Very intelligent

"What?" The hooded man and Tian Jingshan were surprised by this.

However, Wei Qinghu is very calm. His eyes twinkle. He seems to be remembering those distant times. He whispers, "the combat effectiveness of ca7 really can't be underestimated. They have only seven members in total, but they all have terrible strength. Their leader is called Mo Yue, who can fight against the siege of 20 S-class killers with one person's strength. As for pink Phoenix, If she still maintains the original fighting capacity now, ha ha. "

At the end of this sentence, Wei Qinghu ends with a deep, cold laugh. It is obvious that Wei Qinghu, who once played with ca7, knows the fighting power of this group very well.

Tian Jingshan blinked his eyes. He couldn't help opening his mouth. He didn't know how strong ca7 was, but he couldn't know more about the S-class killer organized by longbing.

But even such a strong man, 20 people besieged a guy, can't get down, so this man called "moyue" is too strong.

With a squint at Tian Jingshan, Wei Qinghu said calmly, "you don't have to worry. Although ca7 is strong, it's still broken by the Dragon soldiers. If it wasn't for some accidents, no one of them could escape, and pink Phoenix would never have the chance to join the demon soldiers again."

Tian Jingshan licked his cracked lips. He couldn't help saying, "but master, the strength of the pink Phoenix..."

Wei Qinghu said, "if she was in her heyday, two of me tied together is not enough for her to kill, but now it's different. She has not the strength she used to have, and now she is a little better than an ordinary S-level dragon soldier. I haven't paid attention to such strength."

Relieved, Tian Jingshan said, "what is the master going to do?"

Wei Qinghu thought about it and said, "the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Although the Dragon soldiers are huge and powerful, if I unite enough allies, I can still protect myself."

"Is it just self preservation?" Tian Jingshan eyebrows a pick, he noticed the key words in Wei Qinghu this sentence, a sudden heart, heart so thought.

Of course, he didn't dare to say that. If he was told to Wei Qinghu, he might be angry and kick him half dead.

In the face of the Dragon soldiers, no organization dares to say that it is fearless. What's more, Wei Qinghu is only one person. Even if he uses the means of demagogy to unite a large number of scattered killer organizations, for the Dragon soldiers, these so-called killer organizations are just a mob.

Only the top forces or super powers can really confront the longbing organization. Otherwise, these mobs will not give Wei Qinghu any sense of security.

However, if we can unite with the demon soldier organization, Wei Qinghu will undoubtedly have an extra umbrella, which is very solid.

Thinking of this, Wei Qinghu took a deep breath. He said to Tian Jingshan kneeling in front of him, "if you want to find a way to contact Fen Fenghuang, you just need to tell her that all the actions of demon soldiers in Dongcheng city will get our full support."

"This..." Tian Jingshan slightly a Leng, but he immediately reacted to come over, Gong Sheng should way, "is!"

After waiting for Tian Jingshan to leave, Wei Qinghu said to the hooded man standing behind him, "what do you think of my decision?"

The hooded man nodded and said in a low voice, "it's a wise choice, but I think you know very well that just relying on the chips you have now is not enough to form an alliance with the demon soldiers. You must know better than me why the Dragon soldiers allow the demon soldiers to exist. In the end, no matter how strong the demon soldiers are, in the eyes of the Dragon soldiers, It's just a pile of junk. " The hooded man's words were hard to hear, but Wei Qinghu didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said. He nodded and agreed, "yes, if it wasn't for the" demon flag ", the demon soldiers would have been destroyed by the Dragon soldiers. At that time, the" demon flag "and" white tooth "were fighting in Cambodia. Although no one witnessed the victory or defeat and the result, in the end," white tooth "still released information within the organization, Within ten years, the Dragon soldiers are not allowed to fight against the demon soldiers, which gives the demon soldiers ten years of peace

The hooded man nodded and said, "it's true that white tooth, as one of the three generals of the dragon soldier organization, has a strong voice

Yes, but he is not the Dragon King after all. He can't suppress all the members in a word. Now, although the ten-year period is not over, it's almost the end, and the demon soldier organization is hopping in the area controlled by the dragon soldier one after another. The members of the dragon soldier have long been unhappy with the demon soldier. In my opinion, even if the demon flag is in the demon soldier organization, it won't last two years. "

Wei Qinghu said with a smile, "I didn't want to have a long-term alliance with the demon soldiers. As long as I can solve my emergency, I have some ways to escape."

"And then?" The hooded man looked at Wei Qinghu and asked meaningfully, "after running away?"

Wei Qinghu was confused and speechless for a long time. After a long time, he said slowly, "now what's the use of saying this? Can you escape or not? As long as the Dragon soldiers are determined to kill me, even at the ends of the earth, how can there be a place for me?"

"Ha ha." The hooded man said with a rare smile, "once you choose to defecte, all the places that the Dragon soldiers can see will become hell. No one can save you."

When he heard the hooded man say this, Wei Qinghu unexpectedly laughed. He shrugged his shoulders and said with a laugh, "Hey, are you really saying this to me? Take care of yourself, asshole

The hooded man pushed his hat up, revealing a middle-aged uncle's face. It was the Jackal who once fought with Wei Qinghu on the rooftop.

After he lost to Wei Qinghu, he was not killed, but became Wei Qinghu's subordinate.

"That's right." The Jackal said indifferently, "I'm a defector of the dragon soldier organization just like you, but I'm a little different from you. I don't know the secret skill of the dragon soldier, but you do. We used to be dragon soldiers, and we all chased and killed defectors. You should know what level of the dragon soldier will be chased by defectors who don't know the secret skill of the dragon soldier, but defectors who are proficient in the secret skill of the dragon soldier, What level of dragon soldiers will you be pursued and killed by? "

After that, the Jackal said to Wei Qinghu, "I have to say that you are a very intelligent defector."

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