Poisonous insects

"It's ridiculous. Even if you master the secret skill of dragon soldier, there are about 30 people here. No matter how you can fight and fight with us, you can't escape death!"

"Yes, I can't give priority to anyone. And once we poke out the identity of your defector, you will definitely be hunted down by the dragon soldier organization, and you will die at that time. There is no residue left."

Hearing the anger of these people in front of him, Wei Qinghu just shrugged his shoulders. He said with a smile, "I can understand your feelings. However, once I decide something, no one can change it. Whether you are willing or not, you will become my slaves from now on."

"Are you out of your mind?" Tian Jingshan's face is more and more ugly. He is closest to Wei Qinghu. Because of this, he can clearly see Wei Qinghu's madness.

Suddenly, Wei Qinghu took out a thin willow leaf from his pocket, gently put it on his lips, and then played it without saying a word.

Along with Wei Qinghu's lips blowing willow leaves, a low and high pitched voice was played. At the beginning of this kind of voice, I only felt that it was very popular, dizzy and nauseous.

But soon, the tone suddenly began to change more quickly.


I don't know who started it first. In a word, the scream suddenly burst out from the crowd, and all the people covered their heads. A kind of deep pain tore open the sensitive nerves all over the body. That kind of pain was like being killed by lingchi. The flesh and blood were scraped off bit by bit, and the bones were broken bit by bit.

Just now, Tian Jingshan, who was still alive and wanted to kill Wei Qinghu with one blow, began to howl on the spot. He collapsed on the ground and rolled back and forth like a dead dog. The intense pain made him almost crazy.

As for the others, the situation was not much worse. They were wailing and grieving.

As if there were knives cutting back and forth in the body, Tian Jingshan and other people's eyes were congested, and their hands were holding their heads tightly. They closed their eyes and hit the ground with their heads. It was very painful.

"It hurts!"

"Help! It hurts so much! "

"Kill me!! Kill me

"What's going on?"

All of us don't know what happened. We only know that with the change of Wei Qinghu's tone when he played the willow leaves, his body aches

The pain is constantly changing, first headache, then stomachache, then bone pain, that is muscle pain, until finally, there is no pain in the whole body, no matter how much crying for help, no matter how much yelling, the pain will not be reduced by half, that kind of heart like pain makes life worse than death.

"Is it Gu?" Tian Jingshan suddenly understood that after all, he used to be a servant of the guwu family. He was the most knowledgeable among the people.

Suffering from the pain of bone scraping, Tian Jingshan fell on the ground. He hugged Wei Qinghu's calf and begged loudly with hoarse throat, "please forgive me, please forgive me, whatever you want me to do, master, I call you master, and you will be my master, master, please forgive me!"

Tian Jingshan is like a man of iron. He thinks he can't make it. Even if he has a steel knife on his neck, he won't have the slightest timidity. But in this extraordinary pain, he began to kneel down and beg for mercy. It's conceivable that this kind of pain is unbearable. Wei Qinghu glanced at him and said, "what's the matter? Didn't you have a lot of prestige just now? How beautiful it is to play with a big fist. Why do you admit it now? "

Tian Jingshan took a deep breath, his face flushed with shame, and his eyebrows drooped, so that no one could see the expression on his face. However, as Wei Qinghu began to speak, the strange song naturally stopped.

With the pause of the tune, people's pain gradually eased down. Everyone looked at Wei Qinghu, with fear, doubt, hatred and anger.

Finally, Tian Jingshan raised his head. He faced Wei Qinghu and asked, "this time I lost. I lost to you all my life. It's hard to believe how you brought this insect down to me."

In the face of Tian Jingshan's question, Wei Qinghu didn't escape. The rest of the people also widened their eyes and pricked up their ears to get the answer from Wei Qinghu.

Wei Qinghu said faintly, "this is not a difficult problem to explain. Since I disguised as a special arrest envoy of Jackie Chan's army, I began to spread poisonous insects in close contact with you."

"This kind of insect is called the heart eating moth. It can't be seen with the naked eye. It's very similar to a parasite in the human body. It usually parasitizes in your body, but after hearing my music, it will become restless and start to bite your internal organs. This is not good news for you, of course, because of your small size, It won't cause much trouble to your internal organs, but the pain you get when it bites your internal organs is not just a bite of your teeth. "

Wei Qinghu's explanation is very detailed. He seems to be very patient. However, when he said this, other people's faces were ugly. Some people even took out daggers and sharp weapons and drew them around their neck and heart.

"Ha ha ha." Wei Qinghu said with a faint smile, "do you want to die? If you want to die, you really won't feel pain, but I don't want your lives now. If you listen to me, you will not die, and you will probably become famous all over the world. At least you will go further. "

Tian Jingshan couldn't help it at first. He struggled to get up from the ground, looked at Wei Qinghu and said, "do you want to go further? How can we go further? "

Wei Qinghu said with a light smile, "we all know what it means to you and me."

"Can you really take us one step further?" Tian Jingshan said, "you know, at our age, it's even more difficult to push our strength to a higher level than going to heaven."

Wei Qinghu gently shook his head. He glanced at Tian Jingshan disapprovingly, and then his eyes fell on everyone in front of him.

"You all know that after Zhonggu, your life and death are all in my mind. The pain just now is just an appetizer. Believe me, if you don't want to feel the pain of being alive and dying, don't disobey my orders. Also, listen, if you want to die, you can, but you must make sure that you don't have any family, otherwise you will suffer instead of you, It's your family. "

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