training program

"At the beginning, after fleeing to Dongcheng City, you immediately attached yourself to Feng Tao. With Feng Tao's influence in Dongcheng City, you successfully hid yourself. Unfortunately, when Feng Tao chose to tell others about your identity, you were doomed. After all, you and I all know how terrible the intelligence network of longbing organization is."

Wei Qinghu's eyes jumped and he said, "no matter what you say, you and I are grasshoppers tied to the same rope now. If I die, there will be no one to remove the poisonous insects in you and Jiang Xuan."

The Jackal's eyes shrank, and his eyes twinkled with a sense of killing. But soon, he suppressed those feelings and stared at Wei Qinghu. He said in a cold voice, "I hope you can keep your promise. If I can help you escape this chase, you will let Jiang Xuan go."

Wei Qinghu grinned. He said faintly, "maybe, after all, you should know that no one can escape this time."

The Jackal's eyes flashed a trace of regret. He bit his teeth and said in a hateful voice, "ghost knife, I think you know that this time's dragon soldier capture envoy is likely to be too strong. You or I, as long as he finds out, they will all die in Dongcheng city. Before that, I hope you can release Jiang Xuan. Don't worry, I will do my best to help you."

"Hey, hey." Wei Qinghu said with a smile, "I don't believe in such a pale promise. My life is only in my own hands. If you don't want Jiang Xuan to die, protect me well."

"You..." the Jackal clenched his teeth, and his eyes turned red with hatred. But at this moment, he had nothing to do with Wei Qinghu.

As the wind blows slowly, birds are singing in the deep forest, and leaves are falling on the branches. Wei Qinghu's eyes look into the distance. Although he has a smile on his lips, his worries are more and more intense.

Less than two li away from the cave, ye Chen leaned against a big tree. He was panting with his hands on his knees, sweating and red in the face.

In front of Ye Chen, Jia Jiansheng looks at him with a smile and blinks his eyes. He says with a faint smile, "not bad, you are the strongest one among all the young people I know. If you want to be someone else, I'm afraid you've already given up."

Ye Chen slowly exhaled a breath, he licked his dry lips, said with a wry smile, "maybe I'm used to grabbing food with wild dogs, and I won't give up until the last moment."

This sentence came out of Ye Chen's mouth, which was very casual, but it represented another meaning in Jia Jiansheng's ears.

From ye Chen's body, he saw a kind of insistence hidden in his bones, which may be related to Ye Chen's childhood experience. Thinking of this, he asked Ye Chen involuntarily, "your physical strength is really strong. It's almost camel level endurance to be able to run here from the city. But what surprised me most is your spirit of never giving up."

"Never give up?" Ye Chen said casually, "it's nothing. When I was very young, I used to fight with a group of wild dogs for food. If I gave up, I would starve to death, so I had to fight more and faster than them

So I can live

Deeply took a breath, ye Chen put his childhood shadow down, slowly continued to say, "it's the same now, if I take every training as a grab to eat, if the training is not good, then I will be weaker than others, if it is weak, of course, it is not complete my oath."

"Oath?" Jia Jiansheng jumped out of the corner of his eye and said, "do you mean the oath to be a strong man?"

Ye Chen nodded heavily and said, "yes, I want to be the strongest. I want to protect everything I want to protect. No one can bully me. I just want to be strong. No matter what, I want to be strong. Running or handstand, as long as I can be strong, I can accept it." Jia Jiansheng saw the unshakable firmness from ye Chen's eyes. That kind of strong decision was just like the majesty of a king. He just looked at him, but it was as if he had been stabbed into his eyes by a needle. It hurt badly.

Recalling the scene when ye Chen and Xia houtie fought fiercely in the abandoned building of pier 3 that day, Jia Jiansheng suddenly said in secret, "is this the legendary born overlord pupil? Even I can influence the domineering power and dignity in my heart. It still has no awakening effect. If I wake up, I'm afraid this boy will have the power to directly frighten the weak. How terrible it is. "

Ye Chen didn't know what Jia Jiansheng thought, and he didn't know that he had the so-called natural bully pupil. He just shrugged, and then said to Jia Jiansheng, "master, according to what you said, we are now in this forest. What should we do? Can you tell me what kind of training

Jia Jiansheng adjusted his state of mind, and then said to Ye Chen with a smile, "don't worry. Let's recover your physical strength completely. Next, you have to face the most difficult training project."

"What training program?" Ye Chen asks curiously.

"Hey, hey." Jia Jiansheng said mysteriously, "don't ask about this now. You'll understand later anyway."

Scratching his head, ye Chen is curious, but he knows that if Jia Jiansheng doesn't want to tell him, no matter how he asks, it's useless. So he has to give Jia Jiansheng a look and say, "God nags."

Leaning on the tree, ye Chen sits under the tree. He is not idle. He takes out his mobile phone to open the video and starts to watch the movie.

Jia Jiansheng sweeps Ye Chen's mobile phone. What he sees on the screen is a competition scene. In the arena under the spotlight, a dark boxer fights another strong man.

Two people you come and I go, but because of the rules, so the two people's confrontation is not too fierce, but the combination between boxing and leg is very skilled and original, see ye Chen frown, secretly thinking.

Jia Jiansheng doesn't like to see these modern fighting things. He gives Ye Chen a white look and says, "is this a boxing match?"

Ye Chen nodded and said, "well, the king of Muay Thai wanted to fight against the Japanese God of war. It was a very classic match. Both of them were in a very good state at that time."

"Broadcast? The devil's robe Jia Jiansheng frowned and said, "I haven't heard of it. Is it very powerful?"

"Er..." Ye Chen scratched his head and said, "it's powerful... It's also powerful, but it's nothing compared with you old man. However, their combination of fist, leg, knee and elbow is very unique. After all, they are professional fighting athletes, and they are all world champions, so we can learn from them."

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