Blue blood

"Man, that's almost what happened in the ward at that time." Ye Chen light summary way, "in my opinion, Li Mu Chen should be through what unknown way to let himself get far more than ordinary people's strength, he not only is not afraid of bullets, in addition to the head, the body is tough to the point of almost invulnerability, and the power is infinite, between every move, the destructive power is big frightening."

"You... You... He..." otherwise, the young criminal policeman who gave Ye Chen a confession stammered. He faltered for a long time, but he didn't know what to say.

Ye Chen scratched his head, he said to the criminal police, "brother, you don't have to be so excited."

"I'm so excited." The young criminal policeman patted his knee, he stood up, pointed to Ye Chen and said, "do you know what you're talking about? Do you think it's an American blockbuster? What the hell? Not afraid of bullets?! You're going to lie to the devil

Ye Chen said with a cool smile, "I know it's hard for people to believe it's true, because I didn't believe it before I saw it with my own eyes. But there's no way. The fact is the fact. She will change it because you believe it or not, or whether she is willing to accept it or not. Li Mu Chen is invulnerable. He has great power. I wasn't there when the plainclothes policemen died, I don't know if he did it, but I think it's basically certain that he did it. "

"Do you know the end of perjury?" The young criminal policeman looked directly into Ye Chen's eyes. He sternly scolded, "do you know that cheating the police is legally responsible?"

Ye Chen nodded and said with a bitter smile, "do you think it's necessary for me to cheat you? This kind of thing can be understood by checking the monitoring? "

The young policeman thought for a while, and he suddenly believed what ye Chen said. If ye Chen was not an idiot, he absolutely didn't have to talk freely about these messy things. After all, as he said, there are surveillance cameras everywhere in the hospital. As long as you get them, everything can be revealed, Ye Chen said that these things have no meaning except to prove themselves stupid and ridiculous.

Unless it's true.

Thinking of this, the young criminal police suddenly trembled. He couldn't believe it was true. If there were people who were not afraid of bullets and were invulnerable in the world, it would be terrible.

However, his sense of professional mission as a policeman calmed him down. Looking at Ye Chen, he habitually said, "do you have anything to add, such as the characteristics of the suspect, such as his left-handed, six fingers, a little lame and so on, which are very valuable clues."

Ye Chen thought about it, he suddenly said, "yes, there is a very important feature, Li Muchen's blood is blue."

"What?" That young criminal police Leng Leng, then stare big eyes, ask Ye Chen way, "are you sure it's blue blood? Not paint? It's not the color fading of clothes? "

Ye Chen nodded and said, "well, I'm sure what my eyes see is the truth. He's blue blood. After the bullet hits him, although it won't cause him much damage, it's still effective. At least it will penetrate into his body, but it won't be too deep. When the blood flows out, it's blue. I can't remember that sky blue, because it's too special."

After listening to Ye Chen's description, the young criminal policeman was stunned. He had never heard that someone's blood was blue. As we all know, even junior high school students studied in biology class. The reason why blood is red is because of the existence of red blood cells. If red blood cells do not exist, blood will not have color, but it will never turn blue.

If ye Chen doesn't lie, Li Mu Chen can't be called a human being. He is invulnerable, powerful and blue in blood. This is a monster.

Ye Chen has finished what he wants to say. He ignores the criminal policeman who is shocked beyond measure. He scratches his head and says, "police comrade, if there is nothing else, I will go first, because I belong to the victim, so after catching Li Muchen, I hope you can inform me." With that, ye Chen pushed the door to get off and went away.

The young criminal policeman also got out of the car. He took two steps and opened his mouth. He wanted to say something to Ye Chen, but he didn't know where to start. He could only sigh and began to sort out the confession he had just recorded.

This kind of thing is too shocking, but he is just a small criminal policeman, and he can't control the general direction of things. Now, the biggest role he can play is just to try his best to do the work at hand.

With the end of Ye Chen's confession, yanxiren and fangye are almost finished. They walk down from their respective police cars. Behind them, there is a criminal policeman with complex expression and incredible eyes.

"It seems that all the things that should be done have been done." Li Hongbing said to Ye Chen and others with a smile, "first of all, I want to thank you for your cooperation. In fact, I also want to express my apology. As the director of the Public Security Bureau of Dongcheng City, I can't protect your safety. I'm really to blame."

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "how can I blame you for this matter? After all, it's an emergency, and no one wants to. As a victim, I very much hope that the police can quickly close the case and bring Li Muchen to justice."

Li Hongbing put away his smile. He said solemnly, "of course, no matter how cruel and cunning the criminal is, our public security organs will eradicate him at all costs and return millions of people in the east city with the power of justice."

"I hope so." Before ye Chen and others answered, Lin Wan'er came over with a smile. She first nodded to Li Hongbing, and then said faintly, "if there is anything that can help the police, our Lin family is bound to fulfill the obligations of citizens. However, I also hope that the public security organs can speed up the pace and increase their strength to smash all the criminal forces."

Guest guest suit, two people said a large section of the scene, finally Lin Wan'er or with Ye Chen and others left the scene.

As soon as ye Chen and others left, Cui Zhengshu, the leader of the criminal police team, suddenly had his headset ringing in the intensive care unit on the eighth floor,

A criminal policeman called him on the walkie talkie and said, "Captain, please answer if you receive it."

Cui Zhengshu frowned. He was watching the fighting trace in the ward. He pressed the headset and replied, "what's the matter?"

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