a dead-alive person

The criminal police hesitated for a moment, and then said eagerly, "please come to the monitoring room immediately and find important clues."

"Huh?" Cui Zhengshu heard these words, immediately came to the spirit, he said nothing to the direction of the monitoring room.

Still in the monitoring room, two criminal policemen in charge of monitoring were stunned by the scene. Recently, in the computer monitoring screen, a strong and tall man was running freely in the corridor on the eighth floor.

Behind him lay the corpses of countless plainclothes policemen. The blood flowed like a river, and the dead were in a mess. However, the man's eyes were dim, and seemed to be covered with a layer of dead gray shadow.

There was a sneer on his lips, cold to the bone.

On the wide road of Dongcheng City, a Volvo CX90 runs fast in the tide of cars.

After Volvo, the two black Audi Q5's are chasing after each other, but they obviously can't catch up with Volvo, so they have to eat exhaust gas in the back.

Sitting in the wide driving seat, Lin Wan'er easily turned the steering wheel and overtook a car again. She turned the front of the car fiercely and took the huge Volvo as a Porsche 911. She switched one lane after another, and got stuck in another traffic gap.

"Ouch, hello." Sitting on the co pilot, ye Chen involuntarily grasped the safety handle on his head. His face was a little pale, and he said to Lin Wan'er repeatedly, "boss, there's no need to drive so fierce, right? It's not a highway. It's an urban road. My sister, you're driving it as a race track. "

Lin Wan'er turned her lips and said, "are you still afraid of death?"

"Nonsense." Ye Chen shriveled a smile way, "you say this have no meaning, who is not afraid to die?"

"Afraid of death, you go to the most dangerous place? You're not afraid of murder and arson, but you're afraid of a car? " Lin Wan'er snorted coldly, "good guy, I saw at least 100 policemen in the people's hospital tonight. What are you doing? Can't you tell me in advance? You have to worry me?? Or do you want me to wait for the day when I see your body and don't know how you can't die? "

Ye Chen shook his head with a bitter smile and explained, "Wan'er, things are not what you think. In fact, there are many misunderstandings. You believe me, I can explain them to you."

"Well, explain." Lin Wan'er said to Ye Chen, "anyway, I'll tell you the truth. Fang Ye is the one I sent to follow you. What's the matter?"

Ye Chen can hear what Lin Wan'er is saying. She is out of breath. Her pretty face is white with anger. The so-called tracking herself is actually protecting herself in the dark.

Therefore, ye Chen didn't mean to be angry at all. He said to Lin Wan'er with a smile, "just follow, I'm not

Huang Hua's daughter, what are you afraid of

Looking at Ye Chen's image of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, Lin Wan'er was angry and funny because of her cheap expression. She hummed coldly, "you, ah, forget it. I won't care about other things. I'll ask you one thing. Have you done anything bad?"

Ye Chen scratched his head, his expression became serious and said, "if the so-called bad thing is heartless, then I have never done it."

"Well, tell me the whole story. I'll listen to what you've done these days." Lin Wan'er asked angrily.

What happened today makes Lin Wan'er still have some lingering fear. When she saw the police encircling the inpatient department, she had a sudden attack in her heart. She was afraid that ye Chen would do something bad and even more afraid that ye Chen would have an accident. She was suffering in every way, anxious and afraid. But when she knew that ye Chen was safe, she was not afraid. She just became more and more angry. What did ye Chen do in just a few days? What have you been through? She didn't know anything about it, so that she only knew one result after such a big thing happened.

Hearing Lin Wan'er ask himself, ye Chen ponders for a moment. Just as he wants to speak, Yan Xiren, who has been sitting in the back seat, suddenly says, "elder sister, don't embarrass Ye Chen. I'm the party involved in this matter. It's more appropriate for me to say that."

With that, Yan Xiren took a deep breath. She didn't want to recall the memory that made her have nightmares every day, but now, she took the initiative to talk about it.

"That day, after I went out of Mingyue villa, I called Li Muchen, because I didn't have any other friends in Dongcheng City, and I always thought he was a very reliable big brother. I..."

Yan Xiren said all the things that happened these days. The more she went on, the more pale Lin Wan'er turned. In the end, Lin Wan'er even shivered. Her speed was getting slower and slower. In the end, she was even slower than a bicycle.

Fingers tightly holding the steering wheel, knuckles are white, still don't know, Lin Wan'er shortness of breath, to the end, she a pat on the steering wheel, sternly scolded, "this son of a bitch, Li Muchen, you are really a crazy villain!"

Yan Xiren and Lin Wan'er are biological sisters. They grew up together from childhood. Therefore, Yan Xiren's reaction to her sister was not unexpected. She shook her head with a bitter smile and said, "finally, as you can see, the policewoman who cared for me called her leader, and then the police came, but before they came, Li Muchen, who has been injured by Ye Chen, has already jumped out of the building and fled. "

The amount of information in these words is very large, and the whole process of the whole thing is completely explained from Yan Xiren's own perspective. Lin Wan'er is just on the scene, as if she has become Yan Xiren. The things one by one seem to be her own experience.

She shivered at the thought of Li Muchen's ugly face.

But after all, she is a famous strong woman in Dongcheng City, and her psychological endurance is relatively strong. She took a deep breath, and then asked Yan heiren, "Xiren, are you sure Li Muchen has returned?"

Now there are only Lin sisters and ye Chen in the car of Volvo, so Yan Xiren has nothing to worry about when she talks, especially to Ye Chen. After so many things, she has no defense against Ye Chen.

Looking at his sister, Yan Xiren said in a low voice, "it must be atavism, similar to the third uncle in the family, but as far as I feel, he doesn't seem to be as smart as the third uncle. The whole person is like a walking corpse, without any thought and wisdom. It feels like there is no soul."

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