
Just at the moment when Lao Tang yelled, the disk aircraft under his feet suddenly emitted a bright silver light. One part after another suddenly flew out of the silver light emitted by the aircraft. A layer of silver armor started from Lao Tang's feet and gradually covered Lao Tang's whole body with extremely fast speed. With the attachment of the armor, Lao Tang's arms earned, It broke the pressure of Jia Jiansheng.

"Hey, hey." Jia Jiansheng shrugged his shoulders. He didn't seem to be surprised by the result. With a grin on his lips, he jumped up and ran straight into the air in front of Lao Tang. He stared at his feet. Suddenly, it was like a stage appeared in the empty air. He stepped on it with his help, The whole person got close to the old Tang who had just put on armor at a fast speed.

"Damn it, Lao Jia, you want to die!" The silver white armor of the old Tang Dynasty is powerful and majestic, reflecting the radiance in the sun. He is just like the iron man in the Avengers alliance, but the style of armor is modeled on the armor of the Tang Dynasty, so it is completely different from the iron man.

Jia Jiansheng sneered and said, "when we meet old friends, let's say hello in the way of a new world. Whoever has a big fist will listen to him. This is the eternal truth."

Lao Tang's Xingtian armor is shining with silver light. He covers his helmet with a chill in his long cold eyes. Hidden in the armor, there is a hologram in front of him, which shows all the data around him. Among them, a red aperture has been locking Jia Jiansheng's figure. He growls and says angrily, "Lao Jia, you forced me to do this, If you die in my hands, I won't bury you! "

"Ha ha ha ha." Jia Jiansheng laughs. Although he has no sword in his hand, he gives people a kind of sharp spirit. It's like that although he has no sword in his hand, there are sword edges all over his body.

With a flash of cold light in his eyes, the air under Jia Jiansheng's feet was instantly compressed into a stepping stone. He jumped forward again, just like an indistinct phantom. In an instant, he was close to Old Tang. Old Tang was greatly shocked. The anti gravity aircraft under his feet stepped back, trying to get away from Jia Jiansheng.

As he retreated, Lao Tang raised his hands flat. A weapon rack was opened at his armour arm. There were four muzzles on each arm. Immediately, eight muzzles aimed at Jia Jiansheng. With his finger moving, eight muzzles shot eight silver laser beams.

These laser beams are no different from those fired by old Tang with a pistol before. In front of Old Tang, whether it's a tree, a stone, or the ground, everything within the range of the laser gun is pierced into a sieve.

Lao Tang and Jia Jiansheng knew each other very early, so he knew Jia Jiansheng's ability very well. Relying on Jia Jiansheng's fighting skills and that kind of wind speed, it seems that it is not enough to rely on such a blow to cause him harm.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the eight laser emission ports were like machine guns, constantly emitting silver white rays, just like an old ox plowing the land. Lao Tang tore everything in front of him to pieces. The hot laser beam easily penetrated any obstacles, and even the green grass was beaten into deep and scattered pits.

"Lying trough!" Ye Chen was startled by the battle. Whether Jia Jiansheng or Lao Tang, this new world Master began to fight

For example, now, once Ye Chen gets close to the battle circle, he is likely to be bombed into pieces by the intensive laser. At that time, he will be dead.

"Damn it." Unable to restrain the emotions after all Lao Tzu's brother, Jia Jiansheng was running away from behind a big tree and looking at the battle situation of the old man and the Tang Dynasty. He could not help but Tucao. "Lao Tzu thought he was a great man who had changed the ORC with the elder brother at the pier three." make complaints about his own virtue. Tut Tut, looking up at the operation of high-end players, it's really special, handsome and awesome

Ye Chen can't help but think that if he had the strength of Jia Jiansheng or the armor of Lao Tang in the fierce battle with Li Muchen in the hospital at that time, he must have been invincible. Let alone Li Muchen is not afraid of bullets, even if you are not afraid of shells, such dense high-temperature laser beams are coming like rain, Even the steel plate will be melted. Thinking of this, ye Chen couldn't help smacking his lips and became more determined to become a strong man.

In mid air, several letters are displayed on Lao Tang's hologram, and the sound of an artificial intelligence robot is sounded in his helmet: "warning, the temperature of the arm mounted laser gun has reached the critical point, and the quick cooling function has been enabled. It is not recommended to use it for the time being."

Lao Tang was surprised. As soon as he raised his hand, the anti gravity aircraft under his feet immediately sent him to a higher sky. He looked at the forest under his feet with alert look. Although the dust was flying, Lao Tang could easily see the signs of any creature with his own infrared detector.

"Damn it." "Old Tang murmured," where's that old boy? Why didn't I detect his vital signs? Isn't it broken? It doesn't make sense. With his ability, he shouldn't just die. "

"Well A figure jumped four times in mid air like a bullet, and immediately approached him from the back of Old Tang's side. The figure was dressed in white and looked elegant. It was Jia Jiansheng. His body was like wind, and he directly stuck to the back of Old Tang. He joked, "Old Tang, what are you doing? I've always been behind you

As soon as the words came to an end, Lao Tang was in a cold sweat. He quickly turned around and aimed at Jia Jiansheng with one punch. This punch tore open the air. It was as powerful as a cannonball. With the increase of armor, Lao Tang's strength at this time had already exceeded that of ordinary people. I don't know how many times.

But Jia Jiansheng just hooked his lips and said with a smile, "Old Tang, do you really want to fight a close combat with a warrior?"

After all, the acceleration of the aircraft is not achieved overnight, but it needs a process of acceleration. But now, Lao Tang is facing Jia Jiansheng, a swordsman who is famous for his speed in the new world.

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