Don't let anything happen

"Old sun!"

All the policemen were terrified. They looked at their companions and saw the plain clothes policeman named Lao sun, whose clothes were stained with blood, with a blood hole the size of a porcelain bowl on his chest. He collapsed on the ground, covered the wound in pain and died helplessly.

Just after sun died, Li Mu Chen slowly took back his right hand. He sneered and looked at the other policemen. Although his chest was full of bullet holes, he didn't care at all. His eyes were as cold as sand. He looked at the other policemen quietly, just like a group of dying prey.


The plainclothes policemen all swallowed a mouthful of saliva. They couldn't believe their eyes. The enemy of this degree can't be called human, just like a monster.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Li Mu Chen looked at the plainclothes policemen not far away with a sneer. His eyes were as cold as frost. His eyes were covered with a thick layer of dead gray, just like a walking corpse. He looked dull. He didn't seem to have any human feelings, just like a cold-blooded beast, cruel and cold-blooded.

"Son of a bitch!"

A policeman in plain clothes could not suppress his anger and fear. He pulled the trigger crazily, and his rapid fire skill, which he practiced in the police force, was brought into full play. The bullets were like splashing raindrops. However, Li Mu Chen just gave a cold smile, leaving a series of shadows in the same place. The speed was as fast as that of a predatory cheetah. It was just a moment, He dodged most of the bullets and went straight for the policeman who fired.

The rest of the warheads left messy bullet holes on Li Muchen's body. The sky blue blood gushed out of the wound with Li Muchen's action, dripping all over the ground, but Li Muchen didn't care at all, just like a zombie whose pain sense was cut off.

"So fast!" The plainclothes policeman who took the lead in shooting retreated. He wanted to run away and escape, but he was shocked to find that his legs could not use his strength. When he was locked by Li Muchen's dead gray eyes, the plainclothes policeman seemed to be taken out of his courage to resist.

After leaving a residual shadow on the retina of the plain clothes policeman, Li Muchen crossed more than 20 meters and jumped directly in front of the plain clothes policeman. With one hand, Li Muchen laughed, and the plain clothes policeman's heart was easily pulled out by Li Muchen's right hand.

"I am... But... Evil..."

The plain clothes policeman had dilated pupils and congested eyes. He opened his mouth wide and covered his chest with his hands. But before he covered his chest, he fell on the ground.

"Kill you!"

The rest of the police are full of anger and madness. After seeing Li Muchen kill his companions like dogs, their eyes are red with hatred, and the continuous gunfire sounds like firecrackers. However, Li Muchen is just a hook in the corner of his mouth. His dead gray eyes are stiff and cold. In his eyes, all the police around him have become prey.

And... It's a dead game

It's in the intensive care unit. It's a bloody battle. It's so fierce that it can't die.

Ye Chen doesn't know what happened at all. He hums a little song and gets on the elevator leading to the eighth floor. Yan Xiren's floor is the eighth floor of the inpatient department. At this moment, the two sides are also on the eighth floor.

"Ha ha ha."

Dozens of seconds later, there is only one person standing in the corridor on the eighth floor. Because this is the monitoring area specially designated by the police, doctors and nurses will not come here after 9 pm. If the patient is abnormal, the policewoman in charge of nursing will inform the doctor on duty immediately. On the white tile floor, blood overflowed like a spring. All the policemen who were in charge of the task were sacrificed here. When they died, they looked ferocious and terrifying. Their chest cracked, their internal organs were broken like mud, and their eyes were full of tears

Wide open, eyes full of fear and unwilling, the body is full of blood, is still steaming.


The door of a ward opened from the inside, and a girl's head stretched out, but only looked out, she turned pale with fright. After a scream, she covered her mouth with her shaking palm, and quickly retracted her body.

That ward is exactly where Yan Xiren is, and the policewoman who peeps out with this probe is the policewoman accompanying her. Because Li Jiaying is going to prepare her birthday party, she went home this evening, and this policewoman is the intern policewoman who is responsible for Li Jiaying's replacement.

Just now, the gunfire outside the door was too fierce. Although the policewoman didn't know what was going on outside, she firmly remembered her mission. She first hid Yan Xiren under the bed, then loaded the bullet, and leaned back on the door with a heavy 92 pistol.

Because of the tension and fear, her lips turned white and she was trembling all over. She did not dare to go out until the gunfire stopped, but she almost scared her soul away.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

Violent rough breathing, she covered her mouth, the corridor outside the room, the bloody scene let her fear tremble

Shaking like a mouse, leaning back on the door, she took out her mobile phone with trembling fingers, shivered and selected a contact's phone, teeth Kapa Kapa straight fight.

"Doo Doo Doo"

Although the phone is connected, the call waiting tone is as long as a century. This young policewoman, who is still in the internship period, constantly reminds herself to be strong, and constantly uses the way learned in the police academy to relieve the pressure on her heart. However, when she thinks of the bloody scene outside, no matter how deep she breathes, she is only in her early twenties, Can not ease the heart of the slightest fear.

Under the bed, Yan Xiren, who is also colorless, doesn't even dare to go out. She looks at the nervous policewoman. Although she doesn't know what happened outside, she guesses it must be a terrible thing.

Silently took out the mobile phone, Yan Xiren licked his cracked red lips, also made a phone call.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable."

Different from the call waiting of the policewoman, Yan Xiren failed to get through after making the call. Her face changed greatly and a lot of cold sweat began to flow out of her forehead.

"Why can't I get through? Is nothing wrong with him? " Yan Xiren is not worried about her own safety at this moment. She is worried about the safety of another man. Staring at the man's name on the screen, she can't help but say, "it's so dangerous outside now. Ye Chen, don't come here. You can't have an accident..."

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