Li Muchen is coming

If Li Muchen doesn't come, it's OK. If he does, then the policemen who have been rubbing their hands for a long time will never miss the chance to catch him easily.

"Ah." A policeman on patrol yawned a long time. He complained to his partner, "I can't stand it. We stay up late to guard every day, and we don't know whether Li Muchen will come or not. I don't think it's going to work. If I run out of the detention center, I won't be able to run as far as I can, and I won't come back again."

"What's the blind name?" The partner, who was a little older, reprimanded the complaining policeman and said, "are you smart in the world? Director and captain, don't they know if it's useful or not? Patrol well. You can't do your own work well now. What else do you worry about for the leader? "

"I'll talk about it. Can't I talk about it? Besides, why didn't I do my job well? Don't you think I'm on patrol now? Have you been lazy The young policeman said unconvinced.

"You are right." The old policeman glared at the young policeman. He opened his mouth and said, "we are now..."

Before his words were heard, he suddenly fell out as if he had been hit by a car. With a cry of pain, he hit the tile floor six or seven meters away on the spot. He not only broke his head and blood, but also made a big hole in his chest. The whole person kept twitching, and blood and broken internal organs immediately gushed out and dyed a large area red.

"Brother Chen!" The young policeman's eyes widened. He was shocked and angry. He ran directly to the old policeman who was paralyzed on the ground. He didn't know what was going on, and it was even more difficult to understand how this happened. Just now, it was a good one

People, how can it suddenly become like this without any reason?!

The old policeman, surnamed Chen, was bleeding. His body was twitching. Through the big hole like a porcelain bowl in his chest, we could clearly see the wriggling internal organs and damaged organs. Moreover, the hole was a penetrating wound, just like being penetrated by a thick and sharp object, leaving such a ferocious and terrible wound.

"Ha ha." But before the young policeman came to the old policeman, he suddenly heard a hoarse sneer. This kind of cold laughter had a chilling feeling. The young policeman shivered all over, and he looked back in a hurry.

At the moment when he turned around, a face magnified to the extreme was reflected in his wide eyes. The face was as pale as paper, and his hair was tangled in disorder. His eyes showed a strange dead gray. Just at a glance, the young policeman was scared and his sweat bristled. In horror, he suddenly stepped back, and his right hand subconsciously wanted to draw the gun.

Because of the mission, all the police in charge of the protection task in this building are equipped with guns. However, considering the social impact and safety problems, the guns distributed to the general police of the inspection team are small revolvers, and the bullets are all rubber bullets. In the words of some old police officers, it's hard to beat dogs with these broken guns, let alone subdue some ferocious criminals.

However, at this critical juncture, the young patrolman only felt that the small left wheel in his hand gave him the only sense of security. Holding the gun in his hand, the young patrolman directly aimed and fired, and pulled the trigger at the terrible dead face.


The young patrolman was in a cold sweat. After he pulled the trigger, the bullet was not fired. He suddenly reflected that he didn't have a trigger hammer, the small left wheel wasn't safe, and the bullet wasn't loaded at all.

"Damn it In this crisis of life and death, the young police can not manage so much. He gritted his teeth and raised his thumb to trigger. However, the next scene made him completely lose his strength to resist.

"Poof!" It was just like inserting a watermelon knife into a watermelon when he was cutting a watermelon. The young policeman only heard such a sound, and then his knees softened and he knelt down on the ground.

A vague pain vaguely transmitted to his pain nerve, but now, it seems that the pain has no great significance. Lying on the ground, the young policeman covered his chest, where there was a big hole, the size of a porcelain bowl. Looking through the big hole, the flesh and blood rolled up, and the internal organs were broken like paste.

The patrolman only felt that his breathing was more and more difficult. Gradually, his body lost its temperature with the blood flowing.

"Mom Mom"

Before he died, the young man shed tears on his face. He was just in his twenties. He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to die so inexplicably. When he lost his breath, everything in his mind became blurred. Only his parents looked at him with a smile in the distance, as if they were waiting for him to go home.

When the eyes of the young patrolman lost color, the pale man just gave a little smile and gave out a cold and ferocious laugh, "ha ha ha."

"Who are you?" Just as the pale and strange man stood there alone, behind him, a plain clothes policeman suddenly yelled.

Without waiting for the strange man to respond, the plain clothes policeman saw two miserable bodies lying on the ground. At this moment, the young patrolman was still alive, his body was twitching unconsciously, and the blood was flowing more quickly with his action.

"Son of a bitch!" The plainclothes policeman didn't understand what happened here. He grabbed the pistol under his armpit, pulled it out of the holster, loaded it and aimed at the strange man. He yelled, "don't move, raise your hand!"

Those who ambush Li Muchen are the elite of the joint duty of the criminal police team and the special police team. They have high discipline and loyalty, and they have strong fighting will. They belong to one of the strongest law enforcement forces in Wujiang City. Therefore, their guns are all type 92 pistols with great lethality, and their bullets are all powerful 9mm steel bullets, let alone people, within 50 meters, A shot in the hand, tigers are not afraid.

It seems to feel the strong murderous atmosphere of the plain clothes policeman behind him. The pale strange man grinned and grinned. He grinned and turned slowly, looking coldly at the plain clothes policeman who aimed at him with a gun.

"It's you, Li Muchen?"

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