It's suffocating

"Bang bang"

Someone knocks outside, but ye Chen doesn't seem willing to admit that he has woken up. He stares at the ceiling and pretends he doesn't hear.

"Ye Chen, are you up yet?" Yan Xiren's voice came from outside.

Ye Chen rubbed his eyes, and he said, "well, I still want to sleep."

Yan Xiren said, "what time do you sleep? What time is it now? Jiaying is here. Come out and cook quickly. "

Without waiting for ye Chen to answer, Li Jiaying's voice came out of the door again. "Hello, Lao Wang, get up quickly. If you don't get up again, I'll set fire to your house."

"Come on, you." Ye Chen sat up from the bed and said with a smile, "officer Li, do you still have the skill of burning a house? If you burn the house, I'll come to your house tonight. "

Li Jiaying stood outside the door and yelled to the inside, "hurry up, hurry up, there's no time to grind with you here."

Ye Chen slowly put on his clothes, washed his face in the independent bathroom inside the room, and then opened the door.

Two small sorceress rush in, press Ye Chen on the bed.

Ye Chen pretended to panic chest, a pair of jiaodidi appearance, said in a sweet voice, "Oh, you hate it, table to this way, people are ashamed."

"Cut." Li Jiaying turned her lips and said, "act like there's such a thing going on. Watch the moves so that you don't get up."

"That's it, big slacker!" Yan Xiren echoed.

Two people press on Ye Chen's body, you left my right side, a person of one side stretch out a small hand to come, in Ye Chen waist of itch meat to scratch.

Ye Chen is the most ticklish in his life. He laughs when he is scratched by the two little demons. He struggles to get up, but the two little demons press on Ye Chen and don't let him get up.

"Ha ha, you two... Ha ha ha!" Laughing, ye Chen finally can't help it. He has all the brute force. He hugs the two little demons left and right. He closes them in the middle. Then he straightens his waist and sits up.

The two little demons were tightly held in their arms by Ye Chen, and there was no way to make any more noise at that time.

"Well, you two smelly girls, I really laugh to death." Ye Chen looks at the two little beauties in his arms with a smile and says with a grin, "come to me in the morning to make trouble. It seems that if you don't punish me, you don't know how powerful I am?"

"Hee hee, come on." Yan Xiren looks up at Ye Chen with a pretty face. She looks at Ye Chen with a smile. She doesn't know why, but she is in Ye Chen's arms now. Instead of disgusting, she is very happy.

Li Jiaying, who has the same feelings as Yan Xiren, also looks at Ye Chen with a smile. She blinks her eyes and shows a pair of cute tiger teeth. Staring at Ye Chen's eyes, she suddenly lies in Ye Chen's ear. Only Ye Chen can hear the voice and whispers, "come on."

Ye Chen is a seven foot man in his early twenties. It's just in the morning. He just gets up and feels shocked. Facing two charming little beauties in his arms, and with such a seductive tone.

"Eh, ye Chen, why is your face red, and why is your body so hot?" Li Jiaying looks at Ye Chen curiously and asks with a smile. Li Jiaying doesn't ask. When she asks, ye Chen blushes. He coughs twice. He just wants to let go of the two beauties in his arms.

At this time, Yan Xiren suddenly screams. She pushes Ye Chen away and jumps down from ye Chen. Pointing at Ye Chen, she says, "you..."

"What?" Li Jiaying was startled by Yan Xiren's action. She looked at Yan Xiren suspiciously and asked, "what's the matter?"

Yan Xiren nibbled her lips, but she soon recovered from the shock. She shook her head slightly and said, "nothing... Nothing..."

Ye Chen naturally knows what happened, because Yan Xiren just sat there

At this time, Li Jiaying is still lying in Ye Chen's arms. She follows Yan Xiren's eyes and unconsciously drops her eyes on Ye Chen's place. It's OK that she doesn't look. At a glance, Li Jiaying's face turns red.

"It's so big!" Li Jiaying blurts out. As soon as her voice falls, she blushes. Like Yan Xiren, she also immediately escapes from ye Chen.

Ye Chen awkwardly scratched his head, embarrassed to say, "that, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't control this... It can't help, we are all adults, all understand it."

Li Jiaying spat a way, "hum, hooligan."

Although Ye Chen was scolded by Li Jiaying, he still said with a smile, "Hey, are you hooligans? I didn't wake up in the morning, so you jumped on me directly. Besides, I didn't know who it was just now. I said it was big... "

"Shut up Li Jiaying is so shy that she wants to find a crack in the ground. She even has red ears. She turns her head, stomps her feet and runs away.

Ye Chen laughs foolishly. Yan Xiren stares at Ye Chen and says, "hum! I don't care about you either

Finish saying, Yan Xi person also turns a head to leave, in so big room left leaf Chen alone.

Ye Chen sighed, then gently closed the door, accompanied by the beauty of the run away, the stone in his heart also put down, sitting on the bedside, he lamented, "tut Tut, brother ah, brother, you really give me a boost ah, wake up to offend two beauties, but well, this hit little beauty's little butt..."

But he responded quickly, shaking his head hard and throwing his mind out of the mess.

"No, no, what am I thinking? Xiren is Wan'er's sister. I can't do anything wrong. However, Jiaying, Xiren and Wan'er have been hanging out with these beauties for a long time. I feel like I'm going to explode in situ." Ye Chen heavily exhaled a breath, he sighed, "it seems that I need to find a girlfriend, or suffocate the little brother, later can't use it, it's bad."

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