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The middle-aged man sighed in his heart. The young lady in front of him always has a basis for advance and retreat. Whether she is dealing with people or dealing with things, she has a sense of authority. However, when it comes to Ye Chen, the young lady immediately loses her sense of propriety. Maybe it's because caring is chaotic.

"Don't worry, ye Chen is fine now. He hasn't been hurt and hasn't had any accident. Besides, Zhang Zhen and Lao Mai are here. He's very safe." Said the middle-aged man.

Hearing such a definite reply, Lin Wan'er was relieved, but she couldn't sit down any more. She walked up and down in the yard, and finally silver teeth bit, "stand by, I'm going to find him."

The middle-aged man opened his mouth. He wanted to dissuade Lin Wan'er, but after thinking about the identity difference between them, he bowed his head obediently and said, "yes!"

Just after ye Chen left Jinlong winery, the chaotic situation in the hall was soon controlled by the security staff of the winery. After all, the mob had been cut down, and now there was nothing to be afraid of.

Feng Tao was smoking on the sofa beside him. All the followers were facing the enemy. They were holding the baton tightly in their hands, and their eyes were wide open, for fear that another killer would rush out of the crowd.

Chiba Xiangchen, on the other hand, drinks a light cup of tea. He doesn't seem to like drinking and talking. Although Feng Tao always gives a polite reply when he talks to him, it seems to be a common fault of the Japanese, that is, the so-called "smiling at you is purely polite."

When Chiba Xiangchen talks to himself with a modest smile, Feng Tao can feel a faint but easily perceived sense of alienation, which has nothing to do with whether he is willing to talk with you or not. It's just his personal character. He is thin and cool in nature and doesn't like to talk much.

"Prime minister, does it really matter? After all, your knife is a murder weapon now. " Feng Tao said to Chiba Xiangchen.

"Ha ha." Chiba Xiangchen replied with a smile, "it doesn't matter. You know, before I came to China, the word" Bing Xin "was already on the handicraft certificate. In other words, it's a handicraft approved by the relevant departments of the two countries, not controlled knives. What's more, I belong to the category of" see volunteers to subdue terrorists who kill people with guns. ", I think there will be banners and prizes. "

Feng Tao laughed and said, "you are really an optimistic guy."

"If I'm not optimistic, I'll be... Careful!" As he was laughing, Chiba Xiangchen suddenly roared. He jumped up from the sofa. He didn't move. The knife had come out of its sheath. With a low drink, he chopped in the direction of his side without warning.


Chiba Xiangchen's samurai sword collides with a strange Nepal Army sword. People are surprised to see that this man is dressed in black. His simple and honest face is ferocious like a ghost, and his arms are full of blue tendons. He presses down the Nepal Army sword in his hand, trying to suppress Chiba Xiangchen's samurai sword.

And this middle-aged man is the black car driver sitting in the white van outside the hotel. But at the moment, he is fierce and shows no kindness.

"Who are you?" Feng Tao stood up straight. He pointed to the middle-aged man and yelled.

The middle-aged man didn't answer. The Nepal sabre in his hand shook hard. He shook away Chiba Xiangchen's samurai Sabre and stepped forward directly. The moment he approached Chiba Xiangchen, he cut it across.

"Damn it Chiba Xiangchen was obviously surprised at the middle-aged man's knife skills, but he was not flustered. He turned his wrist and directly grasped the knife vertically, which accurately blocked the middle-aged man's cutting. He raised his leg and kicked the middle-aged man's belly.

"Ah." The middle-aged man couldn't help but cry out two steps backward when he was kicked by Chiba Xiangchen. He waved his knife and wanted to jump on it again. However, Chiba Xiangchen's eyes were cold. He held the knife in both hands and cut it obliquely. The middle-aged man only felt that the long sword was on his shoulder, and he was scared to death. He didn't have time to think about it. He quickly held up the samurai sword, but before he had time to celebrate, Chiba Xiangchen had already put the sword in his hand. At the same time, he stabbed it and went straight to the middle-aged man's heart.

Feng Tao's face was gloomy. He didn't expect that he had been attacked twice in a few minutes. The murderous spirit burst out in his eyes. As soon as he waved his hand, the seven or eight followers immediately surrounded the middle-aged man who was fighting fiercely with Chiba Xiangchen.

However, these elite members of the black dragon club boast their amazing fighting power, but they can't get involved in such a battle. You come and go, the middle-aged man and the Chiba prime minister have been fighting each other for ten or twenty times in just 30 seconds, but they are still neck and neck. The fight between them is getting fiercer and fiercer. In the end, they are surrounded by the light of the sword, and the remnant shadows are even in one piece.

"Brother Tao, what shall we do?" An attendant asked Feng Tao for instructions.

Feng Tao said in a deep voice, "be on guard. Now that you have the first and second assassinations, it's hard to guarantee that there won't be the third assassination. You've widened your eyes. Now you're under martial law within 10 meters. If there are any unidentified people approaching, you can give me a uniform immediately. As for my younger martial brother, you don't have to help him. I believe he can solve this man who doesn't want to die."

"Yes The black dragon elites on the scene agreed that they would start to clean up the scene.

Feng Tao frowned and said in his heart, "just now, I thought it was Yang Ning who did it. But now, it seems that there is no reason for him to do such a crude layout and direct means. After all, he is Yang Ning, a conceited and cunning guy. How could he do such a crude assassination plan? But if it wasn't for him, who would it be? "

"Damn it

"Be careful, everyone!"

"Asshole! Die for me

Feng Tao's thoughts were interrupted by a loud shout. He suddenly raised his head and saw a girl dressed up in a trendy fashion

Close to his side, although those black dragon thugs tried their best to stop, they were easily overturned by the woman.

"What?" Feng Tao was surprised, because the woman was unarmed, just a combination of fists and feet, but the strong boys were easily knocked over like paper paste.

A young man with a swing stick waved his weapon and smashed it at the woman's head. He didn't have the idea of pity. If he had anything to keep in the face of such a terrible woman, he would be the next one to fall.

However, the young man's obstruction seems to be in vain.

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