
Said, Song Yang pointed to the shadow at the foot of Ye Chen, ye Chen Shun his eyes, only to see their own shadow and the shadow of the building together, long ago can not tell who is who.

Shaking his head, ye Chen said, "I know you are very confident in your assassination skills. If you want to kill Hu Peng, you have many ways. After all, you've lived on this since you were young, but I still want to remind you that if you die, I won't forgive you!"

Ye Chen's tone is full of reproach, but Song Yang still sees a trace of sincere concern in Ye Chen's eyes. He solemnly nods his head and says with a smile, "don't worry about me. I always do things in a proper way, and you know, no one can deal with me without paying any price. I'm a killer. Yes, just give money, I can kill anyone, but if someone wants my life, it's not a matter of money. At least he has to exchange his life with me. "

Hearing Song Yang's words, ye Chen couldn't help shaking his head and said, "brother, it's not good to kill too much. Hu Peng's life is worth a few money, and your life is worth a few money. It's not worth changing his life with you."

"Hey, hey." Song Yang said with a smile, "of course, I know it's not worth changing his life with him, so I didn't kill him. He was electrocuted. What does it have to do with me?"

Ye Chen sighed and said, "well, since you've arranged all these things, I can't say anything more. But you know, I'll always be your brother. If I didn't have you to help me, I would have been dead at pier 3

Dead, so, your life, and my life, have long been fused that night, promise me, you can't die, at least not in front of me. "

"Hey, hey." Song Yang narrowed his eyes, he looked at Ye Chen, light said, "of course I won't die, because if I die, who can help you block the knife?"

They looked at each other and laughed. Everything was silent.

Song Yang looked at the man in front of him. He said in secret that day, you told me what is really alive, and you also told me what is a real man. Therefore, I owe you a life. Let me be your fist and help you fight all the enemies in front of you!!

Ye Chen doesn't know what song yang is thinking, and he doesn't know that the man in front of him has become a sharp blade in his hand.

In the backyard of Tongji clinic, ye Chen holds the ground with his hands. His muscles tremble strangely, and with the movement of his muscles, his body is constantly changing.

Under this series of strange actions, ye Chen's face is ferocious, his sweat flows down his head, and soon gets wet.

"Hoo --"

Ye Chen adjusts his breathing according to a specific frequency. His bones and joints make a crisp sound or two from time to time. This kind of sound is like the sound of pulling a bow string. Under the sound, it is strange and full of tension.

Next to Ye Chen, Jia Jiansheng sits on the chair and looks at Ye Chen with a smile. He drinks two mouthfuls of tea from time to time and nods his head slightly. "Ye Chen, your set of" Ming Guang Liu Li Ti "is already a beginner. If you persevere in it, the great benefits are self-evident."

Even in the new world, Mingguang Liuli ti is a well-known body training method. Ye Chen has just come into contact with this method, and he feels that his strength has been significantly improved. This makes him happy, but at the same time, he pays more attention to it. He can enhance so much strength just after he has just started. If he practices this method to the limit, he will be able to improve it, How terrible that power should be.

If you can have that kind of power, will you be afraid of any demon soldier organization? Are you still afraid that you can't protect the people you want to protect? Thinking of this, ye Chen continued to adjust his movements and strengthened his body according to the way recorded in the Ming Guang Liu Li Ti.

Finally, half an hour later, ye Chen's arm softened and fell to the ground. He was panting and lying on the ground, like a bull about to die of exhaustion.

Muscle tremor, this is because ye Chen overdraw a lot of strength, resulting in every inch of the body are forced to the limit.

But just because of this, ye Chen's strength will increase again after the next physical recovery. The reason is very simple. Ordinary people do push ups to exercise their muscles. They do 10 on the first day, and they may be able to do 11 on the second day. The reason is very simple, because their muscles get exercise and become stronger.

If you do push ups, you just exercise a few muscles in your body, such as biceps brachii and chest muscles. But Mingguang Liuti is different. When you practice, ye Chen can exercise all the muscles in his body, through the tremor and connection between the muscles, All his muscles are involved in sports.

In addition, exercise your heart and lung function and internal organs in the way of breathing, exercise your muscles and bones in the way of body movement, and exercise your flesh and blood in the way of muscle tremor.

The integration of the three, coordination and synchronization, constitutes the full effect of "Ming Guang Liu Li Ti".

Of course, it's just the first level of entry, but even so, ye Chen has gained a lot of benefits. He can clearly feel that an surging force is slowly released in his body.

Looking at Ye Chen panting and lying on the ground, Jia Jiansheng stands up from the chair. He stands in front of Ye Chen and his eyes flash past the pool of water stains under Ye Chen's body.

He couldn't help nodding slightly, his eyes slightly shrunk and said, "when I first began to practice" Ming Guang Liu Li Ti ", I insisted on it for 20 minutes at most, but I didn't expect that you could last more than half an hour. Your physique is really far beyond ordinary people."

Lying on the ground, ye Chen turned his mouth like a dead dog. He said with a bitter smile, "master, don't make fun of me. Do you have any water? Give me a drink."

In fact, ye Chen is still not very satisfied with his achievements. After taking lidaodan, his physical strength is twice that of ordinary people. Now he can keep practicing for 30 minutes, which is not a great thing.

Jia Jiansheng picked up a bottle of mineral water from a small square table and threw it to Ye Chen, saying, "after drinking the water, get up for me. Next, there are more fun things waiting for you."

Ye Chen is bitter a face, drooping head dejected of say, "ah?! Master, can I have a rest? "

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