Modifying genes

In the dilapidated building more than 100 kilometers away from here, Li Muchen is still standing in a transparent glass cylinder, with gun holes all over his body and sky blue blood.

Around him, all kinds of colorful wires and pipes are connected to the glass cylinder. Not far away, there are all rows of computers. In front of the computer, there are many scholars in white coats walking around. They are talking in a low voice or clacking on the keyboard in front of the computer, each with a rigorous look and wise eyes.

In front of the glass cylinder, a young man in a white coat was smiling and appreciating Li Muchen who was locked in the glass cylinder. He seemed to be watching an orangutan in a zoo, and his lips turned up and murmured, "what a powerful force, it's really a satisfying experiment."

This young man in a white coat is Jin chujue. He is a doctor of genetic engineering. He used to be a student bully of the University of California Berkeley, and now he is here only because of his secret research.

"Doctor." From behind Jin chujue, an older man came over. He was about thirty years old. Although he was short, he was hale and hearty. He told Jin chujue in English, "according to the examination of the medical class, No. 7 was shot 59 times, all of which were 9 mm hand bullets, two stab wounds, and some other minor injuries, but it was nothing."

"Well." Jin chujue nodded and said with a smile to the man behind him, "Dr. Yamamoto, is this test very strong?"

The man standing behind Kim chujue is Ichiro Yamamoto. He is a top student in the medical department of Tokyo University. He is also a doctor of genetic engineering. He has strong professional knowledge in human genetic architecture.

However, for Kim chujue, Ichiro Yamamoto always has a kind of awe and worship, nothing else, just because Kim chujue is a giant in the academic world, a big man level figure, and it is lucky that he can follow him as a deputy.

"Doctor, I think this experiment is the most powerful one among all our experiments. His tough skin and ten times stronger muscles are just like the captain of the United States. It's so shocking. I just looked at it. Those bullets can't cause fatal damage to him at all." Yamamoto said eagerly.

Kim chujue smiles, and he says to Ichiro Yamamoto, "although this experimental object is very strong, I'm still not satisfied with it. I think there are many places that can be enhanced, such as his head. Although his whole body is as tough as iron, his head is still a major weakness that can't be ignored. I need a solution. I think Dr. Yamamoto should have a solution?"

Although Ichiro Yamamoto's academic achievements are generally not as high as those of Jin Chu, there is no limit to learning. Any academic can be divided into many primary schools. For example, genetic engineering can be divided into gene splicing technology and DNA recombination technology.

In fact, the so-called genetic engineering is a complex technology to operate genes at the molecular level. It is the operation of introducing foreign genes into the recipient cells through in vitro recombination, so that the gene can be replicated, transcribed, translated and expressed in the recipient cells.

In short, the traditional genetic engineering is to modify and sort out biological genes, extract DNA macromolecules from a donor organism by artificial methods, cut them with appropriate tool enzymes in vitro, connect them with DNA molecules as vectors, and then introduce them into a vector that is easier to grow It's a new technology to get new species through the normal reproduction and expression of exogenous substances in the recipient cells.

This is equivalent to copy and paste in film and television works. Two video clips are cut together to form a new video. A good editor can make people not see the flaws, and the combination between clips is seamless. This is the same reason as a genetic engineering expert combining two gene clips.

This kind of traditional genetic engineering is no longer enough to satisfy the ambition of Jin chujue. The more he understands biological genes, the more he understands all kinds of miracles, the more he can't restrain his ambition of exploration and experiment. He always believed that the real genetic engineering is not simply to cut off the front segment of genes between people, or between organisms, and then paste them together oddly.

The real genetic engineering is the artificial gene chain and artificial biology, which can control all the products. For example, to build an ant as big as an elephant, to build a creature that does not exist in the real world, such as an angel, such as a devil, such as a flying dragon.

As long as we can correctly form the gene chain, we can absolutely create anything we want to create, but there is a very important premise, that is, we must understand all the gene words.

Every gene chain is made up of thousands of genes. A gene chain is like an article. The current genetic engineering only understands the general meaning of this article, but does not understand why it means this.

For example, the walking gene of human beings, why do we have such a gene so that human beings can stand up and walk?

The secret lies in the gene words. As long as we understand the meaning of each gene, we can make them into a brand new gene chain and assemble them according to our understanding of the gene words. That is a brand new creature, a creature created completely according to our own ideas.

In order to achieve this goal, Jin chujue devoted all his efforts to study these gene words. When he came into contact with the gene chain of guwu family, he seemed to enter a new world.

One day, I want to create my own gene chain. Jin chujue hooks his lips. He smiles and looks at Li Muchen in the glass cylinder. His eyes are shining, as if there is no one standing there, but a world, a brand new world.

"Hey, hey." Ichiro Yamamoto said with a smile, "doctor, I think we should modify his head gene. The reason why the head of the experimental object is weak is because he has a brain. If he loses his brain, or if his brain tissue is damaged, he will also die. After all, he is still a mammal. As long as he is a mammal, the brain tissue is the center that controls the body and behavior, So when the brain is damaged, the animal dies. "

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