
Ye Chen said with a smile, "indeed, it's very bad to speak ill of people behind my back, but don't you stand in front of me now?"

Li Jiaying stamped her foot and said, "you wait. I'll tell you this to Yingying. We'll deal with you together."

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "come on, I'm afraid you won't succeed."

After listening for a long time, Yan Xiren responds. She looks at Ye Chen and Li Jiaying and says enviously, "so you two are brothers and sisters of the same school."

Ye Chen scratched his head. As soon as he wanted to speak, Li Jiaying stood up and said triumphantly, "Xiren, he and I are in the same family, but we are not brothers and sisters. I am his elder martial sister, ha ha ha."

While ye Chen and others are chatting on the main road, a group of policemen from the criminal police team are baffled by the problems in front of them in Hu Peng's private villa.

A team of uniformed police came and went back in the private villa. They looked nervous and sharp, but there was a trace of sadness on their faces.

They are a serious crime team specially set up by Dongcheng criminal police team for this case. Cui Zhengshu, who is now the leader of the criminal police team, thinks that this case is definitely not so simple.

Under his command, the members of the crime squad didn't even have time to eat. They were on the scene to investigate, but up to now, they didn't have any valuable clues.

Hu Peng seems to have died in an electric leakage accident, but in any case, there are many doubts.

First of all, the most important point is that Hu Peng's home has a leakage protector. In general, when the leakage fault occurs in the equipment, as well as the fatal danger of personal electric shock protection, it has the function of overload and short circuit protection.

Therefore, even if Hu Peng accidentally gets an electric shock, nothing will happen because of the existence of the leakage protector. However, when Hu Peng gets an electric shock, the leakage protector fails because of the aging of the circuit.

All this seems to be a ring by ring coincidence, but it is precisely because of the existence of these coincidences that Hu Pengcai step by step into the gate of death.

First of all, Hu Peng was the only one in the family. Second, Hu Peng got an electric shock strangely. Then, the leakage protector also failed at this time.

These three coincidences directly constitute Hu Peng's death.

The criminal police in charge of investigating the case didn't let go any clues, but after a long time of investigation, they couldn't find any clues, and the autopsy didn't draw any different conclusions, so in the end, they had to give Hu Pengan an an accidental death, and the end was hasty.

However, although there is no direct evidence that Hu Peng died of homicide, the criminal police investigating the case always have an indescribable feeling.

The whole event seems seamless, but it's just because it's so perfect that it gives people a sense of smoothness with everything arranged.

It's like when solving a math problem, someone gives the conditions one by one from the beginning to the end. You don't need to think at all. You just need to assemble these conditions one by one to form the answer.

The more the case, the case group's fellow men also felt that this case is not simple, or is really very coincidental, or... That is, the suspect Hu Peng killed the suspect's strong anti reconnaissance capability, he rearranged the scene, eliminated all the evidence against him, and also made the illusion of the victim's accidental death.

If that is the case, the criminal suspect's ability is too terrible, and can be selected into the case team, no matter not proficient in business skills, investigators of the master. Except for handling cases, these people can't do anything else. They are professional in this field, but even so, they didn't find any valuable clues at the scene.

This is very clear. Unless the suspect is careful enough to be able to fight a case against a person, Hu Peng will die of accident.

The head of the crime squad frowned. He sat on the sofa of Hu Peng's house and wanted to smoke. But after taking out the box of cigarettes in his pocket, he suppressed the hope of smoking.

Smoking is not allowed at the scene of the crime. This is a rule and a system that must be observed in order to protect the scene.

Another member of the team came over. He was a middle-aged policeman. He sighed and said to the group leader, "boss, the brothers have been checking here five or six times, but still haven't found any valuable clues."

"Is it?" The group leader nodded helplessly and said, "it seems that fat Hu really died in his own hands, and we can't find anything at the scene. Let's make a reverse investigation. First, find out whether there is a motive in Dongcheng City, and then make a list according to the time of the crime. If there is no alibi, we can call him to assist in the investigation, Anyway, I don't hold any hope now. Hu Peng may have died in an accident, although I'm not willing to admit such a result. "

The middle-aged policeman nodded and said, "boss, although all this happened strangely, it doesn't rule out the possibility that he died in an accident."

"Well." The group leader said helplessly, "well, inform the people of the police station to protect the scene. Let's make a plan and reverse check to see if it is possible to screen out valuable clues in this way."

"Yes The middle-aged policeman saluted, then turned around and yelled to the other members of the group, "team up

When his team members gathered, the group leader's eyes were uncertain. Relying on his intuition of investigating and handling cases for many years, he was happy

I always feel that this case is not so simple, but if I can't grasp the evidence, I can't find the answer.

In the dark alley, the buildings on both sides are very high. The sunlight of the alley is covered by the buildings, leaving only the shadow covering the whole alley.

Leaning against the wall, Song Yang has a cigarette in his mouth. He looks at Ye Chen standing in front of him with a smile.

Ye Chen glanced at him and asked angrily, "did you do that for Hu Peng?"

Song Yang shrugged, the corner of his mouth across a trace of arc, indifferent said, "no ah."

Ye Chen stares at him and says fiercely, "don't play smart here. Although Hu Peng is damned, do you really think you can fight against the police of Dongcheng city with your own strength?"

"Of course, I'm not arrogant enough to be the enemy of the whole city." Song Yang spread his hand and said, "but can you tell the shadow hidden in the shadow?"

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