
After the scene was cleared, Feng Tao lifted the glass in front of him with a smile, poured himself a full cup of Maotai Feitian, and raised his glass to Ye Chen, indicating, "brother, brother, you are late today, so it's reasonable to say that you should be punished for three glasses of wine, so we won't come to those fake routines. I'll take this cup of wine as the start of our alliance."

"Good." Ye Chen also took up the transparent glass in his hand.

Just when ye Chen and Feng Tao were having a drink, there was a middle-aged man sitting in the driver's seat of a domestic white van not far from Jinlong winery. He looked like a black car driver.

Holding a smart phone in his hand, he brushes the screen absently, seemingly ordinary, but his eyes look at the glass door of Jinlong winery from time to time, as if he is waiting for someone.

As time went by, the middle-aged man's mobile phone suddenly vibrated, his eyes slightly jumped, and then he pretended to look at the door of Jinlong winery.

At the same time, in the hall of Jinlong winery, a young girl took out her mobile phone from her pocket and took a selfie with a smile. No one noticed that her ordinary behavior happened to take several people behind her into the camera.

And behind the young girl, ye Chen and others walked forward with a smile.

As soon as they got out of the elevator, Wu Yanming led people to meet them. He raised his hand and took the coat from Feng Tao. Wu Yanming moved himself

However, he followed Feng Tao with a respectful attitude.

As soon as they got to the door, a young man came out of the glass door. He was wearing a baseball cap and a white jeans. He was very fashionable. He had earphones hanging on his ears. He was talking to someone with a smile.

Feng Tao glanced at the young man and didn't take it seriously. He just said to Ye Chen with a smile, "brother, if you have anything to do in the future, you can call me. As long as you can help me, I'm not ambiguous."

Ye Chen nodded. He just drank a few more glasses of wine, and now he is still a little dizzy. He said to Feng Tao with a smile, "if you have brother Tao, I'm relieved. I'm... Careful!"

Ye Chen suddenly in the heart a surprised, his ear rang out the big treasure alarm sound: warning, dangerous!

Looking up, I saw that the cowboy boy who came from the door with a smile had a black pistol in his hand. He aimed at Feng Tao directly and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"What?" After hearing Ye Chen's warning, Feng Tao also saw the scene of the young man pulling out his gun and shooting. He suddenly felt cold in his heart and sweated like rain on his back.

At the critical moment, ye Chen presses the back of Feng Tao's neck. He is closest to Feng Tao and is the first to find that the situation is not good. In a hurry, he suddenly presses Feng Tao to the ground!


The huge gunfire sounded like a large firecracker. A bullet flew out of Feng Tao's scalp. Before Feng Tao could react, Wu Yanming and Shen Botao shot at the same time.

They rushed to the young man from left to right, and the rest of them also picked up the guys. They were all alloy swing sticks. When they didn't need them, they were just the length of the pen, but after shaking them away, they were no less lethal than machetes by virtue of hardness and mechanics.

Seven or eight elite members of the Black Dragon Society surrounded the young man with two King Kong level leaders. They all took the initiative without hesitation. However, the young man obviously had a premeditated plan. He laughed strangely, retreated and shot. After two shots, Shen Botao, who rushed to the front, was put to the ground. Wu Yanming is very angry. He rushes up with one arrow and hits his head with one punch. As one of the four King Kong, what he is best at is not weapons, but his own fists and feet. In his body, his limbs are already the strongest weapons.

This fist was wrapped in strong wind and hit the young man hard. However, the young gunner rolled back on the ground calmly and easily opened up the distance between him and Wu Yanming. He knelt down and took the gun. He hit Wu Yanming again with one shot.

Under the impetus of gunpowder, the iron bullet easily penetrated into Wu Yanming's body at a speed invisible to the naked eye. Although Wu Yanming dodged when his opponent fired, he couldn't escape the speed of the bullet at all. He was directly hit in the shoulder and fell heavily on the ground.

"Tut tut." The shooter smacked his lips. He seemed not very satisfied with the result. The muzzle of the gun aimed at Wu Yanming again, and he was about to pull the trigger again.


At this time, a low roar came, and the young man who had been carrying the piano box darted to the shooter. His face was expressionless, and his eyes were shaking. An irrepressible spirit suddenly burst out. In his hands, I don't know when a long and narrow snow-white samurai sword appeared.


At the moment when everyone didn't react, the teenager had come to the back of the shooter. At the moment when he was wrong, a cold sharp light suddenly flashed between the teenager and the shooter.

"Step, step."

The young man gently stood up straight, he took two steps forward, and slowly took the long knife back into the scabbard.


At the moment when the long knife came back, the shooter's body shook. Under the gaze of everyone, he fell on his back

On the ground, the pistol also hit the ground, dribbling away.


Everything happened between lightning and flint. If it had to be calculated by time, it would only take three or four seconds from the moment when the shooter fired the first shot to the moment when he was knocked to the ground.

The guests and waiters in the hall were terrified. They ran around screaming. Even the security guards of Jinlong winery were terrified. Their hearts beat like thunder. They didn't know what to do.

Feng Tao covers his scalp cut by a bullet. The corners of his eyes beat and his eyes are as gloomy as water. He looks at the shooter who has been cut to the ground, and his anger burns to the limit.

At this time, the scene was in a mess. Only three people fell to the ground. The two King Kong of the black dragon club were both shot, and the shooter's eyes were still full of fear and disbelief. A terrible wound was cut from his right shoulder to his left waist. At this time, the blood was flowing all over the ground.

"Good... Fast..."

The shooter hoarse throat, he murmured to himself, eyes slowly narrowed up, gradually did not move, seems to be dead, and seems to be faint.

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