Yao Guangshan

That woman directly kicked, the elite member who was carefully selected in the black dragon club was kicked in the face, and directly flew out, smashed on the ground, and slipped away on the marble tiles.

"Hehe, it seems that the so-called black dragon club is just like this." This woman solved the problem of blocking the road in a few seconds. Feng Tao calmed down in the face of the enemy.

"Who sent you on earth?" Feng Tao roared. He looked directly at the woman and asked coldly.

"If you want to know the answer, knock me down before you ask." The woman gave a bad smile. She stepped like a cheetah and ran to Feng Tao. Her hands were on the ground. Her feet were like scissors, and she caught Feng Tao's neck.

"Got it!" As the assassin's woman's lips hook, her heart excited smile, although she has not completely killed Feng Tao, but in her view, Feng Tao is now a dead man.

This is full confidence in her fighting ability. After being stuck in the neck by her feet, it is doomed to an irreparable ending, that is, being severely twisted by her neck, and then dying in great pain.

"Are you laughing enough?" Feng Tao's cold voice came.

Mingming has taken the initiative. The confident assassin trembles. Suddenly, she finds that her feet can't twist Feng Tao's neck.

You know, the joints of the human body are often the most vulnerable parts. The knees, elbows, shoulders, including the neck, are often the parts with the least muscle and the most vulnerable to be broken.

Because of this, the assassin often won by having a section of other people's neck or reversing other people's joints. However, it seems that although he got stuck in Feng Tao's neck, he can't kill Feng Tao.

"How can it be?" The assassin couldn't believe the result. Her muscles were tight and her slender legs twisted with all the strength of her body. However, Feng Tao's neck was cast like iron. No matter how hard the assassin tried, it was hard to shake her.

"Stupid guy!" With a low roar, in the eyes of the assassin, Feng Tao raised her foot and kicked the assassin's body. The power of the foot was terrible. As a female assassin, her body resistance was obviously inferior to that of a male. With a scream, she was kicked out by Feng Tao.

"You know, what I hate most is the expression that you are so confident that you think you are in charge of the whole situation." Feng Tao spoke faintly. He approached the assassin step by step, shaking his shoulders, and his bones crackled.

"You..." the assassin stepped back involuntarily. She sat on the ground, moved her body back and looked at Feng Tao in horror. She asked in a shrill voice, "how can it be? How can your neck be so hard? "

"No way! How could it be Feng Tao growled impatiently, "apart from asking these stupid questions, you are just like a piece of dog's excrement, which is disgusting!"

With that, Feng Tao walked up to the assassin and stepped on the assassin's face. The beautiful young girl had a pretty face, but at this moment, she was trampled by Feng Tao's big foot.

"It's disgusting. You've been provoking me again and again. Didn't you inquire about my name before you assassinated me? Don't you know what your so-called black dragon looked like seven years ago? Do you have to force me to do something to make you happy? Do you want to die

Feng Tao trampled the assassin on the ground. He ran over his disgusting face with the sole of his shoe and roared hysterically. He was like a lion who had been violated his dignity. He was responding to all the enemies who despised him and underestimated him in the most direct and powerful way. The female assassin who was trampled on her feet screamed repeatedly, but her proud fighting skills and strength seemed so pitiful in front of Feng Tao. Feng Tao's feet pressed on her face, like a million pounds.

The irresistible force made the assassin feel like death, and he lost his confidence to live.

And qianyexiangchen, who was fighting with the middle-aged man with the Nepal Army knife, also pushed the battle to the end. His eyes were as cold and cold as ice and snow. With the long knife in his hand, he took a deep breath. Looking at the middle-aged man's eyes full of irresistible sharp light.

"Chop! Yao Guang Shan

The middle-aged man was already exhausted in the fight with Chiba Xiangchen. Chiba Xiangchen's strange and powerful Sabre technique made him really experience what death was calling for. Every time he dodged a sabre, it was like passing by with death.

Chiba Xiangchen's Sabre technique is sharp and incisive, full of fierce aggression, and the speed is extremely fast. The speed of the sabre is so fast that the middle-aged men have no fight back.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

The middle-aged man looked at Chiba Xiangchen with unbelievable eyes. Before he met this young swordsman, he had full confidence in his skills. He never thought his skills were worse than anyone's. But today, Chiba Xiangchen is standing opposite him, With the most direct way to wake up his unrealistic ideas.

At the moment when Chiba Xiangchen roared, the middle-aged man only felt cold. A kind of instinct from biology told him that he was afraid to die!

The breath of death in his heart made him feel a kind of trembling fear. He widened his eyes and looked directly at Prime Minister Chiba. At the same time, he grasped the Nepal Army knife in his hand and was ready to make the final resistance and struggle.

However, whether he is rational or intuitive, he deeply understands that he is afraid that he will die under this knife, because his opponent is too strong.

A strong searchlight flickered in the center of the hall, and Chiba Xiangchen rushed past the middle-aged man.

Like a dazzling meteor, he passed through the air in a flash. And Chiba Xiangchen in the hands of the samurai sword also followed the scabbard, he straightened the body, slowly sigh.

With a sigh of Chiba prime minister, the middle-aged man slowly fell to his knees on the ground, his body trembled, and his Nepal Army knife fell to the ground with a jingle.

His hand covered his throat, and the blood flowed from the knife cut on his neck. He was desperate to block his wound, but it was all in vain. The blood, like the floodwater, gushed out in an uncontrollable manner, and took his life easily and irretrievably.

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