Lao Tang

With a shrug, Jia Jiansheng said, "it's up to you. Anyway, in my opinion, it's just boxing and kicking. It's no big deal. In the end, it's not who is strong, fast and can fight better. In the final analysis, it's still a barbaric interpretation of power, but according to the standard of ordinary people, it's the strongest."

Ye Chen frowned. He asked Jia Jiansheng involuntarily, "master, according to you, if you practice modern fighting, such as Muay Thai, karate, boxing and so on, there is no strong one?"

"The strong." Jia Jiansheng said thoughtfully, "of course, there are some, but it's too few. I once met an opponent. He is the Dharma protector of a Buddhist temple in Thailand. He can not only make himself as strong as steel, but also have great strength. He also has very powerful fighting skills, which are similar to the fighters in your mobile phone. They are all simple Kung Fu, but full of destructive power."

"And at the end?" Ye Chen can't help asking, "what about the Dharma protector? Won the master? "

Jia Jiansheng light said, "head off, I cut."

"Er..." a simple sentence, but the casual six words, make ye Chen choke speechless.

After opening his mouth, ye Chen said with a bitter smile, "master, do you think this is the strong one? No, you've killed them all. "

Rubbing his nose, Jia Jiansheng said casually, "it should be. After all, there are not many people who can take my three swords."

If someone else said that to Ye Chen, ye Chen would think that he was a bully. But for Jia Jiansheng, he not only respected him very much, but also knew his strength very well. According to Dabao's detection, Jia Jiansheng's combat power was more than 1500, and this was after his internal injury.

If it is the heyday, who knows how strong Jia Jiansheng will be. At that time, maybe Jia Jiansheng's words that can take over his three swords are not empty words.

Thinking of this, ye Chen can't help but feel surging. He looks at Jia Jiansheng and can't help asking, "master, when can I become a strong man?"

Jia Jiansheng said with a slight smile, "if you become a strong person, you still have a long way to go. However, if you keep going, it is not a very difficult goal to become a strong person."

"Well." Ye Chen nodded, he slowly clenched his fist, eyes firm as iron.

Half an hour later, ye Chen put his mobile phone aside. He shook his neck, stood up from the ground and grinned. He moved his muscles and said, "master, my strength has almost recovered. Training can begin."

Hearing Ye Chen say so, Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "if you think you are ready, then you can start. The next training is real combat!"

"Actual combat?" Ye Chen slightly a Leng, immediately looked at Jia Jiansheng, he bitterly said, "master, I won't want to fight with you again?"

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "of course not. With your ability now, I can beat you even with my eyes closed. It doesn't mean anything to you, and I can't get any useful practical experience."

"Then who do I fight with?" Ye Chen doubts of see toward the surroundings, he can't help but ask a way, "this nearby is us two, you don't fight with me, I still can't fight with ghost?"

Jia Jiansheng raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. He said with a smile, "he should be coming soon."

"Who?" Ye Chen doesn't understand of ask a way, "you still found a person?" Just when ye Chen asked questions, a figure flew over from a distance. He stepped on a strange shaped aircraft, and the speed was very fast. Before ye Chen could see the man clearly, he fell from the sky and fell directly next to them.

In the face of such a scene, ye Chen can't help but be stunned. He is startled by the man's action, but he is soon attracted by the aircraft under the man's feet.

"What a big plate." Ye Chen can't help but say that the aircraft under his feet is disc-shaped, with silver gray coating on the surface. There is no ejector or propeller, but it is still suspended about 20 cm from the ground. It looks very windy, which makes Ye Chen itch. He wants to jump up immediately and fly to play

It's good to play.

"What are you looking at?" On this hovercraft, a haggard old man was standing on it. He was white, thin and small, but his eyes were bright and vigorous.

By this old man fierce a, ye Chen pour also not angry, he said with a smile, "uncle, you this thing quite handsome ah, where buy?"? That's great

Hearing Ye Chen boast about his car, the old man couldn't help but get more proud. He said with a thump, "you know what you want, but if you want to buy it, no matter how much money you can't buy it, I made it myself. This is the only thing in the world. It's called somersault cloud. It's a special aircraft with anti gravity device, which can fly freely by adjusting the gravity, And in order to resist the strong wind generated by flight, I specially made anti gravity armor for supporting use. "

The old man was elated to introduce his masterpiece, but ye Chen didn't understand it very well, but he made it clear that it was anti gravity and could fly.

He couldn't help but look at the old man with golden eyes and said, "uncle, can you let me have a try, I'll fly around..."

"Go, go." Before ye Chen finished, the old man waved his hand impatiently and said, "don't make up with me here. Who is your uncle? I'm preparing this somersault cloud for myself. The old man is old. This is my wheelchair. You have to grab the old man's walking tools. Do you have any public morality?"

"Wheelchair?" Ye Chen said, "if all the wheelchairs in the world are so handsome, then I want to use a wheelchair.

The old man ignored the leaf's Tucao, and turned his gaze to Jia Jiansheng. "What do you make complaints about, Lao Jia? If there's nothing I'm interested in, don't try to leave me here. "

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "Lao Tang, it's not easy for you to come all the way. Why don't we have a good drink and talk about something later."

The old man, who is called Lao Tang, glanced at Jia Jiansheng and said, "don't be here to make a living for me. Others don't know what you are like. I know that. You are typical of Lao Jia with a smile on the surface and a MMP in the heart. If you have something to say, just say it. I'm very busy. I have to see the research progress of vacuum shock wave later."

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