trifle thing

Patiently listening to the knife to finish these things, pink Phoenix straight to the theme of the question, "what's your opinion? Is there any speculation about their relationship? "

"Guess?" Xiaodao kneaded his chin and said, "there must be some guesses. In my opinion, the combat skills of the mission target are very strong, especially in the aspect of footwork. Jia Jiansheng can even arrive at the scene at the first time when he is in danger. This shows that Jia Jiansheng is very devoted to him. In addition, Jia Jiansheng is known as the white wind swordsman, Speed and body method are his skills, so I guess... "

Pink phoenix also widens her eyes. She is a person with exquisite mind. She can come to the east city as a special commander. Naturally, she is not a fool who can only fight and can't think.

"You mean... Apprenticeship?" Pink Phoenix way, "with these two points is enough to determine?"

Xiaodao said with a light smile, "it's because I'm not sure, so it's called guessing."

"Is it?" Pink Phoenix nodded thoughtfully, driving a BMW x4, she disappeared in the traffic.

And at this moment, ye Chen is taking his family's two little devils, walking around the pedestrian street of Dongcheng city.

Carrying a few big bags in the hand, ye Chen bitterly wears a face and follows behind the two little devil girls who are bouncing and jumping, cutting open all over the face


"Two elder sisters, we've been shopping all morning. Why don't we go back?" Ye Chen tentatively asks a way.

His hands were full of things, and the big bags were filled with clothes and shoes. Although it was a very pleasant thing to watch beautiful women change clothes, it was like sweeping the street with two beautiful women, one by one, trying on clothes one by one. No one would be tired of changing clothes.

And ye Chen followed them, just like a dead dog. He was out of breath, but the two beauties were more and more excited.

"Go back?" Li Jiaying patted Ye Chen's head and said with a smile, "why do you want to go back? No, it's not. Our shopping trip has just begun. "

"What?" Ye Chen stares big eyes and says with a sad face, "how just started? I feel my life is coming to an end. It's so long, and I'm so tired, hungry and hot. "

Listening to Ye Chen constantly complaining, Yan Xiren turns to Ye Chen and says, "hee hee, ye Chen, don't be so unhappy. Just think about it, how many people want to go shopping with us, but we two beauties don't agree. Do you think you can make money now?"

With a long sigh, ye Chen said helplessly, "yes, I earned it. It's easy to earn it."

Listening to Ye Chen's unwilling voice, Yan Xiren had to say to Li Jiaying, "Jiaying, I think ye Chen is really a little tired. Shall we find a fast-food restaurant in front of us and have something to eat by the way?"

Li Jiaying glances at Ye Chen. When ye Chen hears Yan Xiren's words, he immediately comes to the spirit. He stares at Li Jiaying and says, "go, go, Jiaying -- sister --"

Although Li Jiaying is ferocious on the surface, she is also distressed by Ye Chen in her heart. She is afraid of wearing this guy out. She nods her head, pretends to be reluctant and says, "OK, let's go and have a rest."

As soon as he said this, ye Chen was excited. He happily followed Yan Xiren and Li Jiaying and went straight to a fast food restaurant in front of him.

At this time, ye Chen's mobile phone suddenly rang, but now he has no hand to answer, can only to the front of Li Jiaying way, "Jiaying, you come to help me take out the phone." Li Jiaying gives Ye Chen a white look, then reaches out her little white hand and takes out the homemade mobile phone from ye Chen's trouser pocket.

She just wanted to put it on Ye Chen's ear, but when she saw the name on the screen, she immediately grinned. She picked up the phone with a bad smile and said to the receiver in a sweet voice, "Hello, who are you?"

Ye Chen and Yan Xiren can't help laughing when they listen to Li Jiaying's Hong Kong and Taiwan accent. However, the voice of a middle-aged man, Jia Jiansheng, comes from the other end of the phone.

"I'm looking for ye Chen." Jia Jiansheng obviously didn't recognize Li Jiaying's voice. He was stunned for a moment, and then told Li Jiaying on the phone.

Li Jiaying covers the receiver with a bad smile, and then makes a silent gesture to Ye Chen and Yan Xiren. With a dry cough, she seriously says to Jia Jiansheng on the other end of the phone, "Sir, he's not in Zeli. He's gone to Africa to dig coal. What's the matter with you?"

Jia Jiansheng was obviously stunned. He quickly asked, "who are you, what are you going to dig coal in Africa, what the hell are you?"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Li Jiaying finally couldn't help laughing. He said to Jia Jiansheng over the microphone, "master, it's me. You can't even hear my voice? Hee hee, are you scared? "

Jia Jian said angrily, "you smelly girl, even Shifu cheated me. When I see you next time, I will teach you a good lesson."

Li Jiaying immediately said, "I'm not. If you teach me a lesson, I'll pull out 200 of your hair with Yingying."

"What?" Jia Jiansheng exclaimed, "200? Please forgive me. Forget it. I don't care about you. Just call ye Chen. I have something important to look for him. "

At this point, Jia Jiansheng's tone became serious and serious. Li Jiaying didn't dare to neglect her, so she had to return her mobile phone to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen also heard the voice coming from the phone. He felt tight in his heart and couldn't manage so much. He put the bag on the ground, took Li Jiaying's mobile phone and immediately put it on his ear and said, "master, I'm Ye Chen."

"What?" Ye Chen was surprised, obviously the news on the other end of the phone brought him a shock that was hard to quell.

Even nodded, ye Chen did not say a word, to the end, he even said three "yes", then hung up the phone.

See ye Chen's face is not very good, Li Jiaying carefully explores to ask a way, "how does the old man say?"

Yan Xi person also some worry, she raises an eye to look at Ye Chen, the eye Ba Ba of very worry about what will happen to Ye Chen body.

Ye Chen took a deep breath, and then slowly spit out, he seems to digest the news, and seems to sort out his emotions.

After a long time, he nodded to Yan Xiren and Li Jiaying, then grinned, "it's OK, you don't have to worry about me, it's just a small thing."

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