
Feng Tao said, "ha ha, it's interesting. You are really an interesting guy, but now I can't tell you who this person is, but I can promise you that if you are willing to help me this time, as long as the black dragon club is still in Dongcheng city for one day, you are my friend of the black dragon club, no matter your personal safety or your friend, all under the protection of the black dragon club."

After Feng Tao finishes this sentence, ye Chen can't help thinking. If it's something else, he may not care about money or women. These things that are very tempting to ordinary people are nothing to Ye Chen. However, he only thinks that the safety of these little friends is important.

If it's the black dragon society that provides protection, ye Chen is more at ease. After all, in the whole Dongcheng City, none of these ordinary people dare to fight against the Black Dragon Society. If Qian Fanyu's threat is solved, the Black Dragon Society will be the only enemy left.

At present, the boss of the black dragon club has proposed an invitation to make an alliance with Ye Chen. If ye Chen and the black dragon club make an alliance, the whole Dongcheng city will have no enemies, and ye Chen will be able to completely put down his heart and open the door of the new world.

After thinking about it, ye Chen said to Feng Tao, "boss Feng, just like I said just now, I won't do it if I don't know who my opponent is. I'm so confused that I'm tied to the ship of your black dragon club, and I look down on my intelligence."

Feng Tao was embarrassed, too, and was embarrassed by his words. "He said with a smile," I certainly didn't mean that, but now I really can't tell you who to deal with, otherwise, after the wind comes out, then I feel shy.

People are more difficult to deal with. "

Ye Chen doesn't have good spirit of query a way, "Tao elder brother, you this words don't feel very firm heart?"? All those present are your cronies. I'm the only stranger I just met. So brother Tao is hiding from me? Since brother Tao doesn't trust me, it's unnecessary for us to form this alliance. "

In the face of Ye Chen's interrogation, Feng Tao frowned. He sighed, and finally said, "since my brother has said this, it's not good for him to hide."

Ye Chen raises his eyes to see Feng Tao. He doesn't speak. He is obviously waiting for Feng Tao.

"In fact, the person I want to deal with is Yang Ning, who is now my deputy in name and holds a large part of the resources of the black dragon club. No matter in terms of manpower or material resources, he is no worse than me." Feng Tao said slowly, "and the reason why I will give him a hand is that he gradually becomes dishonest."

"Well." Ye Chen nodded faintly. On the surface, he was indifferent to it, but in his heart, there was a big wave. How high is the position of the black dragon club in Dongcheng city? Anyone who has a little contact with underground forces will understand that Feng Tao's black dragon club is like a fog at night, wrapping Dongcheng city in groups, and no one can match its power and reputation.

But now, there seems to be a terrible storm brewing inside the Black Dragon Society. Even Feng Tao, the founder of the Black Dragon Society, is in a panic. If Feng Tao can handle it properly, there is no need to make an alliance with Ye Chen.

When Feng Tao said these words, the rest of the people were OK. Only Shen Botao's shoulder trembled slightly, but soon recovered

Normal, he clenched his fist, eyes flashing anger, it seems to hate Yang Ning in general.

Ye Chen suddenly a hook, gently asked, "Feng boss, although the general situation I have understood, but with my own strength, even if and you alliance, also can't play much role?"

Feng Tao smiles and shakes his head. He looks at Ye Chen and says with a clear smile, "brother, you look down on yourself too much. With your ability now, you can play a greater role than a hundred people can play."“ Is that right? " Ye Chen noncommittal smile, and then said to Feng Tao, "boss Feng, if you have to say so, it doesn't matter whether I admit it or not, in short, you are happy, as for alliance with you, but I have a condition."

"Conditions?" Feng Tao raised his eyebrows, but quickly said with a smile, "well, I think things are simple. With Ye Chen brothers' skill, it's normal to put forward a condition. If it's within my ability, I can completely agree."

Ye Chen smiles. He looks at Feng Tao and says, "boss Feng, maybe my condition is just a small thing for you. I once heard that in the territory of Dongcheng City, the black dragon association is powerful and has unimaginable energy. Since our brothers have formed an alliance, your trouble is my trouble. I can help you with Yang Ning's affairs, But about Qian Fanyu... "

Feng Tao suddenly burst out laughing. He widened his eyes, looked at Ye Chen and said, "Qian Fanyu? Believe me, brother, in three days, there will be no such people in Dongcheng. "

"That would be best." Ye Chen nods with a smile.

Both of them are laughing, but the light in their eyes is covered by their narrowed eyelashes, and they can't see what each other thinks.

Seeing that the discussion was almost over, Feng Tao returned to the meeting paper. Shen Bo Tao nodded. He gently took out his mobile phone, opened Kang Shengyu's number and called out: "you can serve."

With Shen Botao's words, the door was slowly pushed open from the outside, and a group of young waitresses in red cheongsam with high forks came in with a smile, and put the delicate dishes on the table.

All of these girls are very attractive. When they receive guests, they usually meet some rich and powerful owners in the VIP room. Those local tyrants are rich and powerful, and there are many people who are directly involved or who are verbal teasers. But today, they are all somewhat surprised.

Because they had been ready to be robbed, but after entering the house, the four men seemed to have their own ideas, each silent, disdaining to focus on these girls.

"Brother Tao, I..." Kang Shengyu's butt bumps up. He just wants to say something, but he is interrupted by Feng Tao with a wave of his hand.

Feng Tao said casually, "go out. No one is allowed to come in without my order."

There was a trace of embarrassment between Kang Shengyu's eyes, but he quickly nodded with a smile and said, "yes, brother Tao, if you have anything to do, just call me."

"Well." Not salty nodded, Feng Tao waved Kang Shengyu and others out.

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