Amazing secret

"Fight!" Lao Tang simply put all his thoughts behind him. In such a short time, all his thoughts were in vain. With a loud roar, he hit Jia Jiansheng's head like a cannon.

"Hey, hey." Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, and then roared, "Ming Guang Liu Li Ti" - a seal of Ming Wang Quan! "

With this roar, Jia Jiansheng went down with a fist and bumped into the old Tang's armor.

Under this blow, the dull loud sound was comparable to the roar of the bronze bell. The two men's strength collided and formed waves visible to the naked eye. With a scream, Lao Tang was directly blasted out by Jia Jiansheng. However, Jia Jiansheng just shook his shoulder and stood in the air indifferently. He didn't move, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Damn it The armor on Lao Tang's body was emitting black smoke. His right arm was limply drooping beside him. The armor was full of cracks and seemed to be greatly damaged.

When the helmet was opened, old Tang's angry face appeared. He was lying on the ground, staring at Jia Jiansheng in the air with his eyes full of anger. He said angrily, "old Jia, you can compensate me for my armor. Even if you sell this armor, you can't make it. Do you understand?"

Jia Jiansheng was standing in mid air. He looked calm and said to the old Tang who was hit by him and flew to the ground with a smile, "old man, your armor is not good. Tut Tut, it seems that there are many things to improve."

"No, your sister." Old Tang said angrily, "according to the whole earth, I'm already the top armor

Now, it's not only loaded with laser weapons, but also can burst out powerful fighting power. The boxing power even reaches more than two tons. Even a car will be smashed in an instant... "

With that, Tang suddenly lost. No matter how strong his armor was, he was not defeated by Jia Jiansheng in the end. Looking at Jia Jiansheng's ease, he didn't seem to use all his strength at all.

In such an instant, he was not confident in his armor. But soon, he recovered from disappointment and shook his head. "Sure enough, the strongest thing is the human body itself. If you want to become stronger through external force, you'll give up the essentials and chase the end."

Ye Chen saw that they were fighting almost, and then he came out from behind the big tree. He slowly came to the old Tang, and then reached out his hand and quietly touched the old Tang's armor back and forth.

"How handsome." Ye Chen licked his lips and couldn't help exclaiming, "he can send laser and fly again, just like iron man."

Old Tang Bai Ye Chen a way, "young man, if you touch bad, but want to compensate me."

Ye Chen grinned and squinted, "Sir, your armor seems to be broken, isn't it?"

Lao Tang struggled to sit up from the ground. He gave Ye Chen a white look and patted the dust on his body. He said with pride, "with such a little damage, I can't break my Xingtian armor. The body made of memory alloy has the ability of self restoration. In addition, my team has carried out system repair. In less than three days, it can almost be completely repaired


"Old Tang." From the mid air, Jia Jiansheng jumped down. He fell to the ground, looked at the old Tang with a smile and said, "are you convinced?"

Old Tang glared at Jia Jiansheng fiercely and said, "how do you dress? I just don't accept. As long as you give me a little more time, I can strengthen this armor again. At that time, I can hang you. "

Jia Jiansheng shrugged his shoulders and said, "well, I'll accompany you at any time, but... Accompany the robot..." Lao Tang snorted and said angrily, "Lao Jia, you bastard are very good at being a man. You beat my people and want my things. Are you robbing me?"

"Don't be so mean." Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "just like what I just told you, don't you want yuanmingzhu?"

"Of course I do." Old Tang said without thinking, "yuanmingzhu is very useful to me. If you can give me a yuanmingzhu, don't talk about the companion robot. Even if you want xingtianzhan armor, I will give it to you."

Ye Chen is beside to listen of straight hair Leng, Yuan Ming bead exactly is what ghost thing he don't know, but the power of Xing Tian Zhan Jia he just witnessed with his own eyes.

Lao Tang, a weak little old man, was as invincible as the God of war after being possessed by Xingtian battle armor. Although he was defeated by Jia Jiansheng, you left an indelible impression on Ye Chen with that kind of future soldier with a strong sense of technology.

But now, Lao Tang even wants to use Xingtian armor in exchange for a bead that he doesn't know what the effect is. Ye Chen can't help but have a great curiosity about this so-called Yuanming bead.

Looking at Jia Jiansheng, ye Chen can't help but ask, "master, what is this yuan Mingzhu you are talking about?"

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "according to the scholars of the new world, a long time ago, in the Archean era of the earth, there were many powerful creatures. These creatures disappeared for various reasons, but one thing passed down after a long time."

Ye Chen knows nothing about these secrets. He stares at Jia Jiansheng and says, "is it yuan Mingzhu?"

"Not bad." Jia Jiansheng nodded and said, "the so-called yuanmingzhu is actually the inner elixir of those creatures. It is the core of their strength. Although the body decays into dust, and many of the inner elixirs have not been handed down, there is always a chance for the fish to slip through the net. These biological inner elixirs handed down from the Archean years many years ago are called yuanmingzhu."

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully and said, "archaic age? Is it older than dinosaurs

Jia Jiansheng looked into the distant sky and said, "the land we are stepping on, there are countless secrets hidden on this blue planet. In the new world, countless scholars want to solve these secrets. They firmly believe that,

Among these secrets lies the most powerful method and the chance of immortality. "

One side of the old Tang licked his lips, his eyes firm said, "in the archaic era 4.5 billion years ago, there must be the most amazing secret in the world, once dug out, it can certainly subvert the whole world."

"Subverting the world?" Ye Chen looks at Old Tang. He looks up at the old man in front of him. After all, this ugly old man has such ambition, which is quite respectable.

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "although I don't have yuanmingzhu in my hand now, I have the whereabouts of yuanmingzhu, and yuanmingzhu's attraction to you should be the biggest thing in the whole world. What do you say if I don't talk about yuanmingzhu?"

When Lao Tang heard these words, her face changed. Because of her emotional excitement, she widened her eyes and said, "do you really know the whereabouts of Yuan Mingzhu? Don't deceive me

Jia Jiansheng said with a mysterious smile, "Lao Tang, you can doubt my personality, but you can't slander my integrity."

As soon as Jia Jiansheng said this, Lao Tang couldn't help rolling his eyes. He waved his hand to Jia Jiansheng and said impolitely, "it's ok if you don't say that. I can't stand it when you say that. It's ten or twenty years since we realized it. The truth that pops out of your mouth doesn't add up to a whole sentence."“ Ha ha Jia Jiansheng said with a nonchalant smile, "Lao Tang, the older you are, the less daring you are. Don't you even have the courage to believe me?"

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