Itchy hands

Wei Qinghu stood up and said with a smile, "it's a great honor for me to get such a high evaluation from Mr. pink Phoenix. However, I still say that the demon soldiers want to fight against the Dragon soldiers. I can help you."

"Well." Pink Phoenix nodded, she took back the knife, light said, "I will seriously consider your proposal, because you are a good strong, if just died in my knife, now you are not qualified to negotiate."

Wei Qinghu said without thinking, "the weak have no human rights, it should be like this."

Fan Fenghuang said, "I'm very happy that you have such an awareness. However, I still want to tell you that no matter what you want, the real decision-maker is not me. Except for" demon flag ", no one can represent everyone."

Wei Qinghu smiles. He takes back the secret skill of the dragon soldier. His expanded arms slowly change back to the original. He shakes his arms and says with a smile, "I'm not surprised by the answer. I still know how high the status of the demon flag is."

"What do you want to do?" Pink Phoenix frowned and asked, "my right now is not as big as you think. I don't mean what I say about alliance."

Wei Qinghu said, "it doesn't matter. Now you are the special commander of Wujiang City, right? In other words, the demon soldier branch of Wujiang City belongs to you. Then we can carry out preliminary cooperation in the region of Wujiang City, and also let your organization see my strength."

Nodded, fan Fenghuang said, "it's OK, but I have something to say to you in advance. You are allied with me at most now, and have nothing to do with other people in the demon soldier organization. But as long as I work as a commander in Wujiang branch for one day, I can guarantee the identity of your ally."

Wei Qinghu frowned, his face ugly said, "according to you, my ally is only you?"

"As I said just now, it's the demon soldier branch of Wujiang City. Its strength is absolutely not weaker than what you have now." Pink Phoenix Road.

Wei Qinghu shook his head slightly. He said discontentedly, "I have almost 30 killer organizations under my hand now. Although the demon soldier branch in Wujiang City is strong, I don't think they will be better than the joint efforts of 30 killer organizations. This business seems to be losing money."

"Pink Phoenix laughs," Kui Bu Kui, don't you have the number B in your heart? As far as I know, after the defection of the S-level dragon soldiers, the Dragon soldiers organization will send a large number of arresting agents to use all kinds of clues and information networks to carry out the search. Moreover, those who are responsible for arresting the S-level dragon soldiers are also at the level of the elite dragon guards. "

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Wei Qinghu's face changed, and the wolf, who had been standing on one side, also had a cold look and a slight change of expression.

How can their expressions escape the eyes of pink Phoenix? She said with a smile, "before I came to Wujiang, the leader gave me an order that I could recruit defectors to join our organization. This is also the reason why I promised to make an alliance with you

1、 You should know how terrible it is to arrest the Dragon soldiers, so... Hehe, join the demon soldiers, ghost sword, and this one here, Mr. jackal. "

Jackal eyes a shrink, he did not speak, to pink Phoenix's words turn a deaf ear, standing in situ silent, a pair of Wei Qinghu's head is looking forward.

When pink Phoenix saw this scene, there was a slight flicker in her eyes, but she soon regained her calm. She looked at Wei Qinghu with a smile, and she said with a soft smile, "I'm still saying that just now. It's because of the command from above that I'm going to make an alliance with the two of you to get to know each other. In fact, I'm most surprised, It's still your ability to take control of your subordinates. Not to mention the 30 killer organizations, you've taken over Mr. jackal, who is an S-class defector. It's really a good method. "

At this point, pink Phoenix put her eyes on the Jackal. Although she saw the Jackal's face moving, she didn't refute it. Suddenly, her eyes shrank and she had an idea in her heart“ Good Wei Qinghu's eyes shook violently for a while, he thought about it, and finally nodded, "I promise you, make an alliance with you."

Pink Phoenix's eyebrows flashed a ray of joy, but soon recovered calm, she said faintly, "since you have formed an alliance, then you must lend your strength to me, I come to Wujiang this time..."

Just before the voice of pink Phoenix came down, she suddenly changed her face. She quickly turned around and chopped down with a short knife in her hand.

Different from cutting Wei Qinghu, this knife of pink phoenix makes the blade tremble endlessly and hum violently. There is a transparent wind circling and whistling around the blade, which makes the power of the whole sword more powerful under the blessing of the wind.


Just listen to a crisp sound, just like two pieces of metal suddenly bumped together in general, pink Phoenix face changed, even directly back half a step.


And just as the pink Phoenix was beaten back, a dark shadow was also flicked away from the blade of the pink Phoenix. People quickly looked at it and saw that the dark shadow crossed an arc in mid air and fell directly on the ground. It turned out to be a stone the size of a walnut.

"Who?" Pink Phoenix's face is very ugly. Her eyes are gloomy. She looks towards the entrance of the cave with a dignified look. She is afraid of the enemy who has not yet appeared.

Wei Qinghu, who was standing behind the pink Phoenix, also had a slight change in his face. When the pink Phoenix was fighting with him just now, he was completely tentative, which is quite different from now.

But even if she used her courage, she was beaten back by a stone. You can imagine how amazing the power contained in this stone is, and how terrible the strength of the person who threw the stone is

Thinking of this, Wei Qinghu couldn't help looking up at the entrance of the cave. He licked his lips, which has always been known as the third pair of eyes. At this moment, he didn't feel any changes in the air field. It seems that there is air all around. How can there be any human or biological existence?

"Who is it?" Wei Qinghu's eyes narrowed, a layer of cold sweat came out on his forehead, and his hands trembled slightly.

Just under the intense gaze of everyone, a man came slowly at the entrance of the cave. His long hair was dancing with the wind, and he was wearing a white robe, just like an ancient arrogant swordsman.

"Who are you?" Pink Phoenix see someone appear, suddenly look cold fierce loudly scold a way, "but you hand attack me?"

The man in white laughed. He looked at the pink Phoenix and said, "attack you? Don't be kidding. If I really wanted to attack you just now, your blood is cold. I'm just teasing you. I'm so proud to see you bossing me. Generally, when I meet someone like you, I can't help interrupting. I'm sorry. I'm so itchy when I have an old problem. "

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