
The plain clothes policeman looked at the pale face in disbelief, because the target of this ambush was Li Muchen. Of course, the policemen who were in charge of the task kept in mind what their target looked like. However, he never thought that Li Muchen, who escaped from prison, actually came back, And it seems to have killed two more patrolmen just now.

"Son of a bitch, listen to Li Muchen. You are arrested now. Immediately raise your hands and put your head on the ground." The plain clothes policeman growled angrily.

However, although the plainclothes policeman's voice was very loud, Li Muchen didn't seem to hear it. He turned his mouth and looked at the plainclothes policeman with dead gray eyes. His head was slightly crooked and he didn't know what he wanted to do.

"Don't move!" The plain clothes policeman roared again. He tried to move forward and planned to subdue Li Muchen after getting close to him. Then he arrested him. However, in front of him, Li Muchen disappeared in the same place. The next second, he appeared in front of the plain clothes policeman. Then he waved his hand and grabbed the plain clothes policeman's head directly.

"Son of a bitch!" The plain clothes policeman didn't have time to think about it. He yelled and pulled the trigger!


The clear sound of the 92 pistol spread throughout the whole floor, breaking the silent night and many people's dreams.

The other plainclothes policemen who were responsible for the ambush task were very excited. They jumped up from their beds and chairs, picked up their guns and rushed to the scene of the gunshot. They ran wildly. Although no one gave them an order, the gunshot was an order in the army, in the battlefield and in the task!

More than a dozen plainclothes policemen pulled out their guns and rushed into the corridor. At the corner of the stairs, they could see the two policemen killed by Li Muchen.

"What's going on?" All the plainclothes policemen were shocked. They looked at the two policemen who died miserably and took a cold breath. Even the experienced elite of the police force couldn't help but turn pale. But then, a cavity of anger ignited all the policemen on the scene. They clenched their pistols and fell into silent silence one by one.


Another shot.

All of them turned their eyes to the corridor not far away. The plain clothes policeman was pinched by Li Muchen and lifted up. Just now, the plain clothes policeman aimed at Li Muchen's chest and fired another shot. But it was incredible that when the bullet hit Li Muchen, it was like hitting a piece of tough rubber.

The bullet was spinning into Li Muchen's body, but when it entered the skin about 3cm, it gradually lost its grip

The impact force slowly stopped in the flesh and blood of about 5 cm, which could not cause much damage. What's more, people can't believe that after Li Muchen was shot, the blood flowing in the wound was sky blue.

This kind of blood is not only terrible in color, but also has a strong smell of sea. When the plain clothes policeman who was strangled by his neck saw the swarming companions, he immediately summoned up his courage, grabbed Li Muchen's wrist, and aimed his other hand at Li Muchen's head and pulled the trigger.


With a loud roar, Li Muchen directly bumped the plain clothes policeman into the wall. The huge impact force made the plain clothes policeman feel as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer. His face turned purple, his mouth opened and he vomited a mouthful of blood foam. The pistol was also thrown off his hand, and he fell on the ground dribbling, snoring and sliding away.

"What kind of monster is this?" The plainclothes policeman who came to support was startled. He quickly stood up and took aim at Li Muchen's thigh. Then he pulled the trigger. The 9 mm diameter steel core bullet broke away from the muzzle at an initial speed of 360 meters per second and hit Li Muchen more than 20 meters away. However, the cool scene happened again. Although Li Muchen was shot in the thigh, the bullet still only squeezed in about 3cm, and it seemed that his thigh muscles were more developed, and the bullet was stuck again at about 4cm!

The sky blue smell of blood whistling out, Li Mu Chen roared, he first five fingers a clutch, the hands of plainclothes police neck pinch smashed, directly ended this life, then turned around, with cruel and terrible eyes staring at the shooting

Another plain clothes policeman who hit him.


"What is it?"

Everyone has witnessed the scene that the bullet is invalid, but because of this, they are even more reluctant to believe the fact that it is totally impossible to use the human body to resist the bullet. Even if you are an elephant, you can't bear the penetrating power of the bullet.

However, the cold and cruel reality happened in front of people's eyes. People can't believe it or don't want to believe it. In a word, when the fact is in front of them, no one will care whether you accept it or not.


The plainclothes policeman whose neck was crushed was soon out of breath. When the rest of the policemen saw Li Mu Chen's dead gray eyes, they immediately felt numb and sweating. One by one, they immediately pointed guns at Li Mu Chen. At this point, no one cared about the official gun regulations, the warning shots, and the uniform.

With someone taking the lead, the others all pulled the trigger. A dozen pistols were fired at the same time, and the bullets were splashed like rain. These plainclothes policemen are elites in the police force who shoot for more than an hour every day. The bullets they consume every day are calculated by the box, and the places they aim at are all Li Muchen's heart and head. They face such a terrible enemy, In addition to focusing on the key points, there is no other way to find a sense of security.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa"

A series of clear gunshots sounded like firecrackers lit during the Spring Festival, but Li Muchen didn't care. He stood in the same place and didn't move at all. He just tilted his head back, avoided all the bullets that shot at his head, and let the other bullets fall on his chest.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Li Mu Chen sent out a series of sneers. He slowly raised his head and looked at the plainclothes policemen with indifference. He rubbed his fingers, and then grabbed them in the direction of the plainclothes policemen, as if he were grasping something. His dead gray eyes were staring at the plainclothes policemen who attacked him. Then, under the frightened eyes of everyone who couldn't believe it, An undercover policeman who shot the first time fell to the ground like a sawed tree.

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