qian Fanyu had a relationship with jackals. At that time, he had a guess. When he heard Feng Tao's words, he immediately confirmed his judgment.

"What I know is just enough. It's just that I'm curious about how much you owe the Jackal. And since you've promised the Jackal to abandon me, you still drink with me. Is it really OK?" Ye Chen laughs and says calmly.

Feng Tao shook his head and said with a smile, "in order to suppress you, I've used a lot of strength. Elite players alone have used it two or three times, but it didn't work out. In the end, we still drink together, which proves that if we want to kill you, I have to bear a lot of losses. I've done it to you three times, Although it all ended in failure, it is also a way to pay off the favor. "

Ye Chen said with a smile, "brother Tao really wants to talk about it. I don't believe that I don't sleep at night. Brother Tao specially invited me here to drink wine and talk about life."

"Hey, hey." Feng Tao said, "why not? The most important thing in life is to be happy, isn't it? "

"There's nothing wrong. It's very important to be happy, but when you are happy, there are always people who are not happy. They have to ask you not to laugh to make them happy. What do you say to meet such people?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

Feng Tao frowned slightly, and then laughed, "since happiness is the most important thing, of course, we have to make ourselves happy. Since he doesn't want to make us happy, let's show him happiness. If he dares to mess around, let him be happy

I don't want to be happy in my life. "

Ye Chen nodded with a smile and said, "what brother Tao said is very reasonable. For example, now my little brother has met a hemp rice. You know, Qian Fanyu can't see me happy. He has to do something disgusting to make him happy. Brother Tao, you see..."

"Ha ha ha." Feng Tao laughs and claps his hands. He understands Ye Chen's meaning, but he cleverly slips the question over and says with a smile, "brother, what do you care about him? Listen to him and ignore him."

"Oh, yes, yes." Ye Chen smiles to order a way, but his Mou son deep but hold in one silk cold sneer“ Cough, cough. " Feng Tao coughed two times and said to Ye Chen with a smile, "brother, in fact, there is a very important thing for you to help. As long as you can help your brother this time, you can give me what Qian Fanyu or his dog friend is. It will definitely make him cry all his life."

Ye Chen's eyes twinkled a few times. He looked at Feng Tao quietly and said with a smile, "brother Tao, have you finally come to the point? In fact, as I said just now, let's just say something. It doesn't matter whether we eat or not. What should we do? We still have to draw a line. "

"Hey, hey." Feng Tao said with an easygoing smile, "brother is an understanding person, so he won't hide it. In a word, I want to borrow the power of brother."

"What?" Ye Chen canthus a jump, he opens mouth to ask a way, "Tao elder brother this is what meaning?"

Feng Tao said to Ye Chen with a smile, "I've come across a situation. There's a deadly opponent who wants to deal with me, so I want to make an alliance with you."

Everyone didn't notice that when Feng Tao said this, Shen Botao, who had been expressionless all the time, closed his eyelids slightly and covered up the fluctuation in his eyes.

After hearing the meaning of Feng Tao's words, ye Chen said, "brother Tao looks up to me too much, doesn't he? Even if you, Mr. Feng, are not sure who you can stand, I'm afraid that if you go, you'll make trouble. "

"Who says I can't eat?" Feng Tao said with a sneer, "brother, have you forgotten who this man is in front of you? I'm Feng Tao. Although I haven't killed anyone myself for seven years, Dongcheng city should never forget me

Just as Feng Tao's words fell to the ground, ye Chen only felt that there was an indescribable overbearing momentum on Feng Tao, which made everyone present look at him, especially Shen Botao, whose eyes were extremely complicated.

Ye Chen's heart is tight. Although he is surprised at Feng Tao's sudden domineering, he is not surprised. After all, in his opinion, how can a man who can step by step get to this position be a weak chicken.

However, ye Chen still did not agree to make an alliance with Feng Tao. Instead, he said with a smile, "brother Tao is really unusual

It's just that I don't want to go through the muddy water without knowing who my opponent is. "

Feng Tao suddenly burst out laughing. With his smile, the overwhelming momentum immediately disappeared. He said to Ye Chen with a smile, "yes, no matter what, you are really a man."

Ye Chen calmly says with a smile, "the man dare not say, at least won't be scared to pee pants."

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