fierce fighting

Li Muchen doesn't seem to understand what ye Chen is saying. However, his anger towards Ye Chen has long been uncontrollable, and he always feels that ye Chen is familiar with his face. Looking at Ye Chen's face, he has an instinctive hatred.

With a violent drink, Li Mu Chen stepped on the floor and rushed to Ye Chen with a roar. He raised his right hand high and made five fingers into claws. He wanted to pull Ye Chen's head off and tear his chest open, so that ye Chen's eyes could see his palms crush his internal organs.

Only in this way can Li Muchen's anger and intention of killing be relieved.

"No!" The tall man who stood at the door to watch the battle was shocked. He didn't have time to think about it, so he pulled out his gun and started shooting at Li Muchen.

Because of Ye Chen's warning, the tall man aimed his gun at Li Muchen's head.

However, Li Muchen's action was very fast. The tall man only had time to fire two or three shots. Although the bullets swished past, they didn't hit Li Muchen at all.

But the short man who just ran away saw the chance. He jumped up from one side and grabbed Li Muchen's wrist. Then he pulled Li Muchen to the ground.

And at the moment when Li Muchen fell to the ground, the short man waved his alloy swing stick and took out Li Muchen's wrist viciously

It's on the table.

The tall man, who had a tacit understanding with the short man, naturally would not miss this opportunity. He aimed at Li Muchen's head and pulled the trigger one after another. The bullets were fired four times in a row and flew straight to Li Muchen's head.

Li Muchen obviously felt the threat of bullets. He held his head in his hands and protected his head with his arms. The bullet hit his arm and fell into his muscles, but he could not do much damage.

The tall man still wanted to shoot, but he found that the bullet in his magazine had been emptied. He threw away his pistol and jumped up in three and two steps. One hand held Li Muchen's arm, and the other hand took out a military dagger from his waist.

He aimed at Li Muchen's arm gap, aimed at Li Muchen's head and stabbed it.

The sharpened military dagger was coated with a layer of matte paint, just like the sharp teeth of a poisonous snake. The dagger was inserted on Li Muchen's head viciously and accurately.


Li Muchen, who was injured badly, was furious. He suddenly got up and waved his arms fiercely. He directly hit the tall man and the short man.

Roaring wildly, he reached out and pulled out the military dagger inserted in the back of his head. The sky blue blood gushed out along his wound. Angrily, he dropped the dagger and swept all the people present with his cold eyes.

Ye Chen's breathing sound is more and more heavy, his internal organs and musculoskeletal have been hit to a great extent, but he bit his teeth, forced to endure the pain on his body, barely stood up straight from the ground.

"Well, I don't know where you get this kind of power, but in my opinion, it's just a ridiculous product of sacrificing your brain's stupid ability." Ye Chen is acutely coughing, he stares at Li Mu Chen's eyes, light of say.

Suddenly, Li Muchen locked his eyes on Ye Chen. He stepped on Ye Chen and went straight away. He yelled, and his hands were going to pinch Ye Chen's neck.

Ye Chen sneers a way, "come on! Son of a bitch! "

Low body, ye Chen with the same action bounce up, he and Li Muchen meet in midair, two people at the same time pinch to each other, no accident hold together, then fell to the ground“ Bang

The dull voice resounds in the whole room, and everyone looks at it. Ye Chen is pinched by Li Muchen and pressed on the ground. He blushes and his eyes are going to die.

Ye Chen just felt that his neck was tightly clamped by steel tongs. The huge force forced him out of breath at all. His throat seemed to be about to break. Let alone breathe, even his cervical vertebra creaked and rattled, as if he would die in the next second

It's not going to hold up.

"Ye Chen!" Yan Xiren jumps up from the ground. She doesn't care about her injuries. She screams and rushes over. She tears and beats Li Muchen sitting on Ye Chen, but this level of strength can't hurt li Muchen at all.

With a random wave of his hand, Li Muchen directly pulls Yan Xiren aside, then freezes a hand and pats Ye Chen's head.

The power of this palm is no less than that of an angry polar bear. If ye Chen is photographed, he will undoubtedly die on the spot.

"Son of a bitch!" Tall and short man rushed up at the same time, they angrily scold, if you see ye Chen die like this, that is the biggest insult to their mission.

The tall man took the lead. He hugged Li Muchen's arm and wanted to stop Li Muchen's action. The short man waved his swing stick and pulled to Li Muchen's head madly.


With a roar, Li Muchen threw away the tall man and grabbed the stick from the short man. His eyes were as fierce as wild animals. He licked the corner of his mouth and pulled the short man to his face with a sneer.

"What?" The short man was shocked. He didn't expect that Li Muchen's action was so agile that he threw away the tall man

To grasp the swing stick is just a short moment, and the short man did not react, Li Muchen grabbed his head.

The broad palm grasps the short man's head, and then makes a fierce effort, just like catching and exploding a balloon. The short man's head suddenly bursts open like a broken watermelon!



The scream of the tall man and the scream of Yan Xiren sounded at the same time. The head of the short man was twisted and deformed, and blood and brain gushed out. Li Muchen touched it. However, Li Muchen didn't have the slightest disgust. On the contrary, he was as happy as a child, grinning coldly.

"Asshole! You pay for my brother's life! " In his surprise and anger, the tall man jumped on him and kicked Li Muchen in the head, because he knew very well that Li Muchen's flesh and blood and tough book of changes were not personal except there. Even the bullets were useless. How powerful could his fists be?

Li Muchen holds the body of the short man and throws it at the tall man. The tall man holds back his anger, hugs the body of the short man and puts him on the ground.

Looking at the short man's twisted face and cracked head, the tall man gritted his teeth. He glared at Li Muchen, his eyes were burning, and his eyes were ready to crack.

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