
Wei Qinghu's voice was so cold that it didn't have the slightest temperature. He scanned the crowd and seemed to be waiting for their answer. Someone wanted to commit suicide on the spot, but he couldn't summon up the courage.

Mole ants are still greedy for life. If they don't have to die, no one is willing to end their lives. Moreover, a large part of the people here have their own families. They have their own wives and children. They have already experienced the pain. If their death is borne by their families, it will be very difficult for them, It's worse than the pain on yourself.

Everyone was lost in thought. Wei Qinghu seemed to be impatient. He raised his hand to all the people and said coldly, "what are you still thinking about? What else do you have the right to think?? In this world, the weak have no human rights, and the strong control life and death, which is the eternal law in the world. Those who follow me will prosper, those who oppose me will die. If you don't want to die, kneel down! "

As soon as Wei Qinghu said this, everyone was struggling. No one was willing to kneel down, and no one was willing to surrender. But there was no way. Now they were only dead except lying on the ground.

In fact, death is not terrible. What is terrible is the consequences after death. They will lose the power they have worked hard for and the ability to protect their families.


Finally, in the crowd, someone knees a soft, straight kneeling on the ground, he closed his eyes, look full of unwilling and struggling.

Soon, like a domino, the voice of kneeling came one after another in the dense forest in the late night. All the people knelt down.

There are also two or three people who don't want to kneel down. They look firm and resolute, and their sharp eyes are staring at Wei Qinghu, with a trace of determination and anger in their eyes.

"Ah, ah." Wei Qinghu licked his lips, his lips a hook way, "I really didn't think of it, in these people, there are really a few hard bones, say, how do you want to die?"

Among the three people still standing, a middle-aged man, hoarse, whispered to Wei Qinghu, "before I die, I want to ask you one last question, who are you? What's your name? "

"Name? Is that important? " Wei Qinghu said with a smile, "is it necessary for a dead man to know so much?"

The middle-aged man suddenly laughed. He looked at Wei Qinghu and said, "since the name is not important, what does it matter if you tell me?"

Has the final say, has the final say, I will not tell you, I have the final say. Wei Qinghu said casually, "OK, you don't have the right to ask questions now, so I won't tell you the answer. If you really want to ask, go to hell

Ask Yama. "

With that, Wei Qinghu pointed to the leaders of many killer organizations kneeling below. He sneered and ordered, "slaves, as your masters, the first order I give you is to kill all those disobedient dogs!"

With this remark, everyone's face changed greatly. They turned their complicated eyes slowly to the three people who were still standing.

The middle-aged man among the three looked ugly in an instant. He was staring at by more than 20 people, and his heart bristled.

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he said to the crowd, "everyone, we are all affiliated to the dragon soldier organization, and we are supposed to be comrades. Now do you really want to fight against your own people? You have to understand that if you really do it, you will be completely against the Dragon soldiers. I think you are absolutely clear about how terrible the Dragon soldiers are. "

When the middle-aged men said this, everyone was stunned. Their eyes were flickering with struggle, and their hearts were shaking. The other side was right. Once they were provoked by the prestige of the dragon soldier organization, it was also a situation of death. However, when the crowd hesitated, Tian Jingshan raised his hand in the crowd. He rubbed his face vigorously, and then changed into a cold expression. He looked at the middle-aged man coldly.

"There's no need to talk nonsense here. If you listen to the master now, you may still live. But if you don't listen to him, all of us will die now." Tian Jingshan said calmly, "I'm not afraid of death, but what about my son? I have been in contact with the dragon soldier organization. They are not good men and women. If I die, they will lose their use value

People of value, they will not take care of, so my family can only be guarded by myself

Then Tian Jingshan took the lead. He approached the middle-aged man step by step and said in a cold voice, "don't blame me for being cruel. If you want to blame me, blame you for standing in the wrong team. For my son, I must live!"

The middle-aged man yelled, "there are nearly 30 people here. Why don't we choose to fight to the death? If we fight with him, maybe we don't have to die, let alone offend the dragon soldier organization! "

This sentence said to everyone's heart, but soon Tian Jingshan said with a cold smile, "what a naive and stupid guy. Do you really think we can kill him? As soon as someone whistles, we are all finished. You know, our lives are all controlled by him! "

Tian Jingshan's words immediately made everyone understand the situation. They immediately interrupted the unrealistic fantasy in their mind, and their malicious eyes immediately focused on the three resisters, including the middle-aged man.

"The earth blows!" Tian Jingshan yelled. In order to perform well in front of his new master, he just stepped forward. He was very fast, just like a cannon ball, and jumped directly in front of the middle-aged man.

Under one blow, it was like the earth collapsed. This middle-aged man became a tool for Tian Jingshan to vent his anger. He was so shocked that he wanted to resist, but found that he couldn't carry it.

An explosive force burst out, and the middle-aged man was shot out like a ball. Before he landed, he lost his consciousness.

With Tian Jingshan's hand, the others rushed up one after another. In addition to the middle-aged man, the other two resisters were immediately surrounded.

The sad cry tears the night. Everyone's face is dignified. Only Wei Qinghu's lips move and sneer.

In the distance of the dense forest, there are owls crying at night, and the leaves are rattling by the night wind. Tonight is destined to be another moment that has changed the fate of countless people.

When the sun rises to the East, ye Chen is still lying on his bed, unwilling to get up. He holds the quilt, and the whole person and the quilt are rolled together, just like a baby silkworm.

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