Young girl's resentment

The revolving glass door in the way was smashed by a prepared special police officer with a fire axe. People rushed in and quickly aimed their guns at Feng Tao and Chiba Xiangchen in the hall.

On the building not far away, the snipers who cooperated with the assault troops held their breath and put their heads on the crosshairs of their sniper guns.

In this case, once Feng Tao and Chiba Xiangchen have any changes, on the opposite building, three snipers from the special police force and the armed police force may mercilessly give bullets to their heads.

Facing the rush of police officers, Feng Tao seemed to have expected. He raised his hand and said to Chiba Xiangchen with a smile, "Xiangchen, it seems that we need to go to the police station. Is that ok?"

Chiba Xiangchen shrugged and said, "I thought it would be this result. For me, as long as I have a knife in my hand, where is it different?"

"Ha ha." Feng Tao said with a bad smile, "I'm afraid you will be disappointed. If you go to the police station, obviously you can't take a knife."

"Is it?" Chiba Xiangchen frowned, then said to Feng Tao seriously, "in that case, we'll kill all the policemen, if it's very troublesome."

Feng Tao raised his eyebrows and said, "forget it, you are pointed at by dozens of guns. Even if we all have three heads and six arms, we can't avoid so many bullets."

Chiba Xiangchen smile, he shook his head and said, "maybe."

Just when they were still talking, the commando leader of the special police team in black combat uniform loaded the 05 submachine gun directly. He aimed at Feng Tao and scolded loudly, "don't talk. Move your feet away from the woman's head and squat down for me."

Feng Tao frowned. He stared at the group leader who was in charge of the assault task and said with a sneer, "young man, your temper doesn't look too good. What about your director? Should he come after such a big case? "

"It's none of your business to have a good temper. Now do as I say, or I have the right to shoot you." The group leader's face was covered with black headgear, showing a pair of sharp eyes and staring coldly at Feng Tao.

Feng Tao is an underground vassal of Wujiang City. Since he took charge of the black dragon club, no matter it's white or black, anyone will always sell him some face under any circumstances. However, like this group leader, Feng Tao has never met the situation that he looks cold and scolds directly.

After recording the man's eyes, Feng Tao put his foot down from the woman's head. He took a look at Chiba Xiangchen and said in a soft voice, "Xiangchen, heroes don't suffer losses. Now we are hard with the police department. We are asking for trouble."

Chiba Xiangchen also felt a cold pressure. The smell of iron blood from dozens of well-trained armed police officers made him feel dry. Maybe it was because of nervousness. His fingers were tightly held on the scabbard of the samurai sword. As a swordsman, he never gave his life to others.

"Feng Tao." Just after the scene was jointly controlled by the armed police and the special police, an old policeman in an old police uniform came in. He had a cold face. It was Li Hongbing, director of the Public Security Bureau of Wujiang City.

Behind Li Hongbing, Cui Zhengshu, the captain of the criminal police team, and Zhao Kaixuan, the special police team, are closely following Li Hongbing with several policemen of the criminal police team. They are all holding type 92 pistols. They are very nervous one by one for fear that Li Hongbing will encounter an accident.

However, the 45 year old Li Hongbing didn't care. He was upright. After entering the hall, he looked directly into Feng Tao's eyes and asked coldly, "I hope you can give me an explanation." Feng Tao was relieved when he saw Li Hongbing. He said with a faint smile, "why does director Li have to ask such a question? My every move is under your eyes. What's the matter with today's farce? I don't think director Li doesn't know anything about it?"

Li Hongbing frowned, and he said in a cold voice, "don't talk nonsense here. It's useless. I ask you, someone called the police just now, saying that there was a shooting case here, and the shooter was cut. Now tell me, where is the shooter?"

"What's the matter with director Li? There are cameras everywhere in this hotel. If you want to know what's going on, you just need to get surveillance. And the reason why I'm still here is that I still cooperate with your men to raise my arms

That's enough to show my attitude Feng Tao is not worried, he said lightly.

"Hum." Li Hongbing snorted coldly. He looked at Feng Tao and said, "you'd better have sufficient evidence to prove that you are a legal citizen. Otherwise, there are too many people who want to arrest you and go to prison. At that time, no one can protect you."

Feng Tao nodded and said with a smile, "although there are many people who want to catch me, I have never been caught in all these years, have I? So, Mr. director, I'm going to call my lawyer now. If you don't mind, I hope you can negotiate with my lawyer next. "

"Don't play a fancy gun in front of me. I just want to tell you one thing. As long as it involves guns and casualties, it will be thoroughly investigated. It's hard for anyone to speak. I advise you to be lenient when you confess and be strict when you resist. It's still time for you to turn yourself in." Li Hongbing stares at Feng Tao's eyes. He says word by word.

Feng Tao shook his head. He replied with righteous words, "I believe in the law."

"Hum." With a sneer, Li Hongbing said with disdain, "if other people say this, I may feel very happy, but you say this kind of words, I just think it's very funny."

"Ridiculous?" As soon as Feng Tao's mouth turned up, he grinned silently and said, "then you can smile for a while. Anyway, people live so long in their life. It's a while if you can smile for a while, but it's embarrassing when you don't want to smile."

Li Hongbing ignored him. He waved to the police officers who surrounded Feng Tao and Chiba Xiangchen. They all rushed up, held guns against their heads, and directly handcuffed the two guys.

On the road far away from the hotel, ye Chen's blue Mackay is about to arrive at the people's hospital. He touches his nose, takes out his mobile phone, opens a number and dials out.

"Hello." Yan Xiren's voice came from the other end of the phone. She was obviously happy, but her words were censured. "You still know how to call me. You think you don't remember me anymore."

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