Screw you

The companion robot also sat up from the position of lying on the ground, but without waiting for it to stand up, ye Chen directly pressed him on the ground again, pinching the robot's neck with one hand, and ye Chen emptied the other hand to keep clenching his fist and hitting the robot's head.

"Bang bang bang"

Ye Chen is like hitting a nail with a hammer. One punch after another hits the face of the companion robot. The metal mask made of unknown materials is constantly deformed by Ye Chen. Ye Chen only feels that his fist is hit on the dough and sand. Although it feels like hitting a flesh and blood body, it feels like the power is scattered, It makes Ye Chen sick.

"Ah, ah, ah

Ye Chen roars and roars. He uses all his strength to hit the robot in the face, but the robot is not moved at all. On the contrary, at the moment when ye Chen raises his hand to hit the next punch, the robot's palm quickly and accurately grabs Ye Chen's wrist.

"What?" Ye Chen is surprised. He tries his best to shake his arm, trying to shake off the hand of the robot. But he only feels a pain in his wrist bone. The power of the robot's hand is so amazing that he can't shake it off for a moment.

With a low roar, ye Chen no longer cares about the right hand that is caught, but takes out his left hand that pinches the neck of the companion robot

Come on, he raised his hand to clench his fist and hit the robot on the chin.

This one swung a big arc, like a wild bull, and suddenly hit the robot's chin out of shape.

However, ye Chen watched the robot sit up from the ground as if nothing had happened. His cold eyes were staring at Ye Chen, and the crooked chin was slowly restored to its original shape.

"Come on." Accompany practice robot light say, "come to hit me."

Ye Chen raises his left hand high, and an irrepressible depression emerges in his heart. His fist, which has always been invincible, is so weak and powerless when facing such a robot.

"Damn it." Ye Chen says indignantly, "why I no matter how many times I hit you, it seems to have no use at all?"

The robot whispered, "well, the material used to make me is called 'No.9 alloy'. Its biggest characteristics are reduction and shock resistance. In terms of physical materials, 'No.9 alloy' is very similar to industrial rubber, but it has stronger reduction than rubber. In other words, 'No.9 alloy' is a special memory metal, It's perfect for making a robot to practice with. "

Ye Chen clenched his teeth and said angrily, "it's not fair at all. Although you say that you only have the strength of the top warrior in the first heavy sky now, you are far more powerful than the warrior in the first heavy sky with your characteristics of being immortal."

There is no fairness or unfairness in the world. My job is to be responsible for accompany training. Some other problems are not within the scope of my ability to solve. However, I will give the accompany training plan according to the direction you want to train. I am the best accompany training robot on the planet. Please don't doubt my working ability, The truth Research Center's products must be of high quality. "

Ye Chen has no manners of white accompany practice robot a way, "although don't know your work ability how in the end, but your advertising ability is really not generally good."

With that, ye Chen roared. He made a full effort and hit the robot on the chin again with one punch, which deformed the robot's head like dough and rubber.

The voice of the robot stopped suddenly, but soon the light in his eyes flashed, and he raised his hand to grab Ye Chen's arm“ Asshole! Don't try to catch me again Ye Chen roars. He swings his right hand hard. Finally, he shakes off the hand of the robot and rolls back. Ye Chen does not hesitate to escape the attack range of the robot.

From the ground in a hurry to stand up, ye Chen gasps, his heavy breathing exposed his current physical state, but he still tries to adjust his breathing and heartbeat, want to push his state as far as possible to the most suitable for fighting.

Leaning forward slightly, ye Chen stands with his fist clenched. His eyes are like electricity and sword, looking directly at the robot.

"Please keep going." The chin of the robot returned to its original state. While it gently encouraged Ye Chen, a carp stood up from the ground.

One person and one machine, the two stand opposite each other. The wind and grass are blowing in the dense forest, and their bodies are covered with dust and grass. The green grass stains also make ye Chen's clothes look bad. They don't look like martial arts masters at all. On the contrary, they look like hooligans after fighting on the grass.

"Go to hell!" Ye Chen roared, he took the lead in launching an attack, bending his knees, ye Chen aimed at the chest of the companion robot and hit it.

Jia Jiansheng, who is watching the battle, can't help but get a glimpse of this move. Ye Chen's knee stroke is obviously learned from the fighting video in his mobile phone just now. Although he is not proficient in attacking, his action is very smooth, quick and fierce, with a strong Thai style.

"Good boy, good talent." Jia Jiansheng couldn't help praising.

Ye Chen has been attacking with fists from the beginning to the present. At this time, he suddenly changed to knee stroke. If ordinary people were, they would not be able to react because of the existence of inertial thinking. But after all, the companion robot is a robot controlled by an artificial intelligence system. What kind of habitual thinking does it have.

At the moment when ye Chen starts the knee stroke, the companion robot steps forward and smashes directly under the elbow, just like a hammer wedging down on Ye Chen's knee!

"What?" As soon as ye Chen's face changes, he has a personal experience of how strong the robot's attack power is. Like the knee, the elbow is also one of the hardest positions of the human body. If he is tough with ordinary people, ye Chen will naturally be fearless, but the other is a robot who is not afraid of pain and death. That's another matter.

"Screw you!" As soon as ye Chen's knee is closed, his right leg is put on the ground, and he kicks his left foot on the belly of the robot without hesitation.

Ye Chen's foot strength is very strong, the companion robot was kicked back half a step, the powerful Ye Chen pressed the robot, he raised his hand and clenched his fist, and hit the robot in the face.

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