
Old Tang retorted without thinking, "believe it or not, it has nothing to do with my courage. I know you're full of shit, and I want to believe you, so I'm not a fool?"

"Hook to move a corner of mouth, Jia Jiansheng light says," isn't you a fool? Hehe, it's no use saying too much. You just need to know that the news came from the "disaster fog". They set up a team to go to the bottom of the North Sea to search for a secret place. According to reliable information, there may be yuan Mingzhu you want in this secret place, and I'm one of the members of this team. "

Lao Tang's eyes lit up instantly. He grabbed Jia Jiansheng's wrist and asked eagerly, "is it really an expedition organized by disaster fog?"

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "what are you cheating on? There is no meat to eat. "

After getting Jia Jiansheng's reply, Lao Tang's face gradually changed. His eyes were dripping and his face was uncertain. Finally, he took a deep breath and pointed to Jia Jiansheng. "I want to join this team, and I want all the information about this secret place. Besides, if I enter the secret place, you must try your best to protect my safety."

Jia Jiansheng nodded with a smile.

Old Tang slowly breathed a sigh of relief. With a wave of his hand, he saw a crack suddenly open in the air one meter away from him. The white crack separated like a broken mirror, with a big black hole in the middle.

Ye Chen was stunned by this scene. He didn't know what caused the big hole, and he didn't know what Lao Tang wanted to do.

But soon, ye Chen was mercilessly destroyed by what happened next.

I saw that the big dark hole was getting bigger and bigger, gradually becoming more and more tall and one meter wide. Slowly, a dark humanoid robot came out of the big hole.

Just after the robot walked out of the big hole, the man-made cracks immediately merged together, turned up several small waves like water waves, and slowly restored normal calm.

"This..." Ye Chen can't help exclaiming, "is this space transmission? How awesome

Lao Tang took a look at Ye Chen and said with indifference, "look at the way you haven't seen the world. It's space moving. To put it bluntly, it's moving things in another space to any space point you want to reach."

Ye Chen didn't get angry because of Lao Tang's sarcasm. Instead, he asked excitedly, "uncle, what's the principle? How is that possible? How much power does it take to do this? "

In the face of Ye Chen's problem, Lao Tang just shook his head and said faintly, "in fact, it's just a simple application of space technology. In the last century, Einstein put forward the theory of space argument. However, with the help of modern science and technology, it is far from possible to apply space technology to practice. I can do this mainly by virtue of the new world

The space perception and application experience accumulated by many scholars and predecessors. "

"What's the lesson?" Ye Chen is in line with the attitude that does not understand to want to ask, shy face asks a way, "I have seen this kind of data when wandering on the Internet, want to achieve space transmission, that must make a space wormhole, and master the technology of Space folding, stack two space points together, and then connect them with wormhole, it's easy to say, but how can we do it?"

"Well?" What ye Chen said seemed a little shallow in Old Tang's ears, but he was right on the whole. He couldn't help looking up at Ye Chen, and then explained patiently, "in fact, it's very simple, whether it's Space folding or space wormhole, it's impossible to make use of modern science and technology. After all, in terms of various material properties mastered by human beings, It is impossible to control space. The famous hypothesis put forward by Einstein is also completed by the way of getting rid of space lock with speed. However, in the new world, there are countless scholars' experience, among which there are records of space runes. "“ What? " Ye Chen asked, "what is space Rune? Can you eat it? "

Old Tang Bai Ye Chen one eye way, "do you know Fu Shi?"? A strong man who pursues immortality by cultivating soul power? "

Ye Chen stupidly shook his head a way, "I don't know."

"Screw you. I don't have time to talk to you. I don't know anything. I'll talk to you." Old Tang said angrily, "anyway, as long as you understand that space technology is not a great technology, as long as you become a fu master, it's nothing."

"Really?" Ye Chen stares big eyes, he is very yearning for this kind of uncanny space ability, can't help but ask a way, "that I can become Fu Shi?"

"It's up to you?" Old Tang said impolitely, "wait until you get to the new world, scum."

Although the old Tang so crazy, but ye Chen is not angry, because the old Tang is stronger than himself, so he called himself a slag, but also not wrong, but ye Chen can't help clenching his fist, slag slag? Not soon, master Fu? Hey, hey

Lao Tang, of course, doesn't know what ye Chen thinks. He glances at Jia Jiansheng standing next to him and says, "Lao Jia, I'll put this companion robot in your place first. It has artificial intelligence. Just ask how to use it. I'll go back to repair battle armor. And when will I go to Beihai?"

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "there are still three months left. You need to be more prepared."

"Three months?" Old Tang nodded thoughtfully and said, "that's enough. I'll specially strengthen the underwater combat ability of Xingtian battle armour in the past three months. We'll contact again at that time, that's all."

With that, the aircraft at the foot of Lao Tang shook slightly, and then he took Lao Tang to the sky like a bullet. He went straight through the woods and the obstacles of white clouds, and all the way to the West sky. In an instant, it turned into a small black spot, and soon disappeared.

Jia Jiansheng looks at Old Tang Yuanqu's back. His eyes are uncertain. He doesn't know what he is thinking.

Ye Chen waited until old Tang left, then he turned to Jia Jiansheng and asked, "master, who is this man? It looks strange, but it's powerful. "

Jia Jiansheng said, "his name is Tang law. He is one of the three pillars of the New World School of scholars."

"Scholars?" Ye Chen scratched his head suspiciously. He couldn't help asking, "what is the scholar school? Are the strong in the new world still divided into factions? "

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