The police are out

"Prime minister, you are the strongest young swordsman in Japan. As far as everyone I know is concerned, you are already outstanding. Even Shifu may not be able to beat you." Feng Tao laughs. He seems to be used to blood and death. He ignores the middle-aged man who died slowly. He says to Chiba Xiangchen.

Chiba Xiangchen gently rubbed the samurai sword on his waist. He looked at Feng Tao and said with a smile of humility, "elder martial brother, I'm flattered. The vast Kendo is like mountains and rivers. I just got a glimpse of it. It's not outstanding at all."

"Younger martial brother is too modest. Although modesty is a virtue, it's a little hypocritical to say so." Feng Tao looks at Chiba Xiangchen. He takes out his elder martial brother's identity and says with a frown.

Chiba Xiangchen shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "if elder martial brother knows why I came to China, then he should understand my mood at this moment."

Feng Tao frowned suspiciously. As soon as he wanted to say something more, a sharp and urgent siren came out of the door.

Because of Li Muchen's escape from prison, all the police officers in the public security department are particularly alert. After receiving the call to the police, they heard that guns were involved and people were killed. The Criminal Police Brigade and the armed police squadron joined forces, and more than 70 policemen came to the scene in various ways.

The police who are familiar with this area have also been transferred to assist in the investigation.

The red and blue police lights flashed, and under the blue and white police coating, seven or eight police cars directly blocked the traffic arteries of Jinlong winery, while a team of special police in black combat clothes jumped out of the anti riot vehicles.

After parking, they quickly organized the battle formation, and used cars and various kinds of bunkers to point the black muzzle directly at the gate and entrances and exits of Jinlong winery.

A team of criminal police began to draw the cordon, and no one was allowed to enter or leave the area. After the special police were in place, armed police soldiers in olive green uniforms and red epaulets on their shoulders quickly formed a joint defense camp with friendly forces.

Unlike the special police, the weapons of these armed police are more effective. They are not only equipped with powerful Type 95 assault rifles, but also armed with grenades and all kinds of throwing weapons.

On the building not far away from Jinlong winery, the snipers of special police and armed police have quickly seized the advantageous position. They either lie prone or kneel down and put this dangerous area in the cross center of their own sniper mirror.

One after another, there were still leaders of relevant departments and police cars on the scene. A police car roared, and before the car stopped, an older policeman jumped down.

He walked to the front line with a dignified look and eager steps. All the way to the front line where cars piled up, he patted a policeman with the rank of first-class superintendent on his shoulder and asked in a deep voice, "Lao Cui, what's the situation?"

Who is the policeman with the rank of first-class superintendent

Cui Zhengshu, the leader of the Criminal Police Brigade in Wujiang City, was lying in the car to observe the situation. He was listening

To the old policeman's greeting, immediately turned his head, recognized the identity of the old policeman, he immediately exclaimed, "director, how are you here?"

This old policeman is Li Hongbing, the director of the Public Security Bureau of Wujiang City. He looked at Cui Zhengshu and growled, "what's your name? If such a bad case happens in Wujiang City, can I not come?"

Cui Zhengshu was so stunned that he didn't dare to say a word. When he heard the leader scold him, he quickly changed the topic and said, "director, the situation is not as bad as we thought. The man in it is Feng Tao. He has controlled the situation now. The shooter has been killed, but I don't know what happened. There was another commotion just now, It seems that something has happened again. "“ Well Li Hongbing thought for a moment. He grabbed Cui Zhengshu's walkie talkie, pondered for a moment, and ordered, "all units, all units, I'm Li Hongbing. Now all the police officers and armed police comrades on the scene are under my command. Is it clear?"

Not a moment later, the interphone began to ring the voice of the units to reply.

"I'm Huang Feng, leader of the second squadron of the armed police force. Repeat the order just now. The command on the scene will be transferred to Comrade Li Hongbing. I have received the order. Over."

"I'm Zhao Kaixuan, deputy leader of the special police squadron. Repeat the order just now. The command on the scene will be transferred to Comrade Li Hongbing. I have received the order. Over."

"I'm Zou Yang, director of Xiyuan district police station. I repeat the order just now. The command of the scene will be transferred to Comrade Li Hongbing. I have received the order. Over."

"Well, now Comrade Cui Zhengshu of the criminal police team is beside me. I have received your reply. Now I will issue the order. Over."

With Li Hongbing's speech, radio waves began to ring one after another in the walkie talkie.

"Report, I'm the sniper vulture of the second squadron of the armed police. According to my observation, there are no shooters in the hotel at present, but someone is holding a samurai sword. There are eight or nine wounded on the ground. I don't know whether they are alive or dead. Over."

"Report, I'm old wolf, the sniper of the special police team. From my point of view, there are only two dangerous people on the scene. One of them tramples on a woman's face, the other holds a samurai sword. Except for the woman, they don't seem to want to take hostages. Over."

"Report, I'm Zou Yang from Xiyuan district police station. I just received a phone call from the boss of Jinlong winery. According to him, the situation on the scene has been controlled by the security personnel. It's over."

According to what Li Hongbing learned from all the units on the scene, he pondered for a moment and issued the next order, "all units, all units, we will prepare for the attack immediately. Now it has been proved that the safety of the hostages on the scene has been guaranteed to a certain extent. Although it is said that the security personnel of the hotel have controlled the situation, we still can't take it lightly, Please be careful. The mob may have dangerous weapons. "

"Got it!"

When all the combat units are ready, Li Hongbing ordered, "five seconds later, the special police and the armed police forces cover each other, one left and one right, with an angle of 45 degrees, behind the criminal police, responsible for protecting the scene, investigating and collecting evidence!"



With a low roar from Li Hongbing in the walkie talkie, more than 70 policemen on the scene acted in an orderly manner, and the well-trained special police force and armed police force rushed left and right to the gate.

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