Geek of Technology

Jia Jiansheng was embarrassed. He rubbed his hands and said, "I have a disciple. I want to borrow a robot to accompany you."

"What?" Old Tang widened his eyes and said angrily, "I'll say that you're unprofitable and can't get up early. If you have something to do, you can call me brother. If you have nothing to do, you can leave me aside. Do you have any humanity? Do you know how expensive it is for me to be a companion robot? What do you think of me when you borrow? "

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "well, of course, I treat you as a baby. In the new world, is it the best for us to play? When we went to the bottom of the Bohai Sea to catch a sunken ship last time, we met the sea monster attacking your diving robot. As a good friend, did I help you and kill the sea monster? Nah, now your good friend puts forward such a weak, insignificant and small request to you, don't you agree? "

When he heard Jia Jiansheng say this, old Downton was not happy. He pointed to Jia Jiansheng and said, "well, you old Jia, if you don't say it's OK, I won't be angry when I mention it."

Ye Chen in the side all see silly, this what script? Why, when master mentioned that he had saved him, the old man became excited and rolled his arms and sleeves. It seemed that he was going to fight with Jia Jiansheng alone.

Old Tang stared at Jia Jiansheng and said, "that sea monster is a sample I've been looking for for for three years. It was meant to be used for experiments. You can do well. I'll kill it with a sword. What's the use of asking for a ghost's body? What I want is living. Do you understand? "

"Tut tut." Jia Jiansheng smacked his lips and looked at the old Tang with a playful smile. "Don't be so fussy. Live or die. Anyway, don't you still get the sea monster in the end?"

"And again." Jia Jiansheng went on to say, "I also want to protect you. No, that sea monster rushed to your robot. If it killed you, didn't I lose a good friend?"

"Come on, you!" Lao Tang waved his hand and said to Jia Jiansheng coldly, "anyway, anyway, I won't lend you my companion robot. I'm going back to the research center. I'm sorry I won't accompany you."

Jia Jiansheng saw that old Tang was about to leave. He said in a hurry, "Hello, old Tang, don't you want yuanmingzhu?"

Hearing these three words in Jia Jiansheng's mouth, Lao Tang was shocked. He turned his head in a hurry and said to Jia Jiansheng in a hurry, "do you have yuan Mingzhu?"

After spreading his hand, Jia Jiansheng first laughed, then said honestly, "No."

"No, you're kidding me?" Old Tang angrily scolded. He shook his hand and grabbed a silver white pistol with strange shape from somewhere. The muzzle of the pistol was very thick, but it didn't look like an ordinary pistol. There were some primitive patterns carved on it, which looked very mysterious.

After old Tang took out the gun, Jia Jiansheng's face changed, but he soon returned to normal. He looked at Old Tang with a smile and said, "old man, you can't do it. You just use a knife and a gun for a little thing. How can you be so angry now

So bad? "

Old Tang snorted coldly. He pulled the trigger without saying a word, but the muzzle of the gun deflected a few minutes, and the collimator moved away from Jia Jiansheng. Even so, Jia Jiansheng's face changed greatly. A white moon laser shot from the muzzle of the gun and hit a big tree next to Jia Jiansheng with amazing speed.

The big tree was instantly penetrated by the thick and thin laser of the beer bottle cap, and the hot light left a shadow in the air. The trunk was easily penetrated, leaving only the blackened bullet hole and curling black smoke.

"What?" Jia Jiansheng seems to have known it for a long time, but ye Chen was startled by the sudden appearance of the laser. He turned his head and looked at the old Tang who stepped on the aircraft. His eyes were full of shock. He lost his voice and exclaimed, "laser? It's a laser gun? Star Wars Ye Chen has only seen this kind of weapon in the movie, which only exists in the imagination. But just now, just under his eyes, this seemingly not amazing old man shot with a laser gun.

The power of this gun is different from that of conventional gunpowder. In terms of speed, the speed of an ordinary pistol is more than 300 meters per second. However, as we all know, the speed of light is 300000 kilometers per second, far faster than any known material on earth.

Although Ye Chen didn't know exactly how fast the shot was, it was definitely faster than an ordinary pistol. The laser flashed away. After ye Chen's serious shaking, a bottle cap size hole disappeared. This has subverted Ye Chen's imagination. After all, such a fast firing speed is definitely the peak of Ye Chen's known weapons.

Apart from the speed, the power that can instantly break through the tree is also very frightening. From the point of view of the gunhole on the tree, the so-called laser should rely on the damage caused by the instantaneous high temperature, but ye Chen can clearly see from one end of the tree hole to the other end. In addition to the carbonized surrounding wood, the broken trunk tissue should be directly gasified.

Thinking of this, ye Chen can't help but wonder how high the temperature is that can easily vaporize the trees. He doesn't know very well, but compared with the tree trunk, it seems that the fragile human body is more likely to be burned off. If Lao Tang shot at Jia Jiansheng or Ye Chen just now, they will be injured even if they don't die. After all, the speed of the laser is too fast, so there's no way to dodge.

"Good old Tang." Jia Jiansheng was obviously infuriated by the shot of Lao Tang. He gritted his teeth and pointed to Lao Tang and said, "you should shoot me. I think you're tired of being crooked. Do you believe it or not, I'll cut off your head and kick you in three swords?"

With that, Jia Jiansheng suddenly sent out a kind of surging wind pressure and impolitely pressed to the old Tang. In front of Jia Jiansheng, the transparent air was compressed by an invisible force. Like an invisible air giant hand, he grasped the old Tang and then held it hard!

As soon as Lao Tang's face changed, he let out a low roar. All his bones were pinched and crackled by this invisible transparent giant hand. At this time, he could not even breathe. His internal organs and flesh were all crushed and cracked. He was about to be pinched and burst in the same place!

At this time, the old Tang issued a roar, "Xingtian armor!"

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