
On the elevator leading to the eighth floor of the people's Hospital, ye Chen is listening to music with earphones in his ears. He habitually takes out his mobile phone to see if anyone is looking for him, but he finds that the signal grid in the upper right corner of the screen is gone. He can't help but say, "it's really a dog. There's no signal in the elevator, but my eyelids are always jumping, Nothing's going to happen, is it? "

Just when ye Chen is a little uneasy, the two men who quietly follow Ye Chen look at each other. They are shocked by each other's eyes. Because ye Chen is in an elevator, the sound is not very obvious. In addition, he wears earphones in his ears, so he can't hear other sounds.

But the people behind Ye Chen have been waiting for the elevator. They dare not sit in the same elevator with Ye Chen. For fear that their identity and intention will be exposed, they have to stay in front of the elevator by squatting. Fortunately, there are fewer people now, and ye Chen is the only one who uses the elevator. Just see how many floors Ye Chen has arrived.

"Guns!" A man who followed Ye Chen widened his eyes. He said without hesitation, "the sound of the 92 pistol."

Another man was wearing a Navy sports suit. He looked ugly, but he was quite tall. He was about 1.85 meters in height. His skin was dark. After listening carefully, he heard, "it's a 9 mm 92 model. The distance should be above the 6th floor and below the 10th floor."

"What to do?" Asked a short man.

The tall man said, "what else can I do, go on!"

Two men wind general run to the stairs, from the emergency channel on the rapid rush up.

In the corridor on the eighth floor, Li Muchen walked step by step to the door of the intensive care unit. He tilted his head, his eyes were as dull as ever, his mouth was wearing a strange sneer, and his pale face was full of cruelty and coldness.

In the room, the policewoman stood up to the door, but in front of Li Muchen, both the policewoman's back and the door seemed so thin and fragile.

"Hello." The phone was finally connected. A man's voice came from the policewoman's mobile phone. He seemed a little depressed and said, "Xiaomin, what are you calling about?"

At the other end of the phone, Chen Jiang, who was still bandaged, was lying on his bed.

Chen Jiang said to the policewoman on the other end of the phone, "what's the matter? Tell me quickly, I still have work to finish."

Chen Jiang's will has been depressed since he was badly hit by Xiahou iron, the head of the Blood Axe captor, at pier 3. He used to be the captain of the criminal police team of Wujiang City. In terms of fighting ability, he has never been afraid of anyone, but after he fought with Xiahou iron, he really realized his weakness.

Because of his injury, he asked for three days off to go home for a rest. But now when he and his wife are doing homework, he didn't expect to be directly disturbed.

Although full of depression, but after hearing the little policewoman's next sentence, he immediately bounced out of bed.

"What are you talking about?" Chen jiangmeng sat up.

"Director, all our comrades in charge of ambush have died. Now I'm left alone in the ward. Li Muchen rushes in immediately. What should I do, director!" After the little policewoman got through the phone, it was like catching a straw. She yelled at the top of her voice.

The sense of helplessness and fear spread to Chen Jiang's ears through the radio waves. Chen Jiang immediately clenched his fist and only said, "I'll be there in a minute. The special police team and the armed police squadron will rush to support. You'll stick to your guard and wait for help. Remember, at all costs, you must protect the witness and your own life. I authorize you to use all weapons to kill the enemy!" However, before Chen Jiang's words came to the ground, the shrieks of a policewoman came from the other end of the phone, and the door was broken

Then Chen Jiang could no longer hear any valuable voice, only meaningless rustle came, Zizi cheering.

Chen Jiang's face was cold and gloomy. He sat up from the bed and began to dress without saying a word.

On the bed, his wife wrapped up the quilt tightly, opened her mouth and asked him, "what's the matter?"

"There's an accident. The police are dead." Chen Jiang sighed heavily. He put on his clothes and ran out with his shoes.

"Hello The charming young woman sitting on the bed called Chen Jiang, but she wanted to talk and stopped. Her heart was full of worries. After all, she only said, "you must come back."

Chen Jiang straightened the gun around his waist. He took a deep breath, rubbed the national emblem on the brim with his steady palm, and said aloud without looking back, "I will come back!"

The elevator door creaks and opens. Ye Chen stands in the elevator and glances out. But just one glance, his brain is buzzing.

I saw bodies all over the body, blood flowing into a river, thick blood dried into pieces, for a time there was no place to settle down, but he immediately woke up, his face turned pale, pulled off the earphone on his ear, roared and ran to the intensive care unit, and exclaimed, "attack me!"

At the same time, Yan Xiren, who was hiding under the bed in the intensive care unit, saw that the door of the room was kicked open from the outside, and the policewoman with her back against the door was directly kicked out. The unspeakable inhuman force acted on the policewoman's back, which made the policewoman as thin as a deer directly hit the opposite wall, On the spot, she fainted with a dull hum, and her mobile phone was also knocked into a piece of junk. She didn't know what was going on.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Li Mu Chen sent out a series of cold laughter. He first glanced at the little policewoman who had been hit and flew, and then his eyes fell on the room. He looked left and right, as if searching for something.

He sniffed and grinned. Step by step, he went to the hospital bed.

Under the bed, Yan Xiren almost collapsed. Although when she was hiding here just now, the policewoman deliberately lowered the sheet so that she could block the sight from the door, but now, her heart still beats like thunder. The thin sheet didn't give her much sense of security. Even because she couldn't see the situation outside clearly, it made her more afraid.

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