Please refuel more

The speed of this foot is very fast, ye Chen's attention now mainly stays in this guy's hands, the sudden foot some let Ye Chen unexpected, when ye Chen noticed, this foot is about to stick to himself.

However, although the danger is imminent, ye Chen doesn't panic too much. With a low roar, the whole person leans back and falls out, and the foot of the robot kicks Ye Chen at the same time.


After falling to the ground, ye Chen tumbled back and got up. Although he was a bit embarrassed, because of the active fall, he avoided most of the power wrapped in the robot's foot.

There is no time to slap the soil and grass on his body. Ye Chen leans forward slightly and looks at his opponent. He clenches his fists tightly, puts on the standard boxing driving, and slowly adjusts his breathing. Ye Chen tries to make himself calm.

Looking at Ye Chen's appearance, Jia Jiansheng nodded slightly. His eyes flashed a trace of appreciation. He said in his heart: Yes, this boy's fighting instinct is too strong, and his fighting talent is very high. He doesn't panic in battle, and he is a good guy.

"More gas, please." The robot whispered encouragement.

Ye Chen Bai had a companion robot, and could not help but make complaints about it. "Old Tang's old man is really full.

Yes, I have even set up such an encouraging mechanism for you. You might as well say, "come and beat me."

Ye Chen's voice just fell, accompany practice robot unexpectedly tiny a Leng, immediately softly say, "come to hit me."

"What?" Ye Chen has no language of stare big eyes way, "unexpectedly still really have such owe to beat of set?"

The robot explained softly, "I have built-in deep learning AI system, which can continuously deepen my intelligence and experience in actual use. Please don't doubt my advanced level. It must be a high-quality product produced by the truth research center."

Ye Chen rolled a white eye, can't help but scold a way, "is really disgusting system ah, offend cheap don't say, unexpectedly still bring own advertisement!"

"If you don't like it, please be careful. My output efficiency has increased a little bit. Now it's 12%, which is about equivalent to the combat effectiveness of the first heavy sky peak warrior. Come on, fight me!"

When the robot finished speaking, it suddenly stepped on the ground, and the whole person rushed over like a galloping wild horse. The distance between Ye Chen and it was instantly pulled to the nearest. It raised its hand and aimed at Ye Chen's chest and clapped it!

This time the attack is faster than just now. Ye Chen only feels that in front of his eyes, the robot jumps in front of him. He can't help but take a breath of air. Now it's too late to dodge. He can only clench his hands and protect his chest with his two arms crossed.


The robot's palm doesn't mean to be merciful at all. It's mercilessly patted on Ye Chen's body. Fortunately, ye Chen protected his chest in time. Otherwise, under this palm, ye Chen's internal organs must be injured.

But even so, ye Chen's two arms protecting his chest are also pained by the robot's hand. The burning muscles on his arms are so sore that ye Chen's arms can't help shaking and shaking.

Pale looking at the robot, ye Chen can't help but be afraid. Just now, if the reaction is a little slower, then he is not as simple as being injured in the arm.

After one hit, the robot didn't mean to stop at all. It stepped forward, pressed Ye Chen, aimed at Ye Chen's chest, and clapped it down again! Ye Chen was scared to death. Just now, he was almost abandoned. If he did it again, he would have to lie in the hospital for a month.

Thinking of this, ye Chen doesn't know where the strength comes from. As soon as he grits his teeth, he bends down to avoid the robot's palm. He jumps forward and directly hugs the robot's back. Then, with a low roar, ye Chen carries the robot on his shoulder. Without saying a word, he hugs it and falls on the ground.

This series of movements looks very complicated, but in fact, ye Chen's diving evasion and forward wrestling are all carried out at the same time, and the speed of flowing water is extremely fast, without delay.


The companion robot was thrown on the ground, but the robot controlled by the computer program was not panic. Instead, it was as calm as ever. Without saying a word, it hugged Ye Chen's body with one hand, and its strong arm force controlled Ye Chen's action to keep him from moving. The other hand clenched its fist and aimed at Ye Chen's body, and it kept falling.

Although it's lying on the ground, and the distance is very short, the power and speed of the robot's fist are greatly affected, but ye Chen still can't bear it any more. The robot's extremely fast small smash fist is like a bullet of a submachine gun. Although it's not too powerful, Can be all in succession to the same part of the leaf Chen hello.

In order to make himself feel better, ye Chen wriggles his body to disperse the attack points of the robot, but it's not a good idea. If he can't find a way to escape from the control of the robot, ye Chen will be killed by the robot.

With a loud roar, ye Chen only feels that his arm hit by the robot has gradually recovered its strength, and the pain has also been relieved. He takes a deep breath, stays in place for a second, resists the robot's small fist, and then rivets his strength. In an instant, he bursts out the accumulated strength!

"Get out of my way!" Roar, ye Chen directly broke away the arm of the robot, he escaped from the arms of the robot, and without saying a word is a fly kick kick kick, jump up at the head of the robot stepped down!

"Bang!" The companion robot's head deviates and avoids Ye Chen's foot. He raises his hand and grabs Ye Chen's wrist on the ground beside his forehead. With a pull, the robot pulls Ye Chen to the ground again.

"Son of a bitch!"

Ye Chen scolds angrily. He holds his hand on the ground and doesn't let himself fall into shit. Then he bounces up. He reluctantly deflects his body and sits on the ground. He adjusts his direction and aims at the companion robot.

In Ye Chen's body, which everyone didn't know, a layer of golden light gently covered Ye Chen's arms. The muscles and bones that had just been injured by the companion robot were gradually repaired at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the other injuries on Ye Chen's body were the same.

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