Bad behavior

"Little things?" Li Jiaying was not happy immediately. She pouted her little mouth and asked angrily, "how? Don't you believe us? Why do I always feel that you are hiding something from me? Tell me what happened. Ye Chen, no matter what, I'm willing to accompany you. "

When she said this, Li Jiaying obviously moved her true feelings. Her long eyelashes blinked twice, and there was a layer of hazy moisture, which immediately confused her eyes.

Yan Xiren on one side is the same attitude, but after two lives with Ye Chen, she has more trust in Ye Chen. Even if ye Chen doesn't tell her, she won't force her to ask Ye Chen.

Looking at the eyes of the two beauties, ye Chen had to tell the news. He tried to say in a calm tone, "Hu Peng is dead..."


Ye Chen said this, Yan Xiren and Li Jiaying were all stunned.

Looking at their shocked appearance, ye Chen scratched his head and said, "well, I don't want to tell you. Now, I can't accept it."

Li Jiaying came back. She looked at Ye Chen. Her face turned white and she asked nervously, "Ye Chen, you tell me the truth, what do you do from time to time?"

"My hand?" Ye Chen pointed to his nose and said with an innocent smile, "Oh, my officer Li, heaven and earth conscience, I really didn't kill Hu Peng, although I really want to kill him."

"Cut." Li Jiaying frowns slightly. Although she believes in Ye Chen, at present, from the perspective of the police, ye Chen's motive is the biggest.

Of course, she doesn't want to arrest Ye Chen. She is afraid to stand on the opposite side of Ye Chen. At the moment, Li Jiaying is relieved to hear that ye Chen denies killing people.

Ye Chen touched his nose and said, "the old man told me the news. Just like you, the old man was worried about me, but I didn't do it."

"Master?" Li Jiaying frowned and said, "how could he know about Hu Peng's death?"

Ye Chen said, "it's nothing to make a fuss about. The news of Hu Peng's death has already exploded the local news. The circle of friends and browsers are spreading the news, so it's not surprising that master can know."

"Is it?" Li Jiaying quickly took out her mobile phone. She opened her mobile browser and refreshed it a few times. As expected, she saw the news of Hu Peng's death.

I don't know who wrote this news. It's hidden among the gossip of some stars. There are only a few lines and three or four pictures, including some daily photos of Hu Peng.

After reading this news, Li Jiaying's face appeared a little strange. She couldn't help saying, "it's really strange that Hu Peng was electrocuted?"?? But it's weird. A strong man died in his own bathroom

According to a news report on his mobile phone, Hu Peng accidentally got an electric shock when he was bathing in his home. As for why he got an electric shock, it was inferred that his hand was too wet and he died of leakage when he plugged in the hair dryer plug.

After reading this report, Li Jiaying is naturally full of doubts. She doesn't believe that Hu Peng will simply die. After all, Hu Peng's death is too sudden, and the incident of Feiying and others ambushing Ye Chen at pier 3 has just happened.

The police once suspected that Hu Peng was responsible for this incident. The criminal police team specially set up a serious crime team to investigate and deal with it. They wanted to completely pull out the killer organization hidden under the water.

However, no strong evidence has been found, but now, Hu Peng died before the police could find out the case. Ye Chen also fell into deep thinking, Hu Peng died in the end is true or false? If so, how did he die? Was it really an accident and electrocuted, or

His brain is turning a lot of ideas, suddenly, his eyes shrink, suddenly thought of something.

Standing in front of him, Li Jiaying noticed this and asked Ye Chen, "what's the matter? Do you have any ideas


Ye Chen slightly shakes his head, he says with careless eyes, "no, no, I can have any idea, I just have some regrets, I can't see Hu Pang's death with my own eyes."

Li Jiaying white Ye Chen one eye way, "you this guy still really remember to grudge, the dead is big, Hu Peng died all died, the gratitude and resentment between you also calculate end."

"Over?" Ye Chen sneered and shook his head and said, "it's not my revenge, but some things. You can't just let it go. It's his business that he died. It's my business whether the gratitude and resentment are finished or not."

"Cut." Li Jiaying said, "revenge is revenge. Anyway, Hu Peng is dead now. Even if you think about it again, you can't vent it."

Ye Chen said dejectedly, "yes, thanks to his death, otherwise, I have to let him see my strength."

"Yes, yes." Li Jiaying said with a smile, "you are the best

Ye Chen grinned. He said to Yan Xiren and Li Jiaying, "just now the old man called me. The first thing is about Hu Peng, and the other thing is about his agreement with me."

"What agreement?" Yan Xiren is curious. She can't help but ask.

Ye Chen scratched his head and said, "Hey, it's not a big deal. In short, I'm going to practice with him."

"Practice?" Li Jiaying is OK. Yan Xiren stares at Ye Chen and says, "are you going to become a monk? Isn't it only monks and Taoists can practice

Ye Chen blinked his eyes and said, "it's not good to be a monk. I just think the word" cultivation "is more appropriate."

"Well." Yan Xiren asked suspiciously, "what is cultivation?"

Ye Chen didn't have to hide the fact that Yan Xiren was born in an ancient martial family. He said, "martial arts."

"Are you going to find your master?" Yan Xiren's eyes flashed and asked.

Ye Chen shook his head with a smile and said, "it can be said like this, but the master I'm looking for is not the one who gave me boxing."

The beautiful eyes twinkled, and Yan Xiren asked, "Ye Chen, I really want to practice martial arts, but my father won't let me. Can you introduce me to your master? I want to learn, too

Ye Chen said, "why not? If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely tell him about it. However, now he has a headache for his other two disciples. If you add a beautiful girl like you, I think he will

It's going to be more of a headache. "

Yan Xiren doesn't know what ye Chen means, but Li Jiaying stares at Ye Chen angrily and says, "hum, ye Chen, it's a bad behavior to speak ill of others behind their back, isn't it?"

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