
"Asshole!" Ye Chen scolds angrily, he takes a deep breath, is about to fight back with his life, but suddenly there is a gunshot outside the door.


The 9 mm caliber pistol bullet directly hit Li Muchen's neck, and the sky blue blood appeared like a fountain. Although Li Muchen's muscle toughness is far beyond ordinary people's, his neck is still one of the weaknesses of the human body. The bullet went straight through there, leaving only a blood hole thick and thin with his thumb.

After the shooting, although Ye Chen was startled, he was still overjoyed. He turned back and saw two people standing at the door. One was tall, wearing a Navy sports suit, and the other was relatively short, but he was about 175. The 92 pistol in his hand was still emitting light smoke. It was he who shot Li Muchen just now.

"Brother, are you plain clothes policemen?" Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said with a kind smile to the two people behind him.

Who knows those two people are the facial expression big change, point to Ye Chen in succession after death to shout a way, "ah?! Be careful

Ye Chen was startled, and before he had a reaction, Dabao's voice came out of his ear, "warning, your life has been greatly threatened, and has automatically opened the emergency plan for you."


Ye Chen only felt that a huge force hit him on the back of his head. This kind of powerful force has been comparable to the one shot that the flying weasel made after the beast was changed. However, ye Chen accepted the blow to such a degree. No one else saw it, but Li Muchen, who was looking directly at the scene, opened his eyes.

This palm of Li Mu Chen is to use the whole body's strength, hate under the hand, even the iron block is likely to be patted flat, but ye Chen unexpectedly nothing, just Ye Chen faltered for a while, as if he was gently pushed.

But ye Chen knows that at the moment when Li Mu Chen attacks him, a transparent energy shield will protect his back brain, so that he can resist the palm without anything.

"Shit Ye Chen rolled forward and got up next to the two tall men at the door. When he looked back at Li Muchen, he thought of the voice of Dabao again. "Sir, the air shield just consumed 80 merits. Please be careful."

When ye Chen heard these words, his heart was dripping blood. 80 merits and virtues had been a lot for him. After a series of buying, his merits and virtues had shrunk to a point where he could not accept them. But in this battle, he burned 80 again, which was nearly one third of Ali's boxing experience, For ye Chen, it is a very important expenditure.

However, ye Chen is also very glad that Dabao has the function of protecting his life. After all, if there was no Dabao just now, he would have died. If a person died, no amount of merits and virtues would be of little use. After all, dead people don't need to buy them

It's not the same thing.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo." Heavy breathing, ye Chen incredible looking at Li Muchen, although this guy's neck was pierced off, but Li Muchen did not seem to be how seriously affected, he snored, the sky blue blood along the thumb thick wound constantly out.

Ye Chen can't help saying, "what the hell is this?"

One side of the tall man frowned, his face ugly said, "Damn, it is... Atavism..."

"What?" Ye Chen said, "what does atavism mean?"

The tall man's expression slightly changed and said, "for normal people, atavism is equivalent to degeneration. It means that modern people have the characteristics of ancient people, such as long hair all over the body, such as growing a tail. For some people, it's not the same thing at all." Ye Chen asked strangely, "for whom?"

The tall man shook hands with the type 92 pistol he had just picked up from the dead. He said with a bitter smile, "seriously, I didn't expect to meet such a person. This person's ancestors must have great power, so after he returns to his ancestors, the gene lock hidden in his blood is opened, releasing the power from his ancestors, It makes him a strong man to some extent, but also a garbage to a broader extent. "

"What do you mean?" Ye Chen always holds the attitude of asking this kind of question, but Li Muchen obviously doesn't want to give him the chance to attend the class. Li Muchen, who is pale, roars and pours at Ye Chen again.

The tall man and the slightly shorter man's face suddenly changed. They shot together and tried to stop Li Muchen's progress with bullets. But Li Muchen just looked back. He hid his head behind his back and used his chest and body to resist bullets. At the same time, he also went straight to the three men who attacked him.

As soon as ye Chen's face changed, he looked left and right. He picked up the bottle hanger. It was made of stainless steel by the nurse. Although Ye Chen didn't take advantage of it, he had to make do with it now.

With a loud roar, ye Chen is ready to fight. As soon as his arms sink and his wrists shake, the stainless steel bottle hanger is directly rammed into Li Muchen's heart. But as soon as he meets Li Muchen, ye Chen feels an irresistible force coming to his body.


Ye Chen even back two steps, this just unloaded Li Mu Chen to collide over of strength, but Li Mu Chen has no the slightest influence, still back to head, straight toward Ye Chen three people and come!

"Don't waste your energy. This guy's power after returning to his ancestors is amazing, but on the contrary, after awakening the original power in his body, his brain will also be destroyed. So now we can only outwit him, and we can't compete with him." The short man on one side yelled.

He emptied the magazine in his hand, and the short man roared. He took out a swing stick from his back waist and shook it out. He rolled forward to Li Muchen's feet and hit Li Muchen's knee directly without hesitation.

However, although the short man's attack hit Li Muchen, it seems that this kind of attack can not cause him too much damage. Instead, it aroused Li Muchen's endless anger. He raised his foot and kicked the short man's head. The short man broke out in a cold sweat and ran away with a lazy donkey.

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