I don't have the strength to hit people

The cooperation between the tall man and the short man is obviously very tacit. At the moment when his partner attacks successfully, he shoots three shots one after another and hits Li Muchen's other knee hard. He successfully makes Li Muchen stagger twice and covers his partner to retreat safely.

And ye Chen obviously won't miss such an opportunity. He holds the bottle rack in his hand, and after waving it for several circles, he swings it at Li Muchen's body. This powerful power like sweeping a thousand troops is like a Python's tail flick, and he also devotes Ye Chen's whole strength, which can be said to be a blow!


The stainless steel hanging bottle rack was severely pulled out on Li Muchen, and then there was a deafening roar. Ye Chen tried his best to make the hanging bottle rack bend out a huge arc, and Li Muchen was also beaten back three or four steps!

Li Muchen staggers. His left arm is torn open by Ye Chen's stick. The sky blue blood rushes out and drops to the ground. He stares at Ye Chen with cold eyes. He doesn't care about his injury at all. With a low roar, he jumps up suddenly and pours at Ye Chen fiercely again.

"Ye Chen!"

Just when ye Chen is about to be killed by Li Muchen, Yan Xiren, who is left by Li Muchen, finally screams. She shouts to Ye Chen, "run away!"

Ye Chen looks at Yan Xi. Suddenly, he smiles at her and shows his white teeth. Ye Chen says with a smile, "Hello! Little idiot, just stay there. Anyway, I'll protect you

"Miss two?"

The two tall men who are in charge of tracking Ye Chen also notice Yan Xiren. They are stunned, and then they shout.

Yan Xiren did not answer them, because now, in her eyes, there is only one ye Chen figure left, and in her mind, only Ye Chen's words are echoing.

"No matter what, you - just let me guard you!"

Yan Xiren's eyes gradually moistened. She bit her lips and nodded her head. Then she screamed, "Ye Chen, I'll give you my life!"

The sound cut across the night sky and reverberated throughout the building.

Ye Chen grinned. He clenched his fists and said with a laugh, "give it to me!"

And at this time, Li Muchen also rushed to Ye Chen's in front, his mouth hanging hatred and venomous sneer, face ferocious wave hit down.

Ye Chen roars wildly. He looks directly at Li Muchen. He takes a sliding step to avoid Li Muchen's attack. Then a forehand jab hits Li Muchen's face accurately.

Even the bullet couldn't do much damage to Li Muchen, but ye Chen's fist made Li Muchen step back two or three steps, and he was staggering, as if he was drunk.

"Sure enough." Ye Chen said with a low smile, "your weakness is your head. I just noticed that although your body is tough and terrible, even bullets can't kill you, you will still consciously protect your head, but a fool is a fool. Your action to protect your weakness is too obvious!"

Roaring, ye Chen approaches, butterfly's sliding step is completely used to the limit by him, and his figure is in a flash. He gets close to Li Muchen's body, and his fists fall like raindrops. He roars with all his strength, and the sound of banging is like beating sandbags.

Ye Chen doesn't hit other parts, but stares at Li Muchen's head to attack. Although Li Muchen tries his best to dodge, he doesn't have the slightest possibility to dodge under Ye Chen's superb boxing and superb footwork. In the end, Li Mu Chen can only hold his head and barely block Ye Chen's attack, so that he can gain a moment's breathing opportunity.


Finally, Li Mu Chen, who was suppressed, was completely angry. He waved his hands disorderly and let Ye Chen punch his head. Then he took advantage of Ye Chen's lack of time to do other actions and suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Ye Chen's neck.

In a rage, Li Muchen directly pinches Ye Chen and smashes Ye Chen's body to the ground. With a loud bang, ye Chen falls to the ground like a rag, and the bright white tiles are cracked by Ye Chen's body.


Ye Chen didn't expect that after Li Muchen was suppressed by himself, he could still burst out such a terrible counterattack ability. He didn't come up in a breath, so he almost closed his breath. Under the fierce cough, the corner of his mouth overflowed with bright red blood.

This kind of impact caused great damage to Ye Chen's body. His internal organs were shocked to pain. Bearing the pain, ye Chen grabbed Li Muchen's wrist. With a roar, he clenched his fist and hit Li Muchen's arm.

However, in addition to the head, Li's body is as tough as rubber, which is different from its complete hardness. This extremely tough body can even absorb the impact of bullets, not to mention Ye Chen's fists.

With a few punches, ye Chen immediately feels the enemy's strong defense ability. If ye Chen's fist acts on a tree, he can even break the thick trunk of the bowl.

But hitting Li Muchen's arm is just like hitting a piece of unbreakable rubber. The strength of his fist is straight

Then he was completely taken by Li Muchen's muscles, and he couldn't do any harm to Li Muchen at all.

Without waiting for ye Chen to think of a better way of attack, Li Muchen pinches Ye Chen up again. With a wild roar, he throws Ye Chen out. Ye Chen flies out in mid air and smashes on the wall of the ward.


Just listen to the roar, ye Chen's body heavily collides with the wall, and the white wall made of brick and stone is directly cracked by Ye Chen. Ye Chen just feels like a shell coming out of the chamber, flying out at an incredible speed, and the body is wrapped with a powerful force to hit the wall.


Ye Chen fell down from the wall. He held his hand on the ground and knelt down on the ground. His throat was hot and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

The scarlet blood vomited on the floor, ye Chen's eyes were all congested, his face was ferocious, he looked at Li Muchen with a fierce eyes, hoarse throat, ye Chen roared with a determined voice, "son of a bitch, are you tickling me? You don't have the strength to beat people, and you call yourself a underworld? "

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