
The young criminal police officer just graduated from the police academy. He was very young. At this time, he was taught by a middle-aged man. Of course, he couldn't bear it. He whispered, "I warn you, you are suspected of interfering with public affairs. If you are stubborn again, I will handcuff you now. Do you believe it?"?! What's more, I'll give you back what you said just now. When you say something, remember to weigh your weight first, because what you are facing is not me, but the public security organ of Dongcheng city. What I have on my head is the national emblem, and what you are facing is the majesty of China's national laws. "

The young criminal police said this loud words, the middle-aged man even temporarily stopped, do not know what to say.

Lin Wan'er first glared at the middle-aged man, and then said to the young criminal policeman, "sorry, my friend is not very good at speaking. You should bear with me, little brother. However, my sister is going to live at home tonight. Director Li, don't you agree?"

When Lin Wan'er said the last sentence, her eyes flashed to Li Hongbing. As a famous business woman in Dongcheng City, Lin Wan'er is quite familiar with Li Hongbing in various social circles.

As a big taxpayer in Dongcheng City, Lin Wan'er is even a guest of honor to the mayor. As the director of public security of Dongcheng city's law enforcement agency, Li Hongbing has no reason to be unfamiliar with her.

It is because of his familiarity with her that Li Hongbing has a better understanding of the unknown side of Lin Wan'er. Ordinary people think that Lin Wan'er has built a huge foundation in Dongcheng city from scratch.

However, this is not the case. Lin Wan'er has a good eye, and the background behind her is so complicated that even the mayor and the Secretary of the municipal Party committee have to be polite.

Li Hongbing didn't know exactly what the background was. Of course, he didn't dare to ask the head of the municipal Party committee. But as far as he thought, the background that could make the Secretary of the municipal Party committee bow down was at least a feudal official or a member of the Central Committee. Of course, it might also be an old leader who retired to the second line.

However, no matter what the possibility is, Lin Wan'er is not what Li Hongbing can afford to provoke now. Of course, even if Li Hongbing can provoke, he will never have a brain cramp to provoke this kind of red second generation.

At this moment, hearing Lin Wan'er say this to himself, Li Hongbing knows that it's time for him to behave.

He said with a smile, "well, although the law stipulates that it is necessary for citizens who are helpful in solving cases to assist in the investigation voluntarily, the special case is handled specially. In my opinion, Miss Xiren and the two gentlemen here are already haggard and have signs of injury at this time. So, the record can be made, but we can make a simple real-time record first, When we have a good rest tomorrow, let's talk about this matter in detail. "

Li Hongbing is the director of the Public Security Bureau. When he talks about it, he is basically in favor of it. All the people present have the highest police rank and the highest official position. His people can only follow him.

Chen Jiang nodded. As the director of the police station in this area, he was also the person who received the police. Five or six of the police officers on the scene were all his people. Moreover, because he was the captain of the criminal police team before, he had a high rank and was a first-class superintendent.

So at this time, he also made a statement, "well, I think the director is right. The physical condition of the victim and the witness is not very good, and the mental state is not so stable. I'm afraid the effect of assisting in the investigation at the moment is very little."

Li Hongbing takes a look at Chen Jiang and nods to him admiringly. While smiling, he is also a little puzzled. Chen Jiang is usually a technical backbone who is first-class in solving cases, but he is poor in dealing with people and has a tough style. Because of this, he has offended a lot of people, so he has been a criminal policeman for so many years, and in the end he has not been a team leader for long, He was transferred to the police station as director.

But now, Chen Jiang seems to have changed his mind. In normal times, he is most disgusted with this kind of flattery. This is Li Hongbing. As soon as his voice fell, he immediately set it off. He is a professional flatterer. However, what Li Hongbing doesn't know is that Chen Jiang appreciates Ye Chen very much, so it's necessary for him to be able to help Ye Chen a little now. What he says is also true. Ye Chen is covered with dust at the moment and seems to be in poor condition. He really needs a rest.

Cui Zhengshu, the captain of the criminal police team, is also a first-class superintendent. But now he is investigating and collecting evidence in the intensive care unit on the eighth floor, so Chen Jiang and Li Hongbing are the only ones who can give orders at the scene. What's more, Li Hongbing is the director of public security. Even if Cui Zhengshu is at the scene, it's not useful.

Although the young criminal policeman was not reconciled, he nodded, stood at attention and said, "yes, chief!"

Ye Chen and others were received a closed van police car, respectively, by the three criminal police separate to make a record for them.

Sitting on the chair in the police car, ye Chen leaned against the door. In front of him, the young policeman sat opposite him with a serious look.

"Next, I'm going to take your confession. In order to ensure fairness and justice, I'm going to record the whole process. Do you understand?" The young criminal police debugged the police monitor on his chest, and then said to Ye Chen like this.

Ye Chen nodded and laughed at the criminal policeman, revealing his white teeth. "Officer, if you want to know something, just ask. Anyway, I believe that even if I don't say it, you can find it out."

The young criminal policeman nodded and said, "if you don't say it, it's troublesome, but the investigation and evidence collection should still be able to restore everything that happened at that time."

Ye Chen said, "it's a little exaggeration, but I don't think it's much exaggeration. After all, there are cameras everywhere in the hospital. Adjust the monitoring and everything comes out."

"OK, stop talking nonsense. Let's go straight to the subject. After all, the director doesn't give me much time." The young criminal policeman said, "your name, age, why you were at the scene of the crime, what happened at that time?"

Ye Chen organized the language. Although he wanted to hide something he didn't want others to know, such as his fighting ability, he couldn't hide it now. As he said, there were cameras everywhere in the hospital. As long as he adjusted the monitoring, what happened at that time was absolutely impossible to hide.

"Ye Chen, 21 years old, I am..."

After ye Chen says all these things, the criminal policeman who records his confession is already stupid. He looks at Ye Chen in a daze. He hasn't slowed down for a long time.

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