Why not

Feng Tao orders out loud, "you guys, call someone to help immediately and send Yanming and Botao to the hospital. At all costs, they must be saved. As for the guy who shot, he should also be sent to the hospital. He can't die before things are clear."

"Yes The elites of the black dragon club were as gloomy as the bottom of the pot. The two strongest men in the organization were killed one after another, and Feng Tao, who was responsible for protecting himself, almost died, but they didn't play any role. Such indignation is beyond words.

After giving the order, Feng Tao took a deep breath. He forced himself to calm down and went to the young man. First, he bowed deeply, and then said in a sincere tone, "thanks to you just now, younger martial brother Xiangchen, ah, Ricardo."

The young man who has been carrying a piano box and does not smile is Chiba prime minister, the legitimate son of Chiba Zhengyu, a Japanese Kendo master. He is also the representative of Beichen yidaoliu and the leading young swordsman in Japan.

Chiba Xiangchen shook his head and said with a smile, "elder martial brother, you and I are brothers. In this case, how can I not do it?"

When Feng Tao talks to Chiba Xiangchen, he always uses Japanese. Of course, ye Chen can't understand it. He looks at Feng Tao suspiciously, scratches his head and asks, "Japanese?"

Feng Tao quickly explained to Ye Chen, "yes, I used to stay in Japan for a while. This is my younger martial brother,

Chiba Xiangchen, if you didn't have ye Chen brothers to help me just now, I'm afraid my head is rotten now. Now think about it, it's really frightening. "

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "I'm just doing it conveniently. What's more, we've already formed an ally. I'll never let go of the enemy."

"Thank you, brother." Feng Tao gave a wry smile. He took a look at the bloodstains on the ground and couldn't help scolding, "it's really bad. I didn't expect that Yang Ning could get hold of it."

Ye Chen also nodded curiously and said, "yes, it's not easier to get the lottery in China than in China."

Looking up at the panic stricken people around, Feng Tao held the pistol in his hand. He looked back and forth, nodded and shook his head from time to time, and finally said faintly, "well, I didn't expect it. It was made by myself, but it's very good, and the rifling is very standard. No wonder that boy can fight so accurately."

Ye Chen recalled the action of the shooter just now, and could not help but pursed his mouth and said, "if you think about it carefully, that person should be a veteran or a policeman. He has good shooting skills and is very skilled in military action."

Nodded, Feng Tao agreed and said, "yes, I feel that he is not a small possibility of veterans, and is likely to be a shooting elite, he shot without any hesitation, and very hard, completely ran to kill people, this kind of person will not be the police, after all, in China, the police will never make a head bashing action, let alone this kind of training."

Speaking of this, Feng Tao subconsciously touched his head. If ye Chen hadn't moved fast enough just now, his head would have been broken

It's rotten.

At this time, Kang Shengyu came over, trembling with his voice. He didn't even dare to look at Feng Tao's face. He asked in fear, "brother Tao, just now some guests have called the police. What should we do now?"

"What to do?" Feng Tao glanced at Kang Shengyu and shook his head slightly. "What else can I do? Now things are so big that we can't hide them casually. Instead, let's go through the procedure. After all, I am also a victim. My younger martial brother is just fighting back in self-defense. "

Kang Shengyu is relieved to hear Feng Tao say this. He is worried that Feng Tao will suddenly go crazy. You know, this seemingly ugly man controls one of the most frightening forces in this city. Ye Chen touched his nose. He looked at Feng Tao and said with a smile, "I always thought that the boss like Taoge was lawless, just like the Hong Kong film in the 1990s, like Hongxing Erguotou in Causeway Bay. I just didn't expect that Taoge was also a law-abiding person."

Originally, it was just a joke, but it was very harsh to hear in Feng Tao's ears. He sighed, shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "no way, who let us all be citizens of the Republic, in this country, the power of law is not easy to underestimate."

"Ha ha ha." Ye Chen was stunned and then laughed. He pointed to Feng Tao and said, "brother Tao, I just don't want you to say that. Brother Tao, who is known as an underground vassal, is like a lawyer now. Don't be too funny."

There was a trace of loneliness in Feng Tao's eyes. Then he laughed and said in a self mocking tone, "who said it isn't?"

Ye Chen raises Patek Philippe on his wrist. It's the watch Lin Wan'er gave him. He glances at the time and says to Feng Tao with a smile, "since that's the case, it's not convenient for me to stay. My lawyer Feng, I didn't kill you just now, so I should be able to go now?"

Feng Tao nodded and said with a smile, "brother, don't make trouble. I'm forced to stay because I'm helpless. But don't worry, it's all small things. I can deal with it."

"Well." Ye Chen nodded. He turned and wanted to go, but suddenly stopped. He came to Chiba Xiangchen with two steps. He turned and asked in plain English, "Sir, your Sabre skill is very strong. The one I saw just now is the most wonderful blow."

Chiba Xiangchen was slightly stunned, but he immediately responded and replied in English, "let's talk about the past. Compared with my teacher, I'm far inferior. Just now, I was in a hurry and played a super level."

Ye Chen noticed that although Chiba Xiangchen's English tone is a little strange, with a hint of Japanese Kanto accent that he can't get rid of, his vocabulary is not small, and the use of grammar is also very standard. He should be a well-educated Japanese aristocrat.

He nodded slightly and said to Prime Minister Chiba, "if I have time another day, I'd like to understand Mr. Chiba's high spirit

I don't know if it's OK, because you know, martial arts practitioners like us can't help itching when they meet people of the same way. "

Chiba Xiangchen burst out laughing, he readily said, "why not, my friend."

The two exchanged their mobile phone numbers again, and then they said goodbye.

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