The assault team arrived

Hearing Ye Chen say so, Yan Xiren deeply believes it. Now she doesn't have the option to doubt Ye Chen. Even if the man now says he is an X-Men and comes from the Avengers alliance, Yan Xiren probably won't think much about it.

After ye Chen lied to Li Bo, he took the cowhide and used it directly. Once he was born, he was familiar with it again and again. When ye Chen talked about it over and over again, he had some letters.

"Oh? That's it. " However, after hearing Ye Chen's words, Fang Ye frowned. He looked at Ye Chen and nodded thoughtfully.

Suddenly, there was a rush of sirens outside the window, which startled Ye Chen and others. They quickly stood up and looked out of the window.

"It seems that the Lord is coming." Ye Chen's mouth corner tiny a hook, he lightly smile way.

Fang Ye is tiny a Zheng, immediately ask a way, "how do we do now?"

Ye Chen said, "what else can we do? Of course, it's a flash."

In the downstairs of the inpatient department, teams of police surrounded the building with full arms. All kinds of police vehicles flashed red and blue, guarding the entrance and exit. A team of special police officers jumped out of the Iveco assault vehicle. They looked dignified and began to rush to the scene of the crime.

Above the sky, two helicopters kept hovering in the sky, the propeller made a huge sound, the dazzling searchlight cut through the night, cast a large bright light, through the broken window, the bright light directly penetrated into the intensive care unit on the eighth floor.

At the moment, several people in the ward can't help but raise their hands to block the light. Ye Chen has excellent eyesight. He looks through the gap between his fingers and sees a door of the helicopter wide open. Two special police officers in black combat suits squat there with Type 95 assault rifles in their hands, and their black muzzle is aiming at this side along the light of the searchlight.

Ye Chen's eyes shrink. Although they are too bright because of the searchlight, the two SWAT's looks are almost the same. Their eyes are sharp, and their fingers are pulling the trigger. Especially from their momentum, ye Chen smells a strong murderous spirit.

"It's going to be serious." Ye Chen grinned.

At the same time, at the entrance of the inpatient department downstairs, four or five police cars were guarding there in an arc formation. The police were holding pistols, taking the police car as a shelter, staring at the entrance. At this moment, even a bird flying out of it would stir up the sensitive nerves of these police.

Chen Jiang was wearing a police uniform. He straightened his armpit and pulled out the holster. He looked at the entrance with a dignified look. Next to him, several police officers of the police station followed him with twinkling eyes, obviously nervous.

"How's it going?" From behind Chen Jiang, Li Hongbing, director of the Public Security Bureau, came with two policemen.

When other policemen saw Li Hongbing, they all raised their hands in a hurry to salute, and Chen Jiang was no exception. He stood up straight and said, "report to the director, I first received a call from the female police escort. According to her, the situation is very urgent, and some comrades who are responsible for waiting for the rabbit have died. After my phone call with the female police escort was interrupted, I never got in touch again, The person in charge of the police on the scene can't be contacted. "

"Well." Li Hongbing nodded. He said solemnly, "after receiving your report, I immediately directed the special police team and the surrounding police forces to come. The anti terrorist and anti riot brigade is gathering, and the armed police brother units are also coming."

When Chen Jiang heard the news, he was relieved. If he could mobilize so many troops, even if Li Muchen invited a mercenary, he would not be able to escape the legal sanction.

"What I'm worried about now is not the resistance of the suspect." After thinking about it, Li Hongbing said, "if the prisoner escapes before our encirclement and suppression, it will not only cause a series of troubles, but also increase the difficulty of pursuing him. Moreover, there is a huge hidden danger to the people's safety in Dongcheng city." Chen Jiang thought of this on his way to the hospital, but now there is no way. If he can't catch Li Muchen, the credibility of the public security organ and the authority of the law will undoubtedly suffer a serious blow, and the pressure from above will definitely make a large number of people feel bad.

After thinking about it, Chen jiangdao said, "director, although the situation is more serious and the situation is more serious, 100000 comrades in Dongcheng City unite as one. No matter how cruel and cunning the criminals are, we will definitely bring them to justice."

Li Hongbing shook his head, he firmly said, "if everyone does a good job in front of us, there will be no problem in the future. Let's deal with the problem in front of us first. If Li Muchen is still in this building, if not, we will immediately organize the police to investigate and arrest."

"Yes Chen Jiang straightened up, saluted and replied.

The team of special police officers who took the lead to break in had rushed to the eighth floor. They covered each other with 05 submachine guns. Because of the emergency, they were authorized to use any weapon, so they opened the insurance of all guns and pushed all the bullets into the gun bore.

There are 12 people in this team. They lean against the wall and line up along the stairs. The first observer takes out a small mirror from his pocket. He carefully sticks the mirror out of the stairway, and then quietly looks at the situation in the eighth floor corridor from the reflective surface of the mirror.

It's not bad. His whole blood is cold.

Pale, he trembled all over, took back the small mirror, he bit his teeth, forced to suppress the anger and fear in his heart, and made two tactical gestures to his teammates behind him.

The rest of them knew that the two Raiders looked at each other. They put up three fingers at the same time, and then put down their fingers in turn.


When they put down their fingers, they clench their fists and wave down. At the same time, they rush out of the stairs, and then make a standard forward roll, with one left and one right occupying both sides of the corridor.

The man standing on the left pointed his gun at the front right, while the soldier standing on the right pointed his gun at the front left. The two men covered alternately in an X-shape.

But without waiting for them to find the enemy, their faces became horrible.


Those who can serve as commandos are undoubtedly the elites in the team, but after all, they have not experienced a cruel war, and most of their training is based on ordinary training content, and rarely experienced actual combat.

But in front of the two commandos, they were all dead. The ground was stained red by the blood that had lost its temperature. Many plainclothes policemen who died in misery were staring at each other, and their broken internal organs were all over the ground.

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