
Ye Chen wry smiles to scratch to scratch a head way, "how can, elder sister, I am about to seek you now."

"Are you coming?" Yan Xiren got excited, but she soon said with disdain, "who wants you to come here? There's no food for you here."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "it's OK. I've had a meal. If I'm still hungry, I'll cook you and eat you."

"Hum, you dare!" Yan Xiren is charming and angry.

After ye Chen hangs up, Zhang Zhen in the driver's seat reports to Ye Chenhui with a smile, "brother Chen, we'll be there soon."

"Well." Nodding, ye Chengang wanted to say something, but the mobile phone in his pocket rang again.

Glanced at the caller on the screen, ye Chen picked up the phone and said, "Hello, fairy."

"..." it's Li Jiaying who calls Ye Chen. She originally wanted to say something to Ye Chen, but ye Chen's little fairy made Li Jiaying blush, and her red lips curled slightly. Li Jiaying said angrily, "what little fairy, big fairy, glib, no shape."

Ye Chen spread out his hands and said, "Hey, if you say so, my baby will be unhappy. What does it mean that there is no proper shape? I think I'm quite right."

Li Jiaying said, "I didn't see the shape. I saw the appearance of a hooligan."

Touching his nose, ye Chen said, "well, officer Li, when you cuff me, please be gentle with me. Although I'm a little rascal, I'm also a weak little rascal."

"Well, it's getting stronger and stronger, isn't it?" Li Jiaying doesn't want to argue with Ye Chen any more. She turns around and says, "in fact, I have something to do with you."

"What can I do for you, officer?" Ye Chen laughs.

At this point, Li Jiaying was a little embarrassed. She opened her mouth and said, "in fact, it's nothing. I just want to discuss something with you."

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen is more and more puzzled. He teases, "little fairy Jiaying, you've always been straight and straight. How can you be so awkward today? It's not like that Li Jiaying I know."

When Li Jiaying bit her silver teeth, she said, "in fact, it's very simple. I've been taking care of her in the hospital these two days. Now she wants to go home, and she also wants me to accompany her. But she doesn't want to ask her sister, so I want to ask you to do it. After all, ye Menghan and general manager ye will listen to you, right?"

Ye Chen only feels that his brain has been crammed into a big mass of things. He widens his eyes and says repeatedly, "elder sister, wait a moment, let me digest."

After a long time, ye Chen said slowly, "let me sum it up. In short, Xiren wants to go back to her sister's house. You also want to live with her, right?"

"Well." At this time, Li Jiaying is blushing. She wants to say something to explain herself, but she doesn't dare to say much, for fear that her extreme performance will expose her true thoughts. She is confused and prays in her heart: don't guess what I'm thinking, don't guess what I'm thinking

In the face of this question raised by Li Jiaying, ye Chen also finds it funny. Although he is shocked, he doesn't think much about it. After all, in his opinion, Li Jiaying and Yan Xiren are about the same age and hobbies. It's not a particularly surprising thing that they become girlfriends these days.

Ye Menghan has never mentioned Yan Xiren for several days, but ye Chen knows that ye Menghan is more worried about her sister than anyone else. She sometimes looks at Yan Xiren's photos in a daze, sometimes holds her mobile phone and lingers on Yan Xiren's mobile phone number, Hesitated to call“ Hey, these two sisters are natural enemies. " Ye Chen smiles and shakes his head. Then he says to Li Jiaying on the phone, "it's OK. If you can all live together, it's much more lively. It's better than being cold and quiet."

Li Jiaying was overjoyed. She felt that she had eaten the dried fish. She said with a smile, "let's make a deal, but I have a condition. As a condition for the palace to stay with you, you must prepare the best meal for the palace every day. Mm-hmm, that's it."

Without giving Ye Chen the chance to refute and refuse, Li Jiaying quickly hangs up the phone. At the other end that ye Chen can't see, Li Jiaying sits cross legged on her pink little bed, grinning and showing her two cute little tiger teeth. She is stunned there for a long time. Her two big black eyes are looking at a fluffy bear on the table, and she doesn't know what to think.

"Here we are, brother Chen." When ye Chen smiles bitterly, Mackay stops slowly. Ye Chen is stunned. He looks out of the car window and sees that the car has been parked in the parking lot of the hospital. Zhang Zhen's driving skill is very high. Backing into the garage is just like eating and drinking water. Ye Chen doesn't even feel the same.

"Ah, all right. You wait for me here. I'll be right back." Ye Chen unties his seat belt. He pushes the door to get off and walks down from his seat.

Zhang Zhen wants to stop talking. He wants to follow Ye Chen, but he can't resist Ye Chen's orders. After all, before he starts to follow Ye Chen, the order given by Ye Menghan is to obey Ye Chen's arrangement.

So, Zhang Zhen grinned after all, "well, brother Chen, I'll wait for you here."

Ye Chen nodded and identified the direction, then went to the inpatient department floor where Yan Xiren was.

And just as ye Chen got off the bus, two shadows quietly followed. They came out of the inconspicuous parking space in the corner of the parking lot, and their car was also the inconspicuous Passat.

The floor where Yan Xiren is located is the intensive care ward area, where the residents are either dignitaries or witnesses and soldiers protected by the police

After Li Muchen was arrested, Yan Xiren was admitted to the intensive care unit as the victim and witness of the police's full protection. After Li Muchen escaped from prison, Yan Xiren who was in great danger of being killed became the object of police's key monitoring and protection.

At this moment, in addition to the policewomen who take care of Yan Xiren in the ward, there are police on guard and patrol in the corridor and in front of the door. According to criminal psychology, the escaped criminals often double their revenge on the victims, so with the idea of ambushing Li Muchen, the police cleared the two rooms next to the ward and specially hid more than 20 plainclothes policemen inside.

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