Master's fur

"I didn't expect you to have so much confidence in Zhengfu." The tall man said.

Waving his hand, ye Chen said, "it's not a matter of confidence. It's stupid to fight against a country by one person. What's more, this country is extremely powerful in Asia and even in the whole world. It's undeniable that he's really strong. He's not afraid of bullets, but can he stop pistol bullets and machine guns? Can you hold off the Rockets? When he started slaughtering the police, he was already dead. "

The tall man suddenly realized, but Yan Xiren, who had been on one side for a long time, looked at Ye Chen timidly. He murmured and called a man's name, "Ye Chen..."

Ye Chen hears the delicate cry behind him. He shakes his body and slowly arranges his mood. He turns around slowly and says with a smile to Yan Xiren, "Xiren, are you ok?"

Yan Xiren shook his little head hard, forced to hold back the tears in his beautiful eyes and said in a choking voice, "I'm ok. What about you? You're hurt. I saw you. Why are you so stupid? You know he's a monster, and you want to fight him? "

Ye Chen smiles and says without thinking, "I'm ok. It's all skin injuries. Little idiot. If I don't fight with him, what will he do if he kills you?"

Yan Xiren bit his lip and said seriously, "let him kill me, as long as he doesn't kill you."

Ha ha a smile, ye Chen walks to Yan Xi person, he blinks an eye, tiny smile way, "little idiot, if let him kill you, then I have no meaning of living."

"Why?" Yan Xiren can't help asking.

Taking a deep breath, ye Chen said calmly, "I once swore that I would protect all the people I want to protect. If I disobey my oath, what kind of man is it?"?! I want to protect you, so I have to protect you. If you die, you must also die behind my body. Since you have made an oath, you have to carry out everything. It's so simple. "

Yan Xiren was stunned. She even forgot to shed tears and fear. Looking at the man in front of her, the young and strong man, she only felt that the ordinary looking man was as tall as Mount Tai at this moment, and could resist all the difficulties and dangers. It seemed that as long as he was hidden behind him, all the dangers were not worth to fear.

This heavy sense of security gives yanxiren a sense of being held in the palm of his hand. What he has just experienced is like a nightmare. On yanxiren's slender, white and perfect neck like a swan, there are traces of Li Muchen's five fingers pinching. It clearly reminds yanxiren that all this has happened in a very realistic way.

Ye Chen is as tired as a dead dog now, and his body seems to be falling apart. His head is a little dizzy, and the wound in his body is also painful. Yan Xiren can see that ye Chen is in a bad state at the moment. She quickly gets up and holds Ye Chen's arm and puts him on the hospital bed.

Ye Chen didn't stop him. He sat on the bed and let his body have a little comfortable rest.

After mixing Ye Chen into the hospital bed, Yan Xiren doesn't get up and walk away. She still holds Ye Chen's arm, doesn't speak, doesn't look at Ye Chen, but quietly guards aside.

Smelling the faint fragrance of the girl coming from his side, he sticks his warm body to his body, and his soft skin fits with his skin. Ye Chen can't help feeling itchy. He peeps at Yan Xiren secretly, but Yan Xiren is very clever. He just stays there quietly, as if nothing is abnormal.

Ye Chen dry cough, he said with a smile, "that, attack people, I think the hospital is not safe, you go home with me."

Yan Xiren nodded obediently, "well." Ye Chen eyebrows a pick, he some accident, after all, Yan Xiren before but a unruly willful to the extreme of the big miss, and always don't take a straight eye at himself, no matter at any time, as if to be against him.

But now, Yan Xiren seems to be a different person, just like a good girl next door, more like an angry little daughter-in-law. She not only obeys Ye Chen's advice, but also seems to be very happy because she can be with Ye Chen.

At this time, the tall man on one side suddenly said to Yan Xiren, "miss two, how can you be here?"

Ye Chen eyebrows a wrinkly way, "two young ladies?"? Who the hell are you? Just now, I was still curious why you suddenly appeared, and your skill and shooting skills were very extraordinary. I thought you were plain clothes policemen, but I didn't think so during the conversation just now

For example, now it's called Xi Ren to be the second lady. Tell me, who are you

Tall man Leng Leng, and holding Ye Chen arm Yan Xiren is staring big a pair of beautiful eyes, he looked at tall man, exclaimed, "wild uncle?"

The tall man, who was called Yeshu by Yanxi, looked at Yanxi with a bitter smile. He said, "second lady, you only notice me now."

Yan Xiren's face is slightly red. From the beginning to now, she has put all her mind on Ye Chen. As for other people, she really hasn't paid much attention.

Noticing Ye Chen's puzzled eyes, Yan Xiren explained to Ye Chen, "well, this is Uncle Ye, the bodyguard of our family. He is my father's old subordinate. He came to my home after he retired from the army."

"Discharged? Is your father the leader of the army? " Ye Chen eyebrow tip a to pick of doubt ask a way.

"Well." Yan Xiren obviously knows all about ye Chen's problems. She says without any sense of defense, "he is the No.1 member of Beijing Military Region..."

"Cough!" Seeing this, the tall man coughed and interrupted Yan Xiren's words. He said to Ye Chen with a smile, "that... My name is Fang ye, and I'm the bodyguard of the Lin family."

Yan Xiren knew that he had lost his word and lowered his head. He didn't dare to say anything more.

Fang Ye says to Ye Chen, "brother, see your skill just now, should also be to practice family origin?"

In fact, Yan Xiren has some doubts about this problem. Ye Chen's ability doesn't seem like a normal cook. At least a cook doesn't work hard with others like Ye Chen, and ye Chen has different fighting ability from ordinary people in any way.

Looking at the two people's eyes are focused on themselves, ye Chen smiles, the other wild and Yan Xiren said, "that, I grew up with a wandering monk to learn skills, he not only taught me some Kung Fu, but also taught me some weapon use skills, and my talent is stupid, also only learned a fur, not what, not what."

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