Stronger obsession

Lin Wan'er nodded slightly, but then blushed, "I know a little bit, but I'm a poor one. In the family, if my martial arts talent is high enough, I'm not allowed to go out of the family. I'm only allowed to practice martial arts every day in the family and strive for inheritance, like my sister and I, who can fool around outside, They're all rookies with average talent. "

At this point, Yan Xiren opened her mouth and retorted unconvinced, "no, it's not. It's clearly dad's meaning. He doesn't want us to inherit the martial arts of the family, no matter whether we want to or not. Now, if I learn martial arts, how can I be controlled by Li Muchen? And this evening, it's not that I can't help at all. "

Although Yan Xiren complained fiercely, she didn't dare to say any more cruel words. She just pouted her little mouth and was not happy.

Ye Chen heard here, gradually understood a general appearance of the Lin family, he asked faintly, "Wan'er, according to you, there must be many experts in your family? If you want to deal with Li Muchen, it's not very easy? "

Before Lin Wan'er could answer, Yan Xiren on the back seat immediately said with pride, "of course, my father is very strong, and my cousin is also very strong, just like Ye Chen. He is the strongest young warrior in our family in a hundred years. He is praised by his uncles as the first genius in nearly a hundred years. In fact, I really want to say, He may even be a little stronger than ye Chen

Ye Chen heard Yan Xiren say these words, how can he still not understand the meaning of Yan Xiren's words? Ye Chen is quite clear about his own strength. Although he is not clear about the specific strength of the Lin family for the time being, he should be regarded as a very old family.

If the first genius of an ancient family with a long history is not as good as his own half bucket of water, then the family is bad enough.

After thinking about it, ye Chen said, "what about Li Muchen? I heard Fang ye say that Li Muchen's atavism actually inspired the power of his ancestors hidden in his own blood. According to that, Li Muchen's ancestors should not be ordinary people. Is he also a member of the guwu family? "

Lin Wan'er nodded heavily. She said to Ye Chen, "yes, Li Mu Chen is indeed a member of the ancient Wu family. Like our Lin family, they have a long history of inheritance, and Li Mu Chen's present strength is also very similar to the strength of the ancestors of the Li family in the legend."

"Oh?" Ye Chen suddenly had the heart of curiosity, he asked, "that Li family ancestor is also like Li Muchen like this? It's invulnerable or something. "

Lin Wan'er shook her head slightly and said, "of course not. Li's ancestors were known as the Holy Spirit Bingjun tens of thousands of years ago. They had super power to control the ice. According to our family's ancient records, in a great war a long time ago, he once turned thousands of miles of land into the cold river of the northern country, and the incredible power can be seen from this..."


Ye Chen is shocked by Lin Wan'er's words. He can't believe that the scenes described by Lin Wan'er are true. The ability to change the astronomical phenomena and environment of a thousand miles is absolutely beyond human power.

When Lin Wan'er saw that ye Chen seemed to be surprised, she said with a smile, "however, we didn't see the things recorded in the ancient books with our own eyes, so maybe our ancestors exaggerated it."

Ye Chen is different from Lin Wan'er. Lin Wan'er says that these things are exaggerated because she has never been in touch with anyone who can change the celestial phenomena. However, ye Chen's heart is slowly accepting that her own God of food system is not equivalent to the legendary magic weapon?

Before he got the God of food system, he could not believe that these immortals really existed, and he also got part of the inheritance of the God of food. This fact, which actually happened to himself, has unconsciously changed Ye Chen's world outlook. Since the God of food exists, then other immortals must also exist, such as the four heavenly kings, such as taishanglaojun?

After ye Chen thought of it, he was not so hard to accept the super power of Li's ancestors. Maybe this Li's ancestor had already been promoted to the immortal world, and now he is in the immortal class.

Thinking of this, ye Chen's brow tip picks, his eyes are full of light, and his heart says secretly, since the Li family can reach that level, I can absolutely, and there is the God of food system, I will never lose to all of them, if the merit point is enough, I can even directly copy all the power of the immortal family, then I'll have a look

Who can match me?

He clenched his fist silently, and ye Chen's fighting spirit rose. He grinned and said, "just think he is exaggerating. After Li Mu Chen's return, why didn't he have any power to control the ice? Instead, he became a big fool?"

Lin Wan'er said, "it's no surprise that not only Li Mu Chen's return to his ancestors will become like this, but other people of the ancient Wu family will also return to their ancestors. After the dilution of time and blood, it's amazing to have more than 5% of the blood concentration of the ancestors, but less than 5% of the blood concentration can't inherit too much of the power of the ancestors, Most of them just have some effects on strengthening the body. "

"That is to say, because the blood concentration is not enough, so when we go back to our ancestors, we can't inherit the more core power of our ancestors?" Ye Chen low voice way.

"Well." Lin Wan'er said, "it can be understood that the blood concentration is the standard to measure whether a person can approach his ancestors. In the ancient Wu family, it is generally used as the benchmark for selecting elite descendants."

Thoughtfully nodded, ye Chen looked out of the car window, only to see that the outside is still light, car tide, the whole city is surrounded by steel and concrete.

However, ye Chen's thoughts are still far away, until he breaks through the high sky and the unreachable sky.

"One day, I want to be stronger than everyone else. I want to go to a wider world, a more distant sky, to fly, to soar, to crisscross, to protect the people I want to protect,

I want to destroy what I want to destroy, I want to be stronger! "

Silent, ye Chen with all people can not hear the voice in the heart made a lifelong oath.

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