Jinguang and Luocha

The reason why Ye Chen can still insist now is that gradually it's not the strength of his body, but his obsession. Whether it's fighting or training, ye Chen is always a person who doesn't want to give up. Once he chooses something, he will never give up until the last moment.

This is Ye Chen's obsession and belief.

Ye Chen, whose body is nearly collapsed, has long been out of his mind. He doesn't find it at all. Jia Jiansheng's speed slows down with him, so he hangs himself in front of him and lets himself follow him slowly.

However, it's not just the spiritual power generated by his obsession that really makes Ye Chen follow Jia Jiansheng. In the body that ye Chen doesn't realize, a layer of golden light envelops every cell of Ye Chen.

Excessive exhaustion presses Ye Chen's cells to the limit. The golden light covers Ye Chen's cells like a thin film.

At the moment when the golden light covered the cells, the cells in yechen's body seemed to be alive. They were like beggars who had been hungry for many days, desperately extracting energy from the golden light.

With the injection of golden light, every cell of Ye Chen is gradually changing in a subtle way.

It is because of the infusion of these golden energy that ye Chen's physical strength can be maintained. Although he runs more and more slowly on the provincial road, he can't keep up

It didn't stop anyway.

Slowly running in front of Ye Chen, Jia Jiansheng's face changed again and again. He didn't expect that ye Chen could hold on until now. According to his estimation, ye Chen should have been sitting on the ground long ago, complaining and not running.

But ye Chen is still running now, and he doesn't mean to stop at all. Although the speed slows down, the determination in his eyes becomes more and more strong.

"What kind of man is this?" Jia Jiansheng can't help smacking his mouth. His eyes toward Ye Chen are full of appreciation.

"Ye Chen!" Jia Jiansheng suddenly stopped. He stood in the same place and yelled to Ye Chen, "Why are you running?"

Ye Chen was already a little confused, but after hearing Jia Jiansheng's question, there was a strong light in his eyes.

Without hesitation, ye Chen roared loudly and replied, "I want to be strong!"

"Stronger?" Jia Jiansheng lowered his eyes. With a hook in the corner of his mouth, he whispered, "it's really a simple and direct answer."

Afterwards, Jia Jiansheng looks Ye Chen's eyes directly. He shouts, "then why do you want to be stronger?"

Ye Chen and Jia Jiansheng look at each other without hesitation, 200 meters apart from the provincial road, next to the cars coming and going, ye Chen exhausted all his strength, loudly spit out his heart, he does not reserve the roar, "because I want to protect the people I want to protect, I want to protect them, I want to protect them with the strongest strength!"

Jia Jiansheng looks at Ye Chen's eyes and the red eyes burned by the burning dream. He is suddenly stunned in the same place. He can't help losing his voice and says, "is it just like this? Do you take guardianship as the heart of the strong? "

However, Jia Jiansheng soon regained his mind. He looked at Ye Chen, who was only 30 meters away from him. He took a deep breath and yelled, "then run and run with all your strength. Even if you die on the way forward, it can at least prove that you have fought and worked hard. Even if you die, there is no regret."

Ye Chen at the moment because of the golden energy in his body, his physical strength slowly began to recover. Although he is still consuming his physical strength, his fatigue gradually disappeared. Instead, his whole body is like boiling blood burning up“ I don't know! " Ye Chen jumps up and rushes past Jia Jiansheng, who stops at the same place. He shouts, as if announcing to the whole world, "I won't fall down. I want to be the strongest man!"

"The strongest?" Jia Jiansheng looked at Ye Chen's figure, squinted at the corner of his eyes, and suddenly laughed, "if you can be the strongest, you can certainly protect anything, but, ye Chen, you still have a long way to go."

Deep in the dense forest, in an inconspicuous cave, Wei Qinghu sat on a pony. Behind him stood a man with a hood and a blind face.

It's far away from the urban area, and it's hard to be found if it's hidden intentionally.

There are some simple daily necessities and a camp bed in the cave. It seems that someone has lived here for some time.

Wei Qinghu sits leisurely on the pony. He looks at the green grass and trees outside the cave. His thoughts are far away and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

After a long time, Wei Qinghu said with a smile, "if everything is in vain, what is the wisest choice? Poke or deceive yourself? "

His question is very strange, but the hooded man who has been standing behind him suddenly spoke faintly, "whether you continue to indulge in self deception or directly pierce it, the bubble is the bubble. After all, it's just a dream, meaningless."

Wei Qinghu lips a hook, he said thoughtfully, "is it? Well, maybe. "

The hooded man stopped talking. He stood quietly behind Wei Qinghu. No one knew what he was thinking.

At this time, outside the cave suddenly came a man, this man is strong and tall, this is Dongcheng longbing affiliated killer organization

Tian Jingshan, one of the leaders of the school.

As soon as he saw Wei Qinghu, he immediately knelt down on one knee and said in awe, "master, members of the demon soldier organization at the level of Luocha have come to Dongcheng city."

"Luocha?" The corner of Wei Qinghu's eye jumps, and a trace of fear flickers between his looks. Obviously, he attaches great importance to the strong of Luocha level.

Tian Jingshan Hill Hui reported, "yes, according to reliable eye liner, this time we came to Dongcheng City, the Phoenix is pink."

Hearing Tian Jingshan's report, Wei Qinghu's face changed. He frowned and said, "is it a pink Phoenix? That even in the twelve Rocha are among the top of the existence

Tian Jingshan nodded and replied respectfully, "pink Phoenix is really a woman. I've heard a lot of rumors about her in guwu family before. It's said that she used to be a very famous killer in the world. Together with other top killers, she was called 'ca7'. Until 'ca7' was destroyed by dragon soldiers, pink Phoenix joined the demon soldier organization."

Wei Qinghu nodded slightly. He said faintly, "what you know is very clear. In the operation to eliminate ca7, the dragon soldier organization sent out nearly 50 S-level members, including me. Speaking of it, I still have a affinity with pink Phoenix."

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